HB Council Vote on Circumventing COVID Shutdown





“Let’s open this right away! It’s so pretty!  What could go wrong?”

From a Facebook post between 10-11 am by Gina Clayton Tarvin on behalf of herself and Jack Souders, acting individually and not in any official capacity:


OVSD Trustee Jack Souders and I need to stop a dangerous new proposal from Huntington Beach that could harm all of Southern California. Can you make a phone call? It will save lives. Thank you for your continued actions to protect the health and safety of OC’s residents.

*Note: Although I am the president and Jack Souders is the clerk of the OVSD Board of Trustees, this action is our own, and not that of the School District.

Tonight HB will vote whether to define any HB businesses as “essential,” allowing any businesses to reopen as they wish. This could create an instant Southern California epicenter for viral transmission, and could cause cascading outbreaks. The proposal comes days after an OC Superior Court judge ruled against HB in its lawsuit against Governor Newsom for closing OC beaches. We can stop these partisan crusades if we take action NOW.

Who: The concerned public
What: Give comment via telephone (no video) at Huntington Beach City Council meeting to “Support Item 19” and “Reject Agenda Item 20”
When: Monday, May 18, 2020, at 6pm
Where: Call (669) 900-6833 and enter Webinar ID: 962 9013 0517

Talking Points: I am calling to ask that you REJECT Agenda Item 20. This proposal is lawlessness. It could spread illness and cause death. This is an arbitrary attack on the CA Stay at Home Order. This is a violation of the science driven plan to get our economy back up and running as soon as possible in a safe manner. In contrast, Item 19 is well thought out and in accordance with Governor Newsom’s Plan. It mirrors the plans of Fullerton and Irvine for gradual reopening of businesses. Vote YES on Agenda Item 19 and Vote NO on Agenda Item 20.

You don’t have to give any identifying information when you audio call, no video is used. Using your first name is sufficient, per CA Brown. You won’t be targeted for speaking your mind. See agenda Item 20 below to understand why we must speak against it and in favor for item 19 instead. We want businesses to reopen in a safe manner.

Gina attached Councilmember Erik Peterson’s letter to the rest of the council:

In the vast majority of the relevant instances — the 1918 flu pandemic, the states and countries that have opened this year before science says they were ready — re-opening business as usual before real containment has led to reinstatement of the outbreak.  And we now know that it is not sparing kids and young adults, but subjecting them to a different and potentially worse set of symptoms.

Gina and Jack are absolutely right.  We have to stop the virus in its tracks and stamp it out like a forest fire before walking away.  This would throw dry tinder on the smoldering embers — and the whole county’s safety is at stake  Make the call!  (669) 900-6833; enter Webinar ID: 962 9013 0517.

Erik Peterson.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.