LAST CALL to File for (Most) Offices!

I say “most” offices because where an eligible incumbent does not run, filing is extended for five calendar days.

(Note that this isn’t completely done because I haven’t checked all of the other counties that share some of these districts with us. But that will happen once I wake up, sometime before 5:00 p.m.)

I’m not covering state executive offices except for noting that Supervidsor Andrew Do is running for State Treasurer. I might vote for him if it will get him the hell out of OC. No, just kiddingL if I voted for him, it would be because it would increase the chances of doing something so catastrophically awful and corrupt that would end up with him in prison.)

In all-important BOE-4 news, OC Republicans Denis Bilodeau, John Kelly, Matt Harper, and Erik Peterson — yes, that list includes two Huntington Beach City Council candidates from last cycle! — have all joined maltreated Democrat David Dobson in filing for that sweet, sweet, highly compensated BOE seat. CDP’s endorsement of Mike Schaefer in the race, putting him in danger of losing to one of these fellas, or more likely, Joe Exotic (oh, wait, that’s Republican Randell “Randy” Economy) out in Riverside — is now officially political malpractice.

Democrat Obaidul Huq Pirjada is running for U.S. Senate. Look, taking out papers for statewide offices is fun and all, but — unless you’re trying to keep your political party on the ballot by getting over 2% of the vote, like Green Party candidate for Attorney General Dan Kapelovitz is — actually paying to run for those offices is a waste of money that you could be investing in cryptocurrencies! But good luck to Pirjada.

Who got the most votes from OC on the primary election ballot four years ago? Our Treasurer/Tax Collector Shari Friedenrich, that’s who! And she’s running unopposed again this year, too!


Republican Eric Ching has taken out papers for the 38th Congressional District, which will continue to be represented by Linda Sanchez.

The east OC 40th Congressional District, where far western OC’s Young Kim will be running against once promising (before he went to Florida and ran into a Stone named Roger) Greg Raths — now has three other fellow Republican candidates: Nick Taurus (who I’m guessing is either a DC superhero or an old Ford with light body damage)/ Fuji Shioura filed but did not qualify, which is quite a feat in a seat that only requires state residence. Sole Democrat Asif Mahmood, who I recall being a really good guy based on his 2018 run for Insurance Commissioner. Mahmood’s chances of making the runoff are pretty good: He is guaranteed a spot if he gets over a third of the vote, and if Taurus takes over 6.67% of the vote then he’s guaranteed a spot with 30%. That’s doable!

Republucans Michelle Steel and Long Pham both qualified for CA-45 and Jay Chen has apparently qualified from LA County, so that “two on the ballot” seems a bit misleading.

Lou Correa is running for re-election in CA-46, against fellow Dem Mike Ortega and four delightfully vote splitting Republicans: Ed Rushman, Christopher Gonzales, Mike Nguyen, and belated arrival Felix Rocha Jr. Things look bright, but Ortega needs money, and people who appreciate him taking on the Consevadem will have to help him get it.

Ambulatory trash receptacle Scott Baugh has filed against to run against Katie Porter in CA-47, where he’ll first have to get past fellow Republicans Brian Burley, Amy Phan West, and Errol Webber. And OJB is already loaded for Baugh-er!

It’s still Mike Levin against Republicans Brian Maryott, Renee Taylor, and now Lisa Bartlett in CD-49. I think that Levin has a decent chance of making the runoff….


Whittier’s Henry Bouchot is running against incumbent Bob Archuleta for State Senate district 30, and those of you in my neck of the woods should join me in supporting him. Late editions include Democrat Martha Camacho Rodriguez and Republican plumber — as we near the 50th anniversary of Watergate’s Republican plumbers!Mitch Clemmons.

In SD-32, Republican Kelly Seyarto has filed, this bringing to my attention that this is also an OC district. She’ll face at least a Riverside-based Democrat, Brian Nash.

In SD-34, Incumbent Democrat Tom Umberg is on the ballot against Republican Rhonda Shader.

In SD-36, Janet Nguyen and Kim Carr will face off, as Carr came through on the last day.

In SD-38, Republican Matt Gunderson will take on Democratic Poseidon proponent Joe Kerr, not of Brea.


