Today is not only the parade or martial counterpart of Star Wars‘s annual “May the Fourth” celebration; as our friend Mark Daniels helpfully pointed out on Facebook, it’s also the 90th anniversary of the first inauguration of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. That makes it also the 90th anniversary of this oratory:
This is more than the short clip you usually hear. His swearing-in is at the 1:00 mark; his inaugural address begins at 1:50 and its most famous sentence begins almost a minute later.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is…fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life, a leadership of frankness and of vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. And I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days.
But please — don’t stop there (at the 3:33 mark)! The next 16-plus minutes are well worth hearing, including tasty tidbits like this:
- The next minute is given to what could literally have been a description of the first year of the Great Recession of 2007-2009 (loss of employment from which lasted through 2016), which economist Robert Kuttner describes as the ‘Great Deflation.”
- Starting at 5:00: “Plenty is at our doorstep, but a generous use of it languishes in sight of the supply. Primarily, it is because the rules of the exchange of mankind’s goods have failed through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence, have admitted their failure, and have abdicated.” YOW!
- At 5:25: “Practices of the unscrupulous moneychangers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men. True, they have tried, but their measures have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition. Faced by a failure of credit, they have proposed only the lending of more money. Stripped of the lure of profit with which to induce our people to follow their false leadership, they have resorted to exhortation, pleading tearfully for restored confidence. They only know the rules of a generation of self-seekers. They have no vision. And when there is no vision, the people perish.”
- At 6:15: “Yes the moneychangers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization. We may now restore that temple, per the ancient truth.”
- At 6:35: “The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply social values, more noble than mere monetary profit. Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joys of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort, the joy and moral stimulation of work, no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profit.
- Skipping from 7:00 to 7:40, we reach: “There must be an end to a conduct in banking and in business which too often has given to a sacred trust the likeness of callous and selfish wrongdoing. Small wonder that confidence languishes, for it thrives only on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection, and on unselfish performance. Without them, it cannot live.”
- “Restoration calls, however, not for changes in ethics alone. It calls for action — and action now! Our greatest primary task is to put people to work. This is no unsolvable problem if we face it wisely and courageously.”
And then he puts forward proposals for direct government hiring. I’ll stop there, just before the 9:00 mark — but there are more goodies and you should go on. You may want to ask yourself why it is that we hear essentially nothing about this speech except the obviously false as a general rule, though perhaps more true at that specific moment, that “we have nothing to fear but fear itself.”
One thing you’ll hear is his presuming (heh-heh) that Congress will grant him the executive powers he would have during wartime to deal with this sort of crisis, a recognition of the expansion of executive power that around a two-thirds of a century later would be abused by Dick Cheney and George W. Bush in a much less existential crisis for the country.
It is to be hoped that the normal balance of executive and legislative authority may be wholly adequate to meet the unprecedented task before us. But it may be that an unprecedented demand and need for undelayed action may call for temporary departure from that normal balance of public procedure.
I am prepared under my constitutional duty to recommend the measures that a stricken nation in the midst of a stricken world may require. These measures, or such other measures as the Congress may build out of its experience and wisdom, I shall seek, within my constitutional authority, to bring to speedy adoption.
But in the event that the Congress shall fail to take one of these two courses, and in the event that the national emergency is still critical, I shall not evade the clear course of duty that will then confront me. I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis–broad Executive power to wage a war against the emergency, as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe.
One reason this strikes me so hard is that not only does this remind me of 2008’s Great Deflation, but it also reminds me of an additional similar event: the Great Avoided Recession of 2021. That was the one that started in 2020 — the “Ivermectin Era” — and much manufacturing and transportation froze up, like an unprimed pump, during the “Supply Line Era.” This was actually a economic shock comparable to that of 2008 — loss of 101,400) jobs (3.34%) in 2020 compared to 138,100 (5.08%) in 2008 — see this chart of post-Depression job growth changes. But while the 2008 drop was followed by a loss of an additional 159,700 jobs (6.19%) in 2009, despite it being further away from the fundamental cause of the problem than 2020 was, the 2020 loss was followed by an increase of 127,000 jobs (4.33%) in 2021, and another increase of 93,700 jobs (3.06%) in 2022. (The only reason that 2023 may be worse is that the Federal Reserve is practically stomping on the job market’s neck to hold down further job growth, for fear of inflation.)
