
This screenshot from the ABC7 website shown simply to illustrate how they are presenting this important story, not because BWAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHEEHEEHEE!!! or anything like that.
The Voice of OC’s scoop from earlier this week about OCDA Tony Rackauckas and his sidekick Susan Kang-Schroeder failing disclose gifts of private plane travel from supporter Henry Nicholas d’Broadcom has itself risen grandly into the air! ABC Channel 7 is now featuring the story, with a headline that most political candidates would probably like to avoid:
OC DA Rackauckas faces questions about free travel with OC billionaire accused of drug trafficking
Oof! OOF!
But is it really fair to refer to executive Nicholas as a “drug trafficker”? From the story up at the link:
Nicholas, of Laguna Hills, was arrested two weeks ago in Las Vegas on charges of drug trafficking after his girlfriend, Ashley Fargo, was found passed out inside their suite at the Encore.
Detectives in Las Vegas say they found 128 grams of heroin, meth, cocaine and other drugs inside the hotel room. The Clark County District Attorney’s Office tells Eyewitness News the case is still under review, but so far no charges have been filed.
Oof! OOF! OOOOF!!! Although, to be fair, from his photo one can’t rule out the possibility that all of those alleged drugs were for personal use.
The Nicholas arrest raises the question of whether Nicholas and his girlfriend Stormy Ashley Fargo — even presuming for a moment that this stash was all for personal use and not for importing drugs back into OC or anything like that — decided not to engage on a heroin+ meth + cocaine + other drugs binge until they got to Las Vegas. Or could it be that this kind of recreation may also have been happening in Laguna Hills and elsewhere in the county … and, if so, whether they have been protected by a sort of “untouchable” status conferred by their friendship with the not-at-all-untouchable OC District Attorney. Neither I nor the rest of OJB have any evidence that this is so, except that (1) Racky has a tendency to protect his friends, and (2) the likelihood that this sort of spree would happen for the first time in Vegas, rather than it being one of a series, seems a bit remote.
So, if anyone has any credible information that Laguna Hills (or other) law enforcement officials, or prosecutors, may have known about such apparently epic chemical escapades, let us know about it. Otherwise we’ll just have to wait for information from the snitch in the jail cell next to Nicholas, if he has or does in fact spent even a half-minute behind bars.
A final note before moving on from the drug binge aspect: a fair-minded observer has to acknowledge the possibility that Nicholas and Fargo are entirely innocent of any wrongdoing here. Indeed, they might raise a defense that Las Vegas police planted some or all of the drugs in their hotel room, and the Fargo instead passed out after being stung on the lips by as many as four dozen bees.
But the actual big underlying story — which OJB would already be focusing on were it not transfixed by that amazing photo ABC obtained of Nicholas d’Broadcom — is about Rackauckas and his enabler S. Kang getting Favors from the Favored. In other words, people who are chummy with — or generous towards — Rackauckas seem to have an expectation of getting something in return, and that “something” seems most often to be “nothing,” as in no investigations conducted of him and no charges pressed. This is taken to arrogant degrees: Nicholas was already indicted on drug charges, leading to the seizure of this very jet, in 2008, although charges were dropped — who knows why? — in 2010. What sort of moron prosecutor accepts free travel from this guy on this jet even once — it far outpaces gift limits — let alone, as the unsourced complaint against him alleges, frequently and without disclosure?
Oh wait, that last couple of words reminds me: the actual big overlying story is that the FPPC has received a complaint against Racky over this non-disclosure of gifts. I have to admit that this part of the story is a little wan. The reason why we have gift disclosure, says TV’s go-to Legal Ethics source Prof. Jessica Levinson of Loyola Law, is so we know who might be a corrupting influence on an officeholder. But, frankly, the public hasn’t seemed interested in Rackauckas’s corruption. From the end of the written KABC story: “Rackauckas was fined $21,000 by the FPPC last year for failing to disclose more than $190,000 he solicited for a non-profit that works to prevent gang violence.
OOOOOOOOFFFF! I follow the guy’s career — I ran against him in 2014! — and if I ever even knew about that fine, I forgot about it. Someone like Rackauckas relies on that inattentiveness.
Now that I know about it, though, I want to know more. Why would he have to disclose money that he solicited for a non-profit? I don’t think that Racky has to disclose gifts to a charity that he doesn’t have a stake in — could be wrong, though I’d be surprised there — so from that can infer that he had some stake — a salary paid to him, his wife Peggy Buff, or another relative, perhaps — in this “gang violence prevention” charity? If so, was he trying to profit not just politically, but also financially, from opposing gang violence?
I really find thinking about Tony Rackauckas’s possible avenues of corruption to be exhausting. I just don’t like to have to suspect my District Attorney of being this sort of person. An acquaintance of mine who was regarding the choices in the DA Top Two came to this conclusion: “At least Todd isn’t corrupt,” and I think that that’s becoming an ever-more powerful basis for voting. Yeah yeah — “citizen’s arrest at Wahoo Fish Tacos,” “never get between him and a camera,” “insensitive NIMBYism towards the homeless” (as if Racky is any better in that respect) — it would just be nice to have a DA for four years who wasn’t a conniving self-serving corruption sponge.
The election will come down to us Democrats; I just do not see how others won’t. however reluctantly (and I’m no longer reluctant at all), come to the same conclusion. Not THIS much corruption, please!
*Auspicious timing for Hot Toddy….eh? Let the rats out of the cage and see what they
eat first? Henry Nicolas? My goodness hasn’t he had to give millions away to sweep
away the stench of his Man Cave Romanian/Bulgarian Sex Slave Ring?