In AD-59, Republican incumbent Phillip Chen is on the ballot, currently opposed by nobody. Start bugging Lee Fink to run in this not-at-all progressive district. No at last report, nobody from San Bernardino is running either. Like most other races, this is listed as going into extension, though not having an incumbent, it doesn’t seem to meet the criterion that an eligible incumbent must not run for there to be an extension. We’ll see what happens!

In AD-64, Rose Espinoza the only candidate from OC, but she’ll be up against four LA Democrats —Elizabeth Alcantar of Cudahy; Roberto Cancio of Norwalk; Blanca Pacheco, Mayor of Downey; and Ana Valencia of Norwalk. To make things even tougher, there’s one Republican: Robert Ortiz of La Mirada. Rosie’s changes are probably to activate La Habra (obviously) and become very well-known and well-liked in Whittier, La Mirada, and environs.

In AD-67, Sharon Quirk-Silva faces challenges from Democrat Param Brar, Republican Sou Moua, and from Cerritos in LA County, Republican Soo Yoo.

In AD-68, Tom Daly — who paid his filing fee, which may be his biggest contribution to the state of California — has dropped out! (I’m wondering if the Building Trades just informed him that they thought it was time to hire — um, I mean support — someone less colorless.) His district director, Anaheim Councilthrall Avelino Valencia, swooped in to file before the echo of Daly’s announcement had even faded. This race does legitimately go into extension, so don’t be worked up about the roster just yet. Progressive Dem Bulmaro “Boomer” Vicente has qualified (but has no candidate statement.) Republicans James Wallace and Mike Tardif have respectively qualified and done what’s necessary to do to qualify. The double Republicans in a highly Democratic district suggest that an Avelino vs. Bulmaro race is certainly a possibility — so, thanks, Mike Tardif, for splitting the vote!

In AD-70 — the freaking halfway point on our list of new Assembly Districts — has Republicans Ted Bui, Emily Hibard, Kimberly Ho, Tri Ta, and now Jason Gray face off against Democrat Diedre Thu-Ha Nguyen. I have some thoughts.

In AD-71 — which includes that part of East County that is not also part South County, and then heads for Temecula — two Republicans are on our ballot, Jennifer Richter and Kate Sanchez. Riverside has Republican Matt Rahn. I’m beginning to suspect that this is a Republican district.

In AD-72, all three candidates who took out papers are on the ballot. Democrat Judie Mancuso (who I keep thinking is named Julie so I apologize if I ever write that) is up against two Republicans, City Council member Diane Dixon and Benjamin Yu. Looks like a partisan runoff.

In AD 73 — which used to be south of AD 74 but is now north of AD 72 — Assembly members Steven Choi and Cottie Petrie-Norris, respectively Republican and Democratic, look to be heading to a meaningless primary. Friend of the blog Luis Manuel Huang took out papers, but doesn’t look like he’s going to pay the fee, which is the smart move. Just taking out papers against Cottie — who is not the guilty party in the state health-care fight, that being Governor Newsom — was enough of a shot across the bow, and a less expensive than a filing fee.

In AD 74, Assemblywoman Laurie Davies and Great White South County Moderate Democratic Hope Chris Duncan are the only two who have qualified. Nobody from San Diego is running. Another meaningless primary that I’m sure won’t feel like it.

JUDGES (only the competitive races)

Orange County Superior Court Office 6 will pit Deputy DA Claudia AlvarezWHO I EXPECT WILL HAVE LOTS TO TELL US ABOUTTHE OPERATION OF THE OFFICE UNDER BOTH RACKAUCKAS AND SPITZER — will be running against non-ADA Kimberly La Salle. Dan Espinosa may also qualify for the ballot before the dust clears, increasing the likelihood of a December runoff.

In Office 9, being vacated by James DiCesare, Superior Court Commissioner Joe Dane will face off against Deputy DA Christopher Duff.

In Office 11, Chief DA Shawn Nelson is up against against Marc Gibbons, who has no ballot designation — raising the question of which designation is better. [rim shot!]

Office 21 generated a lot of interest, but only two aspirants qualified: Deputy DA Eric Beltran Rowe and Attorney Ray Brown.

Office 22 is what the shouting is about: Deputy District Attorney (he got to use the title!) Brahim Baytieh against Los Angeles Deputy DA Craig Kleffman are on the ballot. Villa Park attorney Fred Fascinelli is also on the ballot, but has not yet qualified.

Office 28 has Deputy DA Eric Scarbrough against this-far-unlabeled Jessica Cha, who have both qualified.

Office 30, that of the late and widely respect Frank Ospino, shows no one having qualified, although the log says that the race is on the ballot. I honestly don’t know what happens at this point.

Office 33 has (appropriately enough) three candidates on the ballot: Deputy DA Steve McGreevy, Attorney Brett Wiseman, and Attorney Tom Martin.

In Office 38, incumbent Scott Steiner remains unopposed.

Finally, in Office 45, Deputy DA Israel Claustro and Del Norte County Superior Court Commissioner Kevin Brian Jones have both qualified for a vacated seat.

Department/Board of Educatsion

For County Superintendent of Schools, incumbent Al Mijares has some competition from Stefan Bean, who says that he is also a School Superintendent and also a parent.

On the Board of Ed itself: in Area 2 Mad Doctor’s Wife Mary Barke has a challenge from retired school board member Martha Fluor, who I’m betting will get one of Vern’s house ads in the sidebar. Christopher Ganiere has also taken out papers.

While 5 people took out papers for Area 4, the balance of Tim Shaw’s term, only Shaw and Paulette Chaffee have qualified.

In Area 5, incumbent Lisa Sparks will face a challenge from Retired School Superintendent Sherene Smith.

County Executive Offices

Supervisorial District 2 was the one where Vicente Sarmiento was expected to run, but he hasn’t yet filed his declaration of candidacy (although he has paid his fee. It looks like Kim Berenice Nguyen is going to carry the progressive standard against Joe Dumitru and Juan Villegas. Contrasts don’t get much more contrasty than this!

District 4 incumbent Doug Chaffee is facing challenges from both Sunny Park and Trumpish Brea Mayor Steve Vargas. Vargas would probably lose the runoff — as a hometown Republican told me recently, “everyone on the Council hates him” — but he could knock out either Chaffee or Park in the meanwhile. If Marty Simonoff of the Brea Council does complete his filing — he’s paid, but not filed his declaration of candidacy, that could make things much better.

District 5 is where Katrina Foley is running, but the question has been: against whom? Crooked Diane Harkey or Superannuated Patricia Bates? Well … how about both? All three have qualified for the ballot, Foley having just yesterday signed on the dotted line.

Assessor: Claude Parrish has been heading for a collision with Rick Foster — but Foster has not yet completed his Declaration of candidacy. Hopefully, it happens today! Otherwise, it doesn’t happen at all. Larry Bales has also made a late rush and qualified for the ballot; maybe that’s why.

Auditor/Controller: Andrew Hamilton has not qualified for the ballot — but he’s further along than John Moorlach, who is reportedly having some problem with his professional qualifications. Based on research I did four years ago, I could probably help him with this, but he’s not going to ask. Good luck, though.

Clerk/Recorder: Hugh Nguyen has a challenge from Sandy Kimble, who has an interesting ballot designation.

District Attorney/Public Administrator: Todd Spitzer being challenged by Democrat Pete Hardin and suspected Raucauckasista Michael Jacobs.

Sheriff/Coroner Don Barnes is unopposed. Thank you, Lou Correa, Tom Daly, and the pusillanimous DPOC!

Treasurer/Tax Collector Shari Friedenrich is also unopposed.

About Greg Diamond

Somewhat verbose attorney, semi-disabled and semi-retired, residing in northwest Brea. Occasionally ran for office against jerks who otherwise would have gonr unopposed. Got 45% of the vote against Bob Huff for State Senate in 2012; Josh Newman then won the seat in 2016. In 2014 became the first attorney to challenge OCDA Tony Rackauckas since 2002; Todd Spitzer then won that seat in 2018. Every time he's run against some rotten incumbent, the *next* person to challenge them wins! He's OK with that. Corrupt party hacks hate him. He's OK with that too. He does advise some local campaigns informally and (so far) without compensation. (If that last bit changes, he will declare the interest.) His daughter is a professional campaign treasurer. He doesn't usually know whom she and her firm represent. Whether they do so never influences his endorsements or coverage. (He does have his own strong opinions.) But when he does check campaign finance forms, he is often happily surprised to learn that good candidates he respects often DO hire her firm. (Maybe bad ones are scared off by his relationship with her, but they needn't be.)