The difference between FDR’s approach and Biden’s is that FDR had people do productive things — Civilian Conservation Corps, Tennessee Valley Authority, Public Works Administration, Civil Works Administration, Federal Emergency Relief Administration (all in 1933, with more to follow in 1935!) — while Biden paid them essentially to purchase goods (and sometimes services) and stay where they would not get sick. The improvement in employment would have been even higher if not for the shortages caused by manufacturers and vendors having gone out of business — which would have been an even worse problem had we had another year of denial and neglect like 2020 — but as it was federal spending kept the manufacturing system working rather than letting it seize up.
The achievement of keeping the economy from seizing up simply didn’t happen by itself: it was the product of conscious choices, narrowly enacted legislation, and hard work in the face of widespread media disdain. This was the difference between keeping the economy’s pump primed — people continued to work (after a fashion) and to receive spending money even if they didn’t — and letting it collapse to the point where we’d have to start again from nearly a complete halt. That was the counsel of Biden’s critics.
Keeping the economy from seizing was an amazing accomplishment, harking back directly to the spirit and principles of FDR’s inaugural. It’s one reason that Biden, despite his (largely Eisenhower-like) flaws, may seriously be judged by history as one of our best post-Depression Presidents, even if he serves only one term. (Maybe even especially if….)
And that, for better or worse, is your long-awaited Weekend Open Thread. Talk about that or whatever else you’d like, within reasonable bounds of discretion and decorum.
Note that, much like California’s own weather, our drought of posts has been followed by a flood of three in one day. I’ve pushed this back to make room for the two others; you’ll always be able to go out of your way, after all, to find the recent Open Thread.
It looks like CADEM and DPOC have quietly put their money on an another horse er club in Irvine? And, they are doing it right Square in the middle of UCI. Are they sending a certain someone a message? What does Kev do now?
Why does Vern ingratiate Tammy Kim with nicknames
like “The Tamster”?
It might be a reaction to disproportional slagging by a monomaniacal commenter, would be my guess.
Never miss a Sunday show Vern. Not even from your couch. Live widespread panic from Las Vegas tonight circa 9:15. (Push play) (Live setlist)
Hi, my name is Rose. I am posting because I agreed to volunteer to email and make phone calls about James Mai after hearing about his disgusting joking about a Hate Crime. There seems to be some connection between the emails received about Mai by the OC Housing Authority (where Mai is still a Commissioner) and the Housing Authority posting that its meetings are cancelled, but holding them anyway. Basically its in violation of the law. This happened for two straight months in a row now, so we are trying to get folks to take some action. We aren’t sure if the Housing Authority is doing this to prevent comments about Mai, which are obviously inconvenient and a distraction, or if they are just trying to avoid public participation, period. Either way, its wrong and illegal.
We are trying to call attention to this and asking for the publics help. WHY IS THE OC HOUSING AUTHORITY HOLDING MEETINGS WHEN THE WEBSITE REFLECTS MEETINGS ARE CANCELLED?
THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JULIA BIDWELL WILL NOT ANSWER HER PHONE OR RETURN EMAILS, BUT YOU COULD TRY ANYWAY 714-480-2991 We have tried for ten days straight, over 50 people have called and sent emails. So now we are trying something different.
If you live, work or study in Santa Ana Anaheim, Tustin, Orange or North Tustin please contact your OC District Supervisor, Vicente Sarmiento : (714) 834-3220
If you live, work or study in Newport Beach, San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano Aliso Viejo, Costa Mesa, Dana Point, Irvine (Southwest ), Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Woods, Coto de Caza, Ladera Ranch, Las Flores, and Rancho Mission Viejo call Supervisor Katrina Foley (714) 834-3550
If you live, work or study in Cypress, Fountain Valley, Garden Grove Huntington Beach, La Palma, Los Alamitos, Seal Beach, Westminster, Midway City or Rossmoor call Supervisor Andrew Do (714) 834-3110
If you live, work or study in Brea, Buena Park, Fullerton, La Habra, Placentia or Stanton contact Supervisor Doug Chaffee at 714-834-3440
If you live, work or study in Anaheim Hills, Irvine ( North / East ) , Lake Forest, Villa Park, Mission Viejo, Rancho Santa Margarita, Yorba Linda, its Don Wagner. Unfortunately he has already proven to be highly uncooperative and unresponsive to questions from the public regarding this. If in Don Wagner’s district we suggest emailing him at because staff will simply not acknowledge concerns via phone. We have tried.
