
He has serious faults, but he also doesn’t want to see his city looted. So he gets to be our WOT cover boy. He knows what else he should do now.
Vern here: It’s pretty rare that I agree with my assemblyman Tom Daly on anything, but when he’s right he’s right, and this letter is for the ages:
Sept. 27, 2020
To Anaheim Mayor and City Councilmembers:
Because it is an outrageously one-sided deal, I am opposed to the pending agreement to sell the stadium property to a company apparently controlled by Angels owner Arte Moreno.
It is my firm belief – shared by many expert professionals in real estate and city finance – that this deal gives away hundreds of millions of dollars of Anaheim taxpayer money.
For residents outside of Anaheim, this deal looks like a sad joke of self-inflicted bumbling and false choices. It does them no financial harm. But for Anaheim residents – who own the valuable stadium property – this is a massive, historic giveaway costing at least $1,000 for every man, woman and child in the city.
Here are just some of the problems with this deal:
1. Property Undervalued. In recent years, provisions of the Angels lease were manipulated so as to undervalue the property. Menawhile, the city-sponsored appraisal of value was manipulated to lower the cost to the buyer.
2. Shrinking Sales Price. Why are Anaheim taxpayers reimbursing $169 million to the buyer/developer (“credits”) for features such as a park and affordable housing, when these items are ALWAYS the responsibility of any developer (especially one who’s receiving approval for 5.175 housing units!)
3. Mysterious Removal of City Manager. Under mysterious circumstances midway through the negotiations, the city manager was forced out of his job and paid a $475,000 buyout.
4. “Saving Baseball.” Underpinning the negotiations has been a laughingly false narrative about “saving” major league baseball in Anaheim. Sensible folks know this is just leveraging and posturing.
It’s not too late to reconsider the price and terms, and avoid the embarrassment and lawsuits that are sure to follow this one-sided deal. Anaheim residents deserve a better deal, and a fair deal.
Tom Daly
State Assemblymember
69th District.
So, when Tom’s aide sent me this letter, she told me “This really hurts Tom deeply as an Anaheim resident,” and I responded, “I don’t think it hurts him enough, he’s still endorsing Steve Faessel for Council, and Steve is totally responsible for this.” She responded that the endorsement pre-dated the Stadium Deal, a sort of absurd contention as this deal has been in the works for two years and Steve has always been behind it. But I answered, “Well, Tom is a Democrat, and it’s not too late for him to rescind his endorsement of Steve, a Republican, and endorse the Democrat Kenneth Batiste instead.” She agreed that in the case of that surprising occurrence, Tom would call me.
This is your Weekend Open Thread.
Soooo much to follow today!
For example, this, on what to do about voter intimidation, if you see it:
And here’s one you can read on Santa Ana’s Mayoral race as you await our endorsements…
(Claudia Alvarez touts an endorsement from Rackauckas. Boom, out of consideration!)
As for the council races, you can read this one.
I know that I’ll support Phan in District 1 and I’ll probably support Lopez over Welker in District 3, but I could use readers’ help in District 5. Is Hernandez or Perez the better bet to beat Villegas? What have you seen that informs your view?
If you don’t mind me plugging my own work, here’s my (progressive) perspective on those races (and a lot of others). In Santa Ana, I went with Phan, Welker, and Hernandez, but didn’t feel that any of the Ward 3 or 5 candidates were particularly strong.
Nice job. I don’t agree with everything, but it’s well-informed, well-reasoned, and well-written. I encourage our readers to check it out.
Thanks, I appreciate it.
I had to look really hard (actually no, it was the second YT suggestion that popped up) but finally found something guaranteed to piss EVERYONE off ! – Your’e welcome.
I was shocked to learn that that was Jeff Dunham. I figured that it was someone with no Prior experience in comedy.
*Congrats to both the City of Anaheim and Arte Moreno. The Grand Compromise was always essential to keep Anaheim in the National Market.
The only compromise was to the public trust.
This was a total betrayal of generations of Anaheim taxpayers who invested their time, money, and pride to develop Anaheim’s largest and best public asset.
Sidhu just gave it away for pennies on the dollar.
It wasn’t a damn Compromise, it was a one-sided Giveaway. NOTHING in it is good for Anaheim.
Well, but they DID get the team name changed back to the Anaheim Ang … wait, I’d better verify this before I finish …
Never mind.
The Old Cowboy Gene Autry……is applauding! Champion is dancing and Gene is humming: “Headed for the last roundup!” The people of Anaheim are now free to travel around the country and the Phoenix Club stands to profit.. The Ducks are thrilled, Disney is laughing and TGI Fridays still has an opportunity to make a comeback after the Pandemic.
Traveling around the country…..in U-Hauls.
Unless perhaps they’re still waiting for Anaheim First to release the study results on how “we” want to spend “our” $ 250 M ??? Ya think ?
Some people need to hear this again:
We will not allow anonymous comments that make attacks against candidates, especially assertions of fact that would be defamatory if intentional or recklessly wrong.
“Anonymous” means anonymous to us. If we know who you are and decide to indulge you — meaning potentially having to defend the comments ourselves — then they may be published. (We know who Big Box is, for example, and know that we can feed him to the wolves if need be.) we will even grant people permission to comment anonymously for compelling reasons if we can stand by their content as non-defamatory.
This is why, almost alone among OC forums, *our* comments section doesn’t suck.
*Although ABOVE OUR PAYGRADE…we must say: Dr. Dr. we totally agree with your assumptions and direction on this matter.
What I learned from watching the debate.
Black flies matter.