Are we really doomed to a Scylla and Charibdes choice [i.e. between two evils] in the District Attorney race?
Are we really, seriously doomed to choose either four more years of either the Worst DA ever – OC’s international embarrassment Tony Rackauckas, the permanently half-asleep overlord of illegal jailhouse informants, gang injunctions, unpunished political corruption, cronyism, and unpunished killer cops…
…Or a hyped-up truth-challenged fearmongering egomaniac demagogue (name of Spitzer) who would probably cling to the post for another 20 years himself, subjecting the county to his every nutty whim?
No, silly, we are not doomed to that choice.

Two monsters and a man: Spitzer, Rackauckas, Murdock.
Not as long as we have honest Democrat lawyer Brett Murdock on the ballot. Tomorrow NOW – Sunday the 29th of April from 11 to 2 – come have “Brunch With Brett” in Brea – meet the only decent candidate for our top law enforcement job, ask him all the questions you like, and HELP OUT if you can – at the beautifully appointed home of Jeff Le Tourneau and Oni Yumul! More info here.
– Vern.
But you forgot Lenore! Don’t you know she just HATES it when she doesn’t get attention?
I just read that she’s taking the high road! So that means good wholesome Lenore will NEVER be caught saying any bad thing EVVVAR about any of her opponents! She’s all about the issues! Unless of course she’s posting at OC Liberal, or here, or her Facebook page, or, well, anywhere else…then it’s SLAM everyone time!
(nudge nude of course there’s that not entitled to practice thing wink wink).
*Tony looked great on HNL the other day talking about capture of the Golden State Rapists and Killer. It was nice to see him get out there.
Meanwhile; lets hope these stories are not related:
Mary Kay Letourneau – Wikipedia
Oh, but didn’t you know that it was TODD who caught that guy? *sarcasm*
*Chairman Vern, and didn’t Todd “Pick his feet in Poughkeppsie” too?