Federal Judge uncovers Orange County’s funding priorities

Uh-oh. After decades of quietly refusing to apply for available grant funds to boost social programs to serve the homeless and other groups of the needy, it looks like federal Judge Carter has discovered the Board of Supervisors’ little secret. As reported by Voice of OC on April 9 “ Orange County has missed out on millions of state and federal taxpayer dollars to address its growing homelessness by not being assertive enough in preparing for and seeking the funds, according to a federal judge and interviews with people who closely follow county homelessness policy.”

Yes, while we have endured decades of the Supervisors and their staff bemoaning what they call an under-equity situation with regard to the state allocation of revenues to the counties, we now know the rest of the story – that is that a part of the county’s hand-wringing about lack of a “fair share” of state funding is self-inflicted because the county has not pursued all available funds. The reason has mainly been philosophical, but includes (1) the conservative Republican stance of not wanting to grow government, especially in the social programs area, (2) not wanting to add employees to expand or implement new programs, thus claiming the high ground of a low employee count when compared to the county’s total population, lower than most other counties and giving the Supervisors something to brag about, albeit deceptively, and (3) being in denial about the extent of social ills in Orange County.

It appears it has taken a federal judge, David Carter, to uncover this skeleton in the county’s closet. Are there more skeletons? Stay tuned.

About Over But Not Out

A retired Orange County employee, and moderate Republican. The editor seriously does not know OBNO's identity as did not the former editor, but his point of view is obviously interesting and valued.