New OCWD director Kelly Rowe’s ALTERNATIVE to Poseidon.




Rowe; pic by John Earl

by John Earl, cross-posted from Surf City Voice

Kelly Rowe of Costa Mesa stunned the Poseidon underworld when he soundly defeated two-term Orange County Water District board-member Shawn Dewane in the 2018 election.

Since 2013, Dewane and OCWD directors Cathy Green, Steve Sheldon, and Denis Bilodeau have fought hard for PoseidonResources to build a $1 billion ocean desalination plant in Huntington Beach and sign a water purchase agreement with OCWD.

Rowe will try to end that obsession by refocusing OCWD’s efforts.


The remaining members of Poseidon’s coterie still obsess over Poseidon’s proposed desal deal: buy 56,000 AF of desalinated water every year for 30 years, regardless of need, at 3 or more times the price of imported water sold by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MET) for groundwater basin refills.

So far, none of OCWD’s 19 producers (water pumpers) seem interested, except Mesa Water where Dewane sits on the board of directors.

And a recent water-reliability study by the Municipal Water District of Orange County put Poseidon at the bottom of its list of needed project options. The OCWD has always refused to study project alternatives, thanks to the Poseidon coterie.

CLICK to READ MORE, including Director Rowe’s compelling vision for how OCWD SHOULD be spending its resources…

Just SOME of our Previous Coverage of Poseidon:

About Surf City Voice

John Earl is the editor of SoCal Water Wars (previously Surf City Voice.) Frequent contributor Debbie Cook, a former Huntington Beach Mayor, is board president of the Post Carbon Institute.