Every month, for over a year now, the OC Legal Clinic has held free clinics at parks and small businesses throughout the county for folks who need advice and contacts, dealing with issues like gang database removal, expungements, immigration, etc. And it’s that time of the month again – but how do we do that, in the time of coronavirus quarantine?
Not only that, but this new crisis brings with it new questions and concerns at the front of many people’s minds – such as evictions, food resources, stimulus info.
So tomorrow – Saturday, April 10, from 10 to 1, we are going to hold a Free VIRTUAL Legal Clinic, with knowledgable people ready to take your calls at 714-352-0313, or answer your e-mails at orangecountylegalclinic@gmail.com. Along with our earlier areas of expertise, we can give you answers OR hook you up with someone who’s got answers, on such matters as: resources for food, rent letters, evictions, small business loans, mortgage assistance, unemployment, stimulus info, and school loans.
During our first year of operation,
- We linked a 13-year old Santa Ana youth from Santa Ana to the mental health services he desperately needed. School police had charged him with two sets of felonies at age 12 and 13. The Juvenile Court system and OC Public Defenders office diverted the charges once the youth was linked appropriately, and his expulsion from the district was prevented.
- We helped a 12-year old girl get back home after running away and being afraid to contact police.
- We helped a man in his 30’s reduce his sentence from 100 years to four.
- We helped a woman in her 50’s who’d been facing housing and employment exclusion for many years by linking her to services and helping her to expunge her record.
- We helped a family with a 5-year old son to get the mold in their apartment removed.
Talk to you Saturday!
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