“Winning is not the only way to make a difference. Thousands of volunteers working tirelessly throughout the district delivered a message of opportunity, of change, and of hope. We did it with integrity, honesty, and in the tradition of true democratic principles.
I want to thank every one of my volunteers who walked and phoned and blogged from the beginning of this race to the bitter end. You inspired me, you humbled me, you gave me hope for America. We have been made stronger by your participation. We have new friends and new ideas. We knocked on doors that closed in our faces and knocked on doors that opened to let us in.
I am indebted to you all. I consider you my family and I will take your love and encouragement with me to whatever new opportunities await. We must continue our work.”
Energy, invincible determination with the right motive, are the levers that move the world. Noah Porter
How do you like your crow, Nelson?
Vern – Here are some great crow recipes for your upcoming feast.
Pan Fried Crow
2 eggs
seasoned bread crumbs or flour
oil or bacon grease
Remove breast meat from as many crows as desired. Beat with meat mallet (for tenderizing). Dip pieces in beaten egg and then in bread crumbs or flour. Fry in oil in hot skillet. Bacon grease can be substituted by can smoke. Leave inside a tad pink.
Crow Casserole
12 pieces of crow breast meat (no bones) (6 crows)
2 quart sauerkraut
6 slices of bacon
1/3 cup of chopped onions
Brown the crow breasts in a skillet with butter or oil. When browned, place them in a casserole dish on 1/2 inch layer of sauerkraut. Lay a 1/2 strip of bacon on each 1/2 breast and sprinkle the onion on them. Next, add another layer of sauerkraut and some of the juice. Bake at 350 degrees for 2 hours. Makes 2 servings.
My personal favorite crow recipe:
Bake crow for 1 hr. at 350 with standard size red clay brick
Remove crow and brick from oven and let stand for 10 minutes
Throw crow away and eat the brick.
More great crow recipes: http://www.crowbusters.com/recipes
bon appetite Vern !
Cook should have run in the 47th instead of the 46th. Her 60 thousand plus votes is a lot more than Sanchez’s win with 50 thousand plus votes.
Wassamatter Nelson? No snappy comeback?
I remember Vern saying he was going to save the beak for me.
Would you like some salt with that beak, Vern?
Vern? Vern? Hello?
Oh sorry, I was off with President-elect Obama, trying to convince him that this is not a state full of homophobes. I mentioned on another thread, I need a little cash for condiments for the crow I need to eat. Which I was hoping I could get from Junior, who owes me 50$ since Obama got a majority of the vote. And then another $100 from Jubal next year if Obama keeps his promise not to raise taxes on folks who make under a qaurter million. That will help just in case I still have crow left to eat at that point.
Vern – When & where did I agree to a 50 smackers bet with you? – I think that you are dreaming. I asked you what you wanted to bet on that issue (Obama’s majority of the electorate) – I would have lost that bet had we consumated a wager. Help me out buddy.
“Oh sorry, I was off with President-elect Obama, trying to convince him that this is not a state full of homophobes. ”
Confused. I know Obama and Biden were BOTH against gay marriage before FLIP FLOPPING.
I did not know he was so great at gymnastics.
“Obama had a nuanced position on the issue, saying he opposes gay marriage while also speaking out against Proposition 8.”
Found that on the AP.
and do not forget this.
Although Barack Obama has said that he supports civil unions, he is against gay marriage. In an interview with the Chicago Daily Tribune, Obama said, “I’m a Christian. And so, although I try not to have my religious beliefs dominate or determine my political views on this issue, I do believe that tradition, and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman.”
Now I will let you get back to eating crow.
Vern – When will we see the Phobius Prop 8 victory article?
How would I know anything about somebody calling himself Phobius. He’s probably terrified that after his unlikely victory some court will just rule the whole thing illegal again, just like Ron St. John says they will. But he must be happy that a little over half of Californians are anti-gay.
Junior, we did make that bet. I’ll go find it and copy=paste it. Danielle, you DoDo, there was no flip-flop. Just like the article says, which I assume is the most flip-floppy you could find, their position was “nuanced.” Leaving it up to the states is leaving it up to the states, barack and joe can still have their opinion on what’s right. Of course they’re not gonna stand up there running for President and tell all of America it’s time to let gays have equal rights. Maybe ten years down the road. Calif though… doesn’t seem to be asking too much.
*The Debbie Swan Song….goes like this:
The Bail Out Vote almost cost Orange County all Republican Congress people.
If Dana had voted for the Bail Out…instead of against it…he would have lost going away. So, you have to hand it to him that he made the right choice.
As you may or may not have noticed…the usual very secure 70th was won
by John Campbell…with just 55% of the vote…(He voted for the Bail Out and Led the Effort). The 70th normally gets a 70% plus mandate vote. If you look at Ed Royce…he got 68%, Loretta, our token Dem got 68% and Dana got just
52%……whew. A very close call. Without the NRA support of Campbell and
Dana this time…..they both would have been dust. It could still happen next
cycle….if they don’t go back to their very Conservative roots…and stay there.
And then another $100 from Jubal next year if Obama keeps his promise not to raise taxes on folks who make under a quarter million.
“Next year”? Not so fast, Vern. As I said before — there’s no expiration date on Obama’s promise. The terms of the bet are good for as long as Obama is President.
Can everyone pitch in a dollar under Obama’s new plan so Vern can eat some crow?
Sorry FlowerszZz – no can do – my extra dinero is going to pay CA’S HIKED SALES TAX.
I can’t believe you guys are celebrating Rohrabacher’s election. The fact is the only thing to his credit are things he has not done like voted to raise taxes, taken cash bribes, or brought federal money back to his district.
Apparently Rohrabacher deserves his office for doing very little. I, for one, think its a shame that a bright young woman with impeccable credentials who has actually walked the walk and not just talked the talk lost by 16,000 votes. If anyone thinks that Dana has any relevant ideas on how to solve the problems we are facing as a nation I have some slightly damp land in Florida to talk to you about.
Anonyms – Sometimes a vote AGAINST is of primary importance.
Kool aid drinkers having their laff. Laff is singular, cuz Obama is an elected Prez, Art and the other libertAryans are eating worse than crow. I and many other ppl will stop visiting this blog, it is no longer relevant… Adios, hillbillies!
I said I would vote for Obama if he needed my vote – he clearly did not.
As for your latter statement, our numbers have been sky high since the election. Apparently most folks don’t agree with you.
Finally, why do you keep insinuating that Libertarians are racists? It turns out that Democrats are the ones who passed Prop. 8. So who are the bigots now? The California Libertarian Party firmly opposed Prop. 8.