In a 6-3 decision, with Justices Gorsuch and Roberts joining the liberals, the Supreme Court finally crossed the line that Justice Kennedy had often approached but never quite touched: LGBT rights are now protected under Title 7 of the Civil Right Act.
The bad news is that this provides only statutory rather than Constitutional protection, and a future Congress could write it out of existence … unless, that is the Equal Rights Amendment were to pass.
Here’s a good report on what happened, how, and why: the basic idea is that if people of one sex or gender identity can be fired (etc.) for doing the same thing that people of a different sex can do — something like wearing a dress or kissing a woman — on account of their sex or identity, then they are being discriminated against on account of their sex.
Did Congress intend that result when it passed the Civil Right Act? Almost surely not. But a central tenet of one faction of conservative statutory interpretation has been that it doesn’t matter what Congress “intended” — and there’s much written over whether it even makes sense to say that the 535-person Congress ever “intends” anything at all — so we look instead to the words in the statute.
That’s the work of Justice Scalia, who would rail against the previously common practice of looking to legislative history to determine what a statute’s authors meant when enacting it. (Liberal judges still do this —because while it may not be determinative, it’s still often informative.)
Scalia’s faint echo on the current Court, Justice Alito, raged that Scalia would never have let that happen. And he’s probably right — Scalia, who also tried to save laws forbidding masturbation — would likely have found an unprincipled way around it. (Alito did try to do this and Gorsuch called him on it.)
The alternative conservative view to Gorauch’s “textualist” viewpoint — in which a statute’s wording is (if sufficiently unambiguous) is determining — is “originalism,” now most famously championed by Justice Thomas, which tries to ascertain the intent of a writing (more for constitutional than statutory texts) based on the intent of the authors — who, amazingly, almost always seem to agree with Justice Thomas’s own views! Nice job if you can get it, but this time he got outvoted.
So congratulations to everyone who is now officially protected from discrimination — and to everyone else who is a fan of human rights. But remember not to be too grateful to Gorsuch — among other things, he still wants to take away your health care.
This was perfect good news for the morning after Donna and I both first watched Milk.
Two other cool facts, as I help run Kenneth Batiste’s council campaign:
Harvey Milk, like Kenneth, was an upstart candidate for the FIFTH DISTRICT.
AND, Kenneth and I spent a lot of the morning giving out nearly a hundred gallons of MILK.
*Gorsuch had to sell out in order to keep Social Unrest down to an appropriate level. So phony……baloney. Of course the outcome was correct, but to believe that it happened in a vacuum is totally stupid. The Trumpster was in a huge box. The LGBT Community would have pummeled every Republican in Office and the whole country would have erupted into flames had they voted wrong. These people are so sleazy and corrupt it is hard to describe how terrible they really are. Congrats for the short term win for the LGBT Community…but if you think that if The Trumpster is re-elected….that decision will stand, you mush be living on the dark side of the moon.
There may be some truth to your first sentence, but probably not — Gorsuch had signaled that this was a likely vote during oral arguments.
To me, the more interesting question is: would Roberts have provided a FIFTH vote if Gorsuch had not been around? I tend to doubt it. One thing that Roberts gained by joining with the majority is that he, rather than Ginsburg, would decide who would author the lead opinion. I wonder if he’s disappointed by how well Gorsuch did.
Just a Note:
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 &
The Voting Rights Act of 1965
Both signed into law by President Lyndon Baines Johnson
The Senate Managers, to pass the bills in the Senate, were
(D) Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota
(R) Thomas H. Kuchel of Anaheim, California.
*Just a note: LBJ was responsible for the deaths of MLK, RFK, Fred Hampton and a whole bunch of other people. Tom “Commie” Kuchel was the most Liberal turn-coat in America…..along with Nelson Rockefeller and and of course the “Great Dupe….Hubert Humphrey!” Come on now, really are we going down that road that said that JFK was going to ramp up the Vietnam War? Really? Robert Strange McNamara and of course his willing co-conspirator General Billy Westmoreland.
God, we hated those people so much! LBJ had to pass the Civil Rights Act or
the whole country would have been in flames! “I will not and shall not …..” Remember Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers?
*We did not forget that LBJ along with some powerful people in Dallas, Nelson Rockefeller and other killed JFK as well.
Well, I learned something from this: that at least some people nicknamed Sen. Tom Kuchel “Commie.”
*At least two people, or maybe one.
*Don’t forget Earl Warren….too! At one time, before IKE ran for office….Patton called IKE a “Commie Sympathizer”. When Nixon was running for Congress against Helen Gahagen Douglas….he said she too was either a full blown Commie or a Commie Sympathizer. Don’t forget Earl Warren wrote off on the Kennedy Assassination with no Minority Report. Think about that, It took a DA from New Orleans (Garrison) to even bring anything out on the subject. Along with the Zabruder Film, of course! However, the Full Report of the Kennedy Assassination doesn’t come out until 2062. All the so-called released info still doesn’t tell the story of the Sovet/Cuban/Mexican/Sam Giancana connection with CIA operative Lee Harvey Oswald. Meanwhile, Kurchel was unobviously involved in the entire episode. Senator Tom….Mrs. Nelson Rockefeller perhaps? Just guessing….all conjecture? Yeah…..but the evidence continues to pile up. We will have to wait for the results of that trial….