Vote like Vern! It’s Vivifying.


No, I am NOT the OJ blogger known as Guy Fawkes, but if there is one thing we learned from that film, it’s that we ALL can be V! (or Spartacus.) So, IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE, for Californians Tuesday:

NO ON 8, NO ON 4!

…No on ALL the damn propositions, except for 2, 5, and 11.  Just vote No on all of them if that’s hard to remember.  The most important thing in California is that we drive a stake into the heart of Proposition 8.  So when the Republican Party finally recovers and comes back, it will be with something other than hate.

Most Exciting Candidates (no offense to other good ones)
Debbie Cook, Congress, CA-46
Bill Hedrick, Congress, CA-44
Gary Pritchard, State Senate, SD-33
Ken Arnold, Assembly, AD-68*

(*extra excitement props for going against Van Tran)
Mayor Michele and Councilmembers Walker, Pedroza and Martinez for Santa Ana!
Dan Kalmick, Huntington Beach City Council!
Linh Ho and Robin Marcario in Garden Grove!
Katrina Foley and Chris Bunyan in Costa Mesa!
Gus Ayer in Fountain Valley!
Debra Carrillo, Judge of Superior Court

The 3 P’s – Patterson, Prinsky and Pirch for Coast Community!
Give assemblyman Solorio a little slap for not being a good Dem: Cam Mangels in AD-69.
When in doubt vote Dem not Reep.
and last of all, for President…


…or any third-party candidate you like, we have that luxury here!

and Remember, remember the fourth of November…

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.