Pride and Shame: Ashleigh invites The Sisters while Chaffee Bans Pride Flag

Just as I started this piece about Ashleigh and the sisters, I learned (from Ryan Cantor!) that fake Democrat Supervisor Doug Chaffee joined his Republican colleagues in voting to keep the gay pride flag off County property for Pride Month, claiming it’s “just a distraction.” Chmielewski already has the outraged reactions from various non-bigoted OC politicians, but what can anyone expect from this miserable politician – contrary to facile opinion, Democrats do NOT yet have a majority on the Board of Supervisors.

Didn’t I tell everyone in 2018 to vote for Tim Shaw, even if we don’t agree with most of his positions?

  1. Tim Shaw is honest.
  2. Sunny Park could have beat Shaw last year.
  3. Being on the BoS probably would have kept Shaw off the Board of Education, where he is doing worse harm.
  4. (And then Democrats wouldn’t have launched that weird legal boomerang against Shaw which only resulted in us losing Beckie Gomez, the only voice of reason on that Board – dominoes! (Bea Mendoza up next!))

“Just a distraction.” When the LGBTQ-etc community is suffering more attacks, nationwide, than they have in years. SHAME.

And what a contrast from my Mayor, Ashleigh Aitken, a devout churchgoing Catholic from a devout churchgoing Catholic family who brought the wrath of the local Catholic leadership on herself by inviting the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to the Pride Night Angels Game!!

Me and the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence go way back – I was in San Francisco in the early 80’s when/where they got started, and even performed at some of the same shows as them. But I had no idea they were still around; it was a real blast from the past to see them on TV with the Anaheim Mayor! On their website they describe themselves:

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence® are a leading-edge Order of queer and trans nuns. We believe all people have a right to express their unique joy and beauty.

Since our first appearance in San Francisco on Easter Sunday, 1979, the Sisters have devoted ourselves to community service, ministry and outreach to those on the edges, and to promoting human rights, respect for diversity and spiritual enlightenment.

We use humor and irreverent wit to expose the forces of bigotry, complacency and guilt that chain the human spirit.

That sounds about right. Back in the 80’s when I knew them, they always combined their comedy with safe-sex education and pushing for AIDS research funding. They still do a lot of charity work and their sort of activism is obviously still needed now that the GOP has relit the culture wars especially against drag shows and the transgendered.

Obviously their shtick as always been light-hearted satire of the Catholic Church, which of all the organized religions has been notoriously anti-gay. And this hurts the feelings of some thin-skinned Catholics, snowflake Catholics. Like the value-free, extremely thirsty Florida Senator Marco Rubio, who reacted to the Dodger’s initial invitation with an outraged letter calling them bigoted against Catholics: “The ‘sisters’ are men who dress in lewd imitation of Roman Catholic nuns.” Sister Roma, one of their spokeswomen, responds,

“We hold no hate for people of faith who do not weaponize their religion and use it to justify their own homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, and racism…. We are not mocking nuns. We are nuns. We feed the hungry, tend to the sick, care for the unhoused, support the LGBTQ+ youth, and provide ministry to our community.”

The Dodgers were pressured by the reactionary and religious right to withdraw their invitation, and when under GREATER popular pressure they reversed THAT, influential Catholic Twitterer Bishop Robert Barron angrily tweeted:

And when in that interim of rejection Ashleigh offered HER invitation to the Angels game, the local Catholic hierarchy piled on:

I am told by mutual friends who are Catholic that this was just the beginning of the abuse Ashleigh and her family took for her decision – just think, this comes in the middle of Culture War 2023, and Ashleigh is a Democrat, the Party accused of “grooming” and “indoctrinating our youth” in the ways of bending gender, and now those accusations can be made with the blessing of the local religious hierarchy! I am told that Ashleigh’s defiant invitation was very COURAGEOUS. So, kudos for that, to Mayor Ashleigh.

She will need a lot of that courage in her coming years as Anaheim mayor, trying to do the right thing for the people while leading a five-member Disney majority – more even than Tom Tait had to deal with!

  • She’ll need courage to stand up to the Angels who want to pretend it’s the City’s responsibility to maintain and repair the Stadium.
  • She’ll need courage to stand up to Disney as they launch Disneyland Forward and demand complete control and autonomy while promising phantom trickle-down.
  • She’ll need courage to demand affordable housing from Anaheim’s developers who are loath to provide it.
  • And she’ll need courage to keep the