Barack Obama almost won Orange County. He did win in San Bernardino and in Fresno and he easily won the state. The Democrats rule Sacramento and are likely to take back the Governor’s seat in two years when Schwarzenegger moves on.
Locally the Democrats own Santa Ana and are making inroads elsewhere. In fact one of them, Tom Daly, will likely take over for Chris Norby on the Board of Supervisors when Norby terms out, and Supervisor Janet Nguyen will likely be toast in four years when Latino voters will be motivated to give her the boot.
So why is Santa Ana Councilman Carlos Bustamante still a Republican? He is the only Republican on the Santa Ana City Council. He has no hope of moving up to higher office as a Republican. So why stay in the GOP?
The question of course is would the Democrats accept Bustamante in their midst? He would fit right in with the nuts on their Central Committee. But I doubt that Latino Democrats would want anything to do with him. Then again he is part of “Team Pulido.”
So when will Bustamante turn blue?
You should ask that question of Melahat, Chris Prevatt, Phil Becerra, and ALiicia Berhow Art.
Lord knows that Prevatt Berhow and Melahat are backstabbing traitorous cowards that serve at the will of Janet Nguyen. And Becerra is willing to go along with any Rep that allows him to hang out wityh them. Just ask all the Reps who he invites to spy on the Young Dems for Janet Nguyen at their meetings.
And we all know that Berhow worked on behalf of Janet Nguyen when her company the Orange County BUsiness Council endorsed Hoa Van Tran and then Alicia Berhow as the Chair of the DPOC endorsement committee tried to block his endorsement and the tried to have it removed for her handler Janet Nguyen.
As I read and watch the machinations of those on the front lines politically I always envision old, white, rich men behind the scenes conspiring to control the breezes of political change and intrigue within (and without) the county. Hmmmm, old, rich, white, male … there is a commonality of interest in those characteristics alone – way before you throw in political identification. Perhaps that is the “party” that Busty needs to question his allegiance to …
When he sees that his goals will be best served elsewhere he can switch political identification to the one that will serve him the best (unfortunately by then many will see his real goal – himself – and vote accordingly).
Same question apply to the straus(usual suspects).Why they call themselves’republicans”,and endorse and work for “podrido”pulido????.
you should do a post that exposes the activities of Alicia berhow, Melahat, Phil Becerra, and Chris Prevatt and how they enabled and aided and abbetted the rise of this frankenstein monster called janet Nguyen. These cowards should be taken to the preverbial Democratic Firing Squad and executed (metaphorically speaking of course) for their spying and working for the enemy, the Republican Party of Orange County.
I would suggest you inetrview Misha Houser. She has been left out in the cold by these traitors and is not the high profile operative she longs to be when the recruited her to spy on and work against her fellow Democrats.
A good way for you to expose these people is to get a print out of what the DPOC is paying Melahat in salary (friggin unbelievable). While she also works on DPOC time on the board of Planned Parenthood while being paid this Enron like salary by the DPOC is beyond me.
Why do we as Democrats tolerate this kind of BS by our own “leadership”? We shoud send a bill to the OCGOP for services rendered.