Ah, never mind. Dirt, dirt, dirt…….Let’s get the entire “late night hit piece” out on the
table. (1) Stool Pigeons in the Jails. (Yeah, how many hundreds of years has this been
going on?) (2) Free Junkets for Bureaucrats and Excess Perks? (How many has Hot
Toddy raked in over the years along with a variety of past and present Board of Supervisors – School Board Officials and Water Board Folk?) (3) Misuse in Office….
which includes getting some complimentary Massage Parlor experiences..(From James
Bond – “Well yes, there was this time in Tokyo when M and I…….” (4) Racism, Sexism,
Watered Down Pleadings for those willing to kick in lots of Campaign Cash for Re-Election Efforts….(Like that hardly ever exists…right?) and Finally, (5) Showing favoritism in hiring, raises and promotions! (Yeah, that hardly ever happens, right?)
Face it, Politics is a very dirty business – just look at the Trumpster – the Neophyte who bumbles onto the stage of National Politics and falls all over his unzipped and falling pants…..from having his belt unhooked during each and every press conference.
Pretty simple, when it comes down to two Electeds running against each other…..they
both are dirty, that you can be sure of….so you just have to pick your poison…..and go on from there. Blatant disregard for the Public Good….sometimes requires a razor blade
to separate the coke from the cocaine and the poison it represents. In this case we will stay with Tony No Baloney!
Yeah, with all my criticisms of Spitzer … which are detailed at length on this blog … I’m back to supporting him over the incumbent. Especially since he seems serious about our county’s political corruption.
It’s the ongoing, neverending, soul-crushing injustice and incompetence … that is just too tempting to finish off when there’s the slightest chance. Even if the new guy may turn out to be just as bad in his own way.
T-Rack can’t live forever. Sooner rather than later the back up of corruption will shut down his vital organs.
The idea that T-Rack’s appointed captains won’t continue bad behavior after he’s gone is false hope.
That team needs a dramatic change at the top to move the needle on culture.
That comes from someone getting fired, not from someone retiring or dying.
No one seems to get my joke.
Anyhoo, Tony Racetrack is just hanging on so Spitzer can’t be DA – a seemingly worthy goal. If he wins he’ll retire and the BoS will appoint a successor – hopefully one who is competent, and sort of honest.
Even a slim hope is better than none at all.
Yeah, we’ve had this discussion. A month ago I was agreeing. “Vote T-Rack: He’ll Die First!”
But I can’t go that long without wanting to crush him and his machine if there’s the slightest chance.
Spitzer 2018!
The BOS will appoint whomever Racky wants — and it is surely going to be SKang Schroeder. And she’ll live for a long time.
I firmly believe that Spitzer will clean house. He knows that we’re all going to be watching him like hawks — and he knows that being is a reformer is the way for him to look good. Our public interests and his political interests are firmly aligned. I don’t know what he may want to run for in 2030, if he serves three terms as DA, but if he really tames and cleans up that office he’s going to have a good shot at winning it. It’s a Herculean effort and you have to be a little crazy to take it on — and this is where *you* say “well, then he’s just the man for the job.” Indeed!
Probably wouldn’t be the very controversial and polarizing S-Kang… but it WOULD be some assistant DA the supes could trust. So let’s not risk it. Spitzer 2018!
Wow, thanks! You’re the be(he)st! (Are you going to be our next Shirley Grindle?)
Seems like a sensible law, one I’ve not thought about. So is that what they nailed our Desperado DA on?
The Nicholas guy isn’t a drug dealer. He is known for his drug use and his supplying of drugs to his crowd of hangers-on in order to fuel the party so to speak.
The broad definition of transportation of drugs allows for the conviction of a person for drug trafficking based on that alone, but it does not fit the layman’s definition of drug trafficking.
This is why we need folks like you in our orbit who can TELL us stuff like this!
It doesn’t fit parts of the lay definition, but if through him drugs get distributed into the community, then it does fit other pretty significant parts of it.
If he’s “known for his drug use and his supplying of drugs to his crowd of hangers-on,” then why hasn’t Racky gone after him? (I’m batting my eyes innocently as I write that.)
He is the primary funder of TRacks and Todds pet project the victims rights advocates. Thats why. In addition he has been a major contributor to both T Rack and Spitzers campaigns. Has spitzer made any noise about this incident with the free jet rides? I haven’t seen any and I would be very surprised if he did make any noise about it.
Todd is how we knew about it.
I think that the story in the Register is how we knew about it.
Well I first heard in a Spitzer press release… which are getting timelier than ever.
*OH my goodness………OK, OK, OK,,,,,,our last try to have you guys see the light of day:
“A stupid politician is beyond the shadow of a doubt the accumulation of arrogant, erroneous direction, combing the worse phases of infantile, mother fixation and a super abundant geneality – based on their inabllity to adjust ego to environment. Their only hope lies in adopting an attitude of utter humility…..so that one day they can be know as: Almost Human Beings!” SO WHICH CANDIDATE DO YOU THINK IS BETTER NOW?
Why think on it: Tony No Baloney!
Who are you quoting there?
*Dr. D., this is a “take-off” edited Comment, which I learned before I de-pledged the Chi Phi Fraternity at USC in 1960. I had to memorize about three paragraphs that were certainly monumental and insightful relating to the “Definition of a Pledge”. There is probably someone out there that still can recite the entirety without a glitch. We also got a one page list of Etiquette which included such things as: Dinner Etiquette: Such as not scratching your balls with a salad fork and/or not wiping your butt with the lace curtains. Remember, USC charges about $30K a year to learn this stuff today! We would have loved to have seen the Gamma Phi, DG, Alpha Phi, Pi Phi or Tri-Delts girls Etiquette lists. They must be priceless today!