Did you ever hear tell about the time that Anaheim Hills’ Harry Sidhu, in the final year of the Vietnam War when he was young and limber, breached a Vietcong tunnel and rescued a captured American soldier, taking out five startled enemy with his pistol in the process?
Or many years later, in Iraq, how he heroically and expertly dismantled an IED on the side of a Mosul road, moments before it would have blown him and a crowd of civilians to bits?
Well, what about the time that he slipped into Libya just before our takedown of Muammar Gaddafi, mingling with the locals speaking perfect Arabic, until, when the perfect opportunity presented itself, slitting the throat of one of the dictator’s key commanders, helping make the allies’ and rebels’ victory possible?
No? Maybe because none of it ever happened, and Harry Sidhu never served in the military. But spectators and participants in Anaheim Hills’ Fourth of July Parade (which Mayoral candidate Sidhu helped fund) would be forgiven for thinking otherwise – just look at that weathered Air Force vet on that surplus jeep!
Never associated with either honesty or intelligence, Mr Sidhu has been a tireless and unsuccessful candidate for numerous offices, even faking a residence in order to run for Supervisor eight years ago. The one office he did manage to attain was two terms on the Anaheim City Council (2004-12) where he was a dependable part of the Pringle-dominated “kleptocrat” majority along with Kris Murray and Gail Eastman.
Here he distinguished himself by helping launch the unsuccessful, taxpayer-funded $3 million lawsuit to PREVENT Anaheim from having district elections, squelching the populist movement to “Let The People Vote” on hotel subsidies, and passing the granddaddy of them all, the $158 million Gardenwalk Giveaway.
When City Attorney Cristina Talley correctly instructed the Council that they’d need to vote on that subsidy a second time because it had not been properly noticed to the public (sound advice for which she was later fired – and then successfully sued the city) Harry famously bitched about the waste of money having to turn on the power and lights for an extra meeting – this in the context of giving away $158 million.
So it’s hard to say definitively that parading in military drag is the stupidest or most disgraceful thing he’s done, there’s a lot of competition. Certainly many of the thousands of spectators thought to themselves, “Look at that dashing veteran and neighbor of ours who helped SAVE THIS PARADE – I’m voting for him for sure!” whether it was his intent to deceive or not.
But beyond that, this behavior shows a deep lack of seriousness and respect, respect for the brave men and women who do put their lives on the line implementing the foreign policies our elected leaders deem important to our security.
But then, what do I know? Like Harry, I’ve always been a civilian. I thought I’d get reactions from a few military vets I know, from across the political spectrum…
Francisco “Paco” Barragan, retired Marine commander, former OJ blogger, and anti-human trafficking activist: “Unless it is a Halloween party, anyone (putting on a uniform when they did not serve) , especially on formal, civic or patriotic events is deceiving the community, to gain un unearned benefit fraudulently. As veterans we consider this “stolen valor.” … This demonstrates a lack of ethics, that under normal circumstances should disqualify anyone from an elected or appointed role, or from a position of trust.”
Deborah Pauly, former Air Force and Villa Park Councilwoman, and all-around Alt-right hellraiser: “Stolen Valor!!! I want to kick his ass…and probably could because he has no military experience. Every real veteran that sees that picture would be offended by it. I want to kick his ass.”
Nick Berardino, Former Marine, OCEA head, Fair Board director, Voice of OC founder, and current fighter for an OC Veterans Cemetery in Anaheim Hills: “There is nothing so offensive and disgusting to real veterans than someone who impersonates a veteran, especially when the political motivation is so clear. This is just so disingenuous, it shows a real character flaw in Sidhu.”
More coming.
But none of you were actually thinking of voting for this assclown, were you?
Just checking.
Vern out.

I’m sure this moral dereliction will soon be posted on Anaheim Blog where it will be be republished from a Chamber of Commerce press release, condemning the fraud.
After all, Wordsmith is a noted military historian.
While I appreciate Nick’s unhappiness with Sidhu, I think it’s only fair to point out that he had his union spend hundreds of thousands trying to get Harry onto the Board of Supervisors in 2010 – while Sidhu was lying about where he really lived.
Did NOT know that.
I guess from a union’s point of view, Harry was more pliable than Shawn.
NOW a memory comes back! Of the one and only Labor Day event at the Santa Ana Zoo that I ever attended. Lotsa politicians there, almost all Democrats … but the two Republican electeds that turned up were treated like the biggest celebrities – that was HB’s pathetic Poseidon troll Cathy Green, and Sidhu! – also a Poseidon booster when he was on the OCWD.
(Also labor Republican John Leos had a booth there, but being a long shot for council he was somewhat ignored.)
That woulda been … Jerry Brown was first running … Labor Day
20082010 (thanks Greg.) Van Tran’s people had a big human chicken outside on the street, to symbolize Loretta being too chicken to debate him.More pliable is just fancy talk for spineless.
As in refuses to stand up to anyone about anything at any time.
No wonder Cunningham loves him.
“Harry was more pliable than Shawn.”
Unfortunately, it turned out to be a distinction without a difference.
If it was Brown’s first gubernatorial election (of the second pai), that would have been 2010. I was supposed to shepherd him around there when he arrived, with specific instructions from Security about getting him in safely, and Brown just blew it all off, saying “I don’t need security.”
I presume that this was in the runoff where Galloway lost to him and Shawn, right?
Yeah you’re right, 2010. Duh.
Hey Vern, you sure that’s not
General Manuel Noriega. Also please stop disrespecting the legacy and memories of Bozo the Clown.
I like that one
I had an entertaining text conversation with a friend yesterday, and some of his comments really belong here:
“This is just another example of a tone-deaf politician who is absolutely in love with himself, thrusting his manifest greatness upon his adoring public.
“I’m surprised he doesn’t have a statue erected of himself on his front lawn. Or on the lawns of all the homes he’s allegedly lived. Around which his peacocks can flock.
“It’s all just so ABSURD…”
I would like to see his campaign funding stream.
File this one under HAHAHAHA.
Veterans Stand in Support of Harry Sidhu
Local veterans are standing in support of former Anaheim City Council Member and Mayor Pro Tem Harry Sidhu in his campaign for Mayor of Anaheim. Sidhu has a long track record of supporting the United States Armed Forces, veterans, and military families, including the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit.
“As a veteran who served our great Country, I’m supporting Harry Sidhu,” said Anaheim Resident Richard Castro, a Navy Corpsman who served in the Vietnam War and earned the Purple Heart. “I believe our City needs a balanced and reasonable approach to issues confronting us, such as Housing, Economic Development and the large number of aimless, vagabond individuals besetting Anaheim’s public spaces. I think that Harry will approach each issue in a humane and reasonable manner.”
“Harry Sidhu has been a true friend and supporter of our armed forces, veterans, and military families,” Vinny Nardolillo said, another Anaheim resident and former Navy member. “It is unfortunate that opportunists are attempting to make political controversy out of Harry wearing a civilian pilot suit with no military insignia.”
Unbelievably stupid.
Thanks for reminding us you paraded in a camouflaged Humvee while wearing an olive jumpsuit, called yourself a helicopter pilot, IN A PARADE HONORING VETERANS.
That was a really foolish stunt to pull. Reminding us of it is even dumber.
Yeah, he should have let that one go instead of doubling down on the assclownery by digging up a couple of vets who were willing to have words stuffed into their mouths by Wordsmith.
Sad, sad, sad.
Matt should know better.
He’s a raging hypocrite, but he should know political stupidity when it comes across his desk.
You mean like setting a teddy bear on fire and then putting a Virgin of Guadalupe votive candle next to it?
Matt gets paid either way, Ryan. Sidhu’s stupidity is not his problem, so long as the checks clear.
Across his transom, I believe you meant.
Very nice, whoever made these: