Democratic Party Chairman Frank Barbaro
Pick me! I could do better
Executive Director Melahat Rafiei
The Shadow wasn’t able to make the last Orange County Democratic Central Committee Meeting, but a friend of mine said it was announced that the new term begins January 12th with correspoding elections for executive positions. While there have been rumors of a coup for some time, my sources say Frank Barbaro is still the front runner for another go around. I also heard that current secretary Florice Hoffman wants to make a run for vice chair. Gila Jones who is the current treasurer was rumored to want to move up but is too loyal to Frank to go against him. The Shadow also heard that Gila may not run again which means if Florice moves up then the Treasurer and the Secretary Seats would be open as the vice chair has been a no show throughout the year.
The Shadow also heard that there was a lot of back slapping over Obama’s strong showing OC showing, but that all is not well in Democratic Land. The party is on the ropes financially and was unable to give any money to any local candidates. The Executive Director, Melahat Rafiei who came in strong with the Truman Dinner in 2007, did not put on a 2008 Truman Dinner which meant there was no money to give to local candidates and they were left to fend for themselves.
This year the party did raise money for Barack Obama’s campaign and for an event with Nancy Pelosi but all that money left the county. Sure everyone got another photo to show off in the office and post on Facebook but that does that help locals win elections? The Shadow doesn’t think so.
Having lived in the OC for their whole life, the Shadow has seen a lot of infighting and trash talking in Democratic circles, but none so much as that has come of out the DPOC building this summer and fall. Maybe some of that energy that was spent talking trash could have been spent raising some dough.
Several Democrats I have talked to were disappointed that local races were given the back burner and that down ticket races were ignored or given inexpert advice. Intead of capitalizing on the Obama Wave, Democrats lost seats in Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, and Los Alamitos. They did pick up in La Palma and San Juan Cap but that was in spite of the party. Congressional races suffered as well and were often told the party could not help. Perhaps a shake up is in order? What do you think?
— The OC Shadow–
There’s no money left, because Melahat ate it all.
Someone would have to go in with their organization already intact to be effective. It doesn’t seem like you could rely on the current group to vet candidates, train them and support them. We don’t need a repeat of this last election cycle.
As an alternate meber of the DPOC Central committee, you are entitled to by request, a full accounting of the salaries paid to staff, all expenses and debits to the party. All you have to do is request them from the party. You will see what is being paid to the staff and you can judge for yourself if the party is recieving adequate services rendered for payment made.
Melahat produced almost nothing for the local Dems in OC. She sure as heck raised money for Obama and nancy Pelosi though. Basically, we here in the OC paid to have Melahats nest feathered. Are you guys aware that this zoftig black hole gets paid over 5k every month for her role as ED of the DPOC?
can anyone point to anything that she has accomplished in OC for Local races that justifies this type pf expense?
Sure, a ton of people registered as Democrats this year. But does anyone believe thast Melahat went out and regsitered these people as Dems? Hell no.
can anyone say that Melahat create any regsitration events? Nope. Can anyone say that Melahat set up booths at community events to help register Dems? Double hell no. Can anyone say that Melahat helped those clubs that went to these events to register dems? Nope nope and nope.
Basically, we have been ripped off by melahat. I want my money back. The DPOC will get not one dime from me until she is gone. Im not financing her eating disorder any longer.
The Shadow is onto something of great importance to concerned OC Democrats.
Key members of the DPOC leadership, Melahat and Frank, are screwing us over BIG TIME!
Instead of capitalizing on the extraordinary enthusiasm surrounding the 2008 election cycle to gain new ground for local Democrats here in OC, Frank and Melahat have abandoned OC in order to advance their own selfish interests. They did a lot to warm up to state and national candidates, but they did nothing for us.
A big part of the problem is that Melahat simply does not have the leadership skills to make real progress in OC. That is why local candidates did not do as well as they might have, and that is why there is so much chaos at the party headquarters and in the party as a whole.
Melahat is not a leader, she is an organizer and a manager.
Furthermore, Melahat is busy chasing her own selfish interests, and WE ARE PAYING HER to do it. Our pocketbooks are just Melahat’s own personal stepping stone.
Even if Melahat was not as self-interested as she in fact is, she would still lack the leadership skills to make a difference here is OC. We need really good leadership and vision in order to gain new ground in a place like OC, and Melahat just cannot deliver.
We have to get rid of Melahat and replace her with someone who can lead. She has good management and organizational skills, but she is only able to capitalize on the waves that people and events around her create. She does not have what it takes to make things happen in OC.
Party insiders know what Melahat is doing, but if OC-Democrats-in-General find out what she is doing, then the money that they have recently been willing to give to the Party will dry up fast, and then we will be really screwed.
Melahat must go! Melahat must go! Melahat must go!
Frank should go too. He is not doing anything for us.
Think about some fresh faces for Executive Director and Party Chair. Just getting rid of Barbaro, who is a dinosaur, would inject some new life into the party. He has been around since the 70s, and he is not going to break his habit of doing nothing for OC of his own accord.
Melahat has to go. She cannot represent. She cannot gain new ground for Democrats in Orange County. She can fatten herself at our expense and she can eat like there’s no tomorrow, but we need someone who can do us some good in Orange County. We need to get rid of her, fast. Melahat is an arrogant, money grubbing opportunist with a big time eating disorder. She is also a chicken-shit backstabber. This is all bad for the party. What we need is someone who can turn the OC blue, and Melahat cannot do that. Now, if we needed someone to eat Orange County, then Melahat would be great for that job. But we don’t need that. Melahat has become OC’s worst nightmare. She is the blob, and she is devouring our money, our future, and anything that even remotely resembles food.
Melahat, do Orange County a favor and roll on out of here, FAST!
Is Melahat Embezzling? I think that there is a definite possibility. How is it that the party went from the largest budget in history, to not being able to help local candidates. What is she hiding that she won’t turn over expense reports to the central committee. Just what exactly are we paying for that she doesn’t want the party to know about. Finally why doesn’t anyone stand up to her or Frank? The two of them just do as they please and no one says anything, or they get labeled as a crazy central committee member and bared from future events.