Lastly, please note Wagner has well established ties to Mai and posed with him openly during his recent #donwagner2024 campaign kickoff.
That was a few weeks after Mai withdrew his application for reappointment to the Irvine Child Care Committee.
Feel free to email me with any questions. – Thanks, Rose.
*The BS Meter has gone off and we are getting pretty tired of it. Let’s start off slow:
Why hasn’t the National Guard been deployed to unsnow all our citizens in our local
mountain communities? Why haven’t Fire Fighters from 10 Departments been deployed to those mountain communities for searching for those still snowed in?
Next, the whole thing with China is just nonsense. Why hasn’t the Biden Administration
reversed those stupid Trumpster Tariff’s? It has been going on three years now. The
truth of over population is being covered up by Supply Chain Smoke Screens and the
“Imminent Threat of the Yellow Peril”! Putin is killing millions around the globe by cutting off the food supply from Ukraine and we continue to pander on.
Of course the World Rationing of Healthcare continues to kill millions. Where are those
STEM CELL breakthroughs we were promised 20 years ago? We have those answers
but we have a burgeoning Global Population Bomb going off in front of eyes and no one dares call it Treason! (stolen from an old John Birch quote!).
Finally, on a local issue….we really need to vet all our local Public Safety Depts. to
be sure we have no Secret Societies or Rogue Organizations within them. The recent
reports from LA about the LASD should give us all pause for review of our own great
folks behind the Orange Curtain.
*It is now the 26th of March, 2023 and the effort by Republicans to go to war with China continues unabated. China has a mere ONE.FOUR Billion human beings and the Republican Congress is attacking their treatment of 100,000 Urghrs in the Northeast corner of China. The full blown attack on China is driving a wedge between our most prolific trading partner. Ridiculous, Hilarious, BS!
“The China Threats” was written by our good bud Chuck DeVore some 25 years ago. At that time, it was a warning shot regarding sending all our Manufacturing to China…… Well, that horse has left the barn. China makes more vehicles than we do, they make all our Boeing Aircraft, they make all our Widgets and they produce all our small goods. You want slow inflation? Try removing the senseless attacks on China and the Trump Tariffs that have been added to the mix.
Vern, the Irvine Police Department seeks more puns about things that grows in the shit. Shroomie shroomie
They did say it was a hufungus bust, and hashtagged #fungusamongus, but they did not specify whether they were acting on a tip from Dr Treseder, or if she was maybe even the #Treseperp.
*So….has anyone been watching the Republican Afghan Roast this week? The withdrawal from Afghanistan undoubtedly was the smoothest and least fatal than any in US History.
What about the 7 million left behind in Vietnam? What about all the Military Equipment that was left in Vietnam? What about our withdrawal from Iraq? How many folks, including our friends the Kurds died in that little debacle? If anyone has watched the Canadian movie: “Hyena Road”…..those outraged Republican lawhackers would be embarrassed beyond belief by their very stupid comments about leaving people behind. “Those Republicans” on that Investigative Committee need to interview the Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff and the Colonel that got all our guys out of that hell hole alive and kicking on the last plane out.
Time for the girls to step up in this country and fight for their rights to take care of their own bodies without the help of the Evangelical Right or Pandering Politicians.
Nowadays, those citizens who would like to qualify to get SNAP benefits could only have $2,750 in countable resources according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Keep in mind that it could be money in your bank account. This limit could be higher, up to 4,250 dollars if there is a member with a disability or a member that is at least 60 years old.
Those who are able to work and adults can be asked to work for a minimum of 20 hours as well.
Those who live on their own can have a gross income of up to $1,473 and a net income of $1,133 per month.
$1133/month isn’t living large.
And getting back to the original topic of this thread, Social Security retirement payments are not a handout.
I am certain that the rationale for the requirements is to feed the local slave labor market while supporting local businesses selling the victims their basic necessities.
These worthless pricks on the government dole for their make-work jobs wouldn’t tell me that $4250 in my bank account places me as too wealthy to receive even minimal SNAP benefits to keep me from starving.
I asked those scammers multiple times to tell me about that exclusion, but they would only say that I must sign over my assets to those monsters before that information would be divulged. I am so glad that I smelled a rat and told them to fuck off.
They wanted me to forfeit my life savings for a sad food stamp benefit that could be cut off at any time for failure to submit to their slave labor requirements.
Do these worthless G-jobbers get a bonus for robbing vulnerable segments of our society?
Add to that, the real reason for the program is to drive agricultural sales, not to address food insecurity.
The main thrust of the numerical limitations imposed is to make the victims *more* vulnerable should they have the balls to commit to a rental of an indoor situation.
That increased vulnerability is designed to reinforce the reliability of the slave labor generated by relieving these victims of their life savings, that could cushion the various noise invariably present when maintaining an employment situation.
Ask yourself who makes money when these people are kept in poverty and you will understand the source of the problem.
I had to admit that I lost the thread of your comment about halfway through.
Yes, you’re right (or about right, based on what I’ve heard) about SNAP benefits and people have to sell their houses to qualify for them. And you’re right about SS benefits. I’ve heard — though I don’t recall from where, and I can’t vouch for it myself, that you can keep something like half your earnings (up to a certain point) undeclared under the present policy, which would provide you a bit more of a cushion (if true.)
But it’s not clear to me why you call the bureaucrats you spoke to “worthless pricks” with “make-work jobs” and “scammers”; or what “monsters” you’ve been asked to “sign over your assets to,” or why you’d be required to participate in “slave labor”, or why they’re “worthless G-jobbers” who are “robbing” vulnerable people like yourself.
It seems to me that you’re upset about the underlying policies — and I’d likely grant that you should be — but you’re blaming the messengers who have nothing to do with policy-making. They are probably held accountable to failing to prevent fraud in the system, although I don’t think that anything you’re doing sounds like fraud.
I’m sorry if this comment comes off as dismissive; I don’t intend it to be. It seems to me that you’re hurting economically and consequently lashing out at policies that, as you rightly say, are more about subsidizing agribusiness than keeping the hungry well fed. So I’m going to open the floor to any of our readers who know a lot about SNAP benefits (or whatever they’re now called) and how people with the problems you raise can best navigate them.
I’d like to offer you a chance to write a piece about your situation here (which I would edit, to address the sorts of concerns I present above) so that you can give people a better and more clear perspective on what the world looks like from your situation. I think that helping people who aren’t on SNAP imagine what it really is like does society a good service. Let us know if you’d interested — and I’m sorry I can’t do better than that.
Irvine IS in the FBI’s sights, “just like Treseder said” (to the tune of Eddie Money’s “just like Ronnie says”) and everyone called her a liar…
There was a LONG-ass OCPA meeting today and all I know about it so far is “there was a lot of progress” and “a change is coming.”
What should I write about this week as I get ready for my concert? I know, Lou Correa is on the list of Democrats who voted with Republicans to loosen the regulations on banks a few years ago, and EVERY time we do that we see what happens.
Times covered Wednesday’s OCPA meeting.
Vern, I was thinking more along the lines of,
Thin Lizzy
‘Cept I understand some of these G-men are G-girls, Eric!
Trini, Tamster’s former CEA is getting trashed. Lol. OCPA’s demise appears eminent. Straw that broke the camel’s back. Nice piece by Jeremy Ficarola.
And Yusra Farzan is not a journalist.
You mean “imminent,” Counsel. But thanks for bringing this article to our attention. Nice to see you (in effect) defending Treseder.
Trini may be too young to be able to take the long (and in this case, not so long) view. Yes, something like OCPA is needed, but — to use a term that he should appreciate — this particular well has been poisoned. Treseder has hoped to filter out that poison, but from the sound of things she might be giving up. If so, the right move is to point out how OCPA was put together the wrong way, use it as a case study and teaching tool the get through to everyone how it should be done the right way, and then get behind plans to do just that. This is not going to be the vehicle behind which OC residents will be brought behind the banner of green energy, if they’ve lost Treseder, and if Trini himself is the reason that they’ve lost Treseder then his best move is to move aside. He still may have time to remedy things, but probably much less of it than he thinks.
I don’t know what to make of Trini’s accusations of racism. The bounds of what is or isn’t racist are not brightly marked, so this may be a legitimate difference of perspective; this article provides ammunition for an accusation that Trini is being sexist, and I’m not going to come to that conclusion either. But what’s clear is that sniping at her is not going to bring Trini any closer to his goals. Indeed, what it may do is shut him out of involvement in future efforts to which he might be valuable.
Then again, if rumors are true that Trini is now a full-fledged member of Reina Ada’s claque, then doing her bidding may be his surest and quickest path to power. But why would she want to see Treseder attacked like this? I would think that Ada would want to stay further away from the detritus of the wreck of the Bad Ship Melahat than this, given their reported past advisory relationship.
Somebody is paying, or promising to pay “Trini” to attack Treseder. And he’s perfectly willing to do someone else’s dirty work.
I doubt if Irvine’s membership is on the line, though. I think the same tribe got to that Carroll guy.
I’ve seen him launch incessant obsessive attacks on Agran, Treseder, Larry Tenney – I don’t know what’s wrong with him. I think I’ll talk to the kid since he’s still pretty friendly with me. This shit is gonna get him nowhere.
You’ve (David) compared him to Brandman, Zahra and Traut – he’s reminding me more of the manic Bao Nguyen who miraculously became Garden Grove Mayor, decided Congress was the obvious next step, spent the campaign attacking the worthy Joe Dunn rather than Lou Correa… and now nobody’s heard from him again.
That’s a good comparison, Vern. I feel sad about this in pretty much exactly the same way I felt bad about Bao.
I still think that he may be doing what Ada wants him to do. She wouldn’t have to pay him. Everyone around OC Democratic politics knows that defying her carries a cost.
Talk to him off the record and stick to that. Giving good guidance is more important than telling this sad story.
I also think that you might want to get Fred Jung’s perspective on this.
By the way, Trini (unlike Jordan) does have marketable skills. He has some really good academic research on water issues that once got him interviewed on one of the NPR news shows.
I can imagine a complicated story where that the old Buena Park Blue Dog on City Council may have something cooked up to get him onto the MWDOC Water Board.
Speaking of which, Vern: if you want to feel good about our political coverage and endorsements, just click this link.
Zahra had good water articles, too, published in the incurious Fullerton Observer. Turned out they were written by an OCWD bureaucrat.
Yeah, Zahra would never straightforwardly tell me where he stood on Poseidon, he was always “OCWD is about so much more than that!” That was the beginning of me not trusting Zahra.
Don’t forget my comparison of him to George Santos. That’s a theme that runs through the names I mentioned.
Oliver Chi implies mushroom girl Treseder was embellishing when she claimed he was granted “whistleblower protection”. He claims he never took it. Ms. Farzan is still not a journalist though. She is a parrot
Branda Lin takes Trini to task and calls him a liar.
But, she also restated mushroom girl’s embellishment of Chi’s being under “whistleblower protection”. So there is that.
And, as Trini was (Tamster) Kim’s CEA during 2021, shouldn’t he also be considered a Melahat acolyte or is that over reaching?
Interesting angle. Anti-hate, pro-women activist Lauren Johnson-Norris has refused to speak out re the trini kerfuffle. Neither a trifle or a truffle. I guess if she doesn’t feel “threatened” it’s not a problem.
Trini represents he was Tamster’s CEA until November 2022 in conflict with other sources indicating his engagement ended sooner than November.
Dan’s and Matt’s blogs are looking more and more like the comments we trash every day, with a growing, psychotic obsession over my wife Donna’s son Joey who was killed in 2012.
Dan features a comment saying that Joey is “hopefully rotting in hell” with Fitzgerald:
And Matt features Donna-obsessed comments from someone calling themselves “Detached Aorta” – a reference to Joey’s autopsy report:
What is wrong with these people?
It’s all the same degenerate. One supreme loser.
Yeah except Dan and Matt happily publish the shit.
Jerbal puts too little into his effort to care. Chemicalewinski loves toxicity for its own sake – so long as it’s aimed at his enemies