Hey. Busy Saturday, 3/14, between 11 AM and 1pm?
You don’t happen to need any free legal help with expungements?
Removal from a gang database, or gang injunction?
Sealing your or somebody else’s juvenile records?
Participatory defense?
The Orange County Legal Clinic can help you, that’s what we’re here for. And we’ll be holding one of our events this Saturday between 10 and 1, at South Main Street Services, 902 South Main in Santa Ana (flyer below.)
During our first year of operation,
- We linked a 13-year old Santa Ana youth from Santa Ana to the mental health services he desperately needed. School police had charged him with two sets of felonies at age 12 and 13. The Juvenile Court system and OC Public Defenders office diverted the charges once the youth was linked appropriately, and his expulsion from the district was prevented.
- We helped a 12-year old girl get back home after running away and being afraid to contact police.
- We helped a man in his 30’s reduce his sentence from 100 years to four.
- We helped a woman in her 50’s who’d been facing housing and employment exclusion for many years by linking her to services and helping her to expunge her record.
- We helped a family with a 5-year old son to get the mold in their apartment removed.
Maybe we’ll see you there! Peace out…
*Just heard that the country of Dakar has Mobil Testing for the CoronaVirus. They
get their results back in 4 hours. Here it takes weeks! Why?
The Toilet Paper shortage. Answer: Use old newspapers like the homeless do.
*um… cuz TRUMP?
*Yeah, we need The Trumpster to come to the OC and attend a Lincoln Club meeting where he throws paper towels and toilet paper rolls to the cheering crowd!
We love watching the faces of the ladies pushing their empty carts through Gelsons and Walmart…..as they peruse the empty shelves! “Feels like Victory!”
*Our buddy Larry Kudlow was just on Face the Nation this morning. So the story goes like this……The Trumpster has declared an eight week National Emergency, which of course will be extended and Kudlow says that he doubts the crisis will last more than a few months and that economic recovery will happen maybe at the end of this year…..2020! So reassuring…….to the investment banks….and investors in general. Looks like a very continued dive in the Dow Jones and the Global Community at large….except for China of course! The Trumpster health advisors says they will probably close down every restaurant in America before this is over. Hopefully that won’t affect the Street Taco Vendors in Santa Ana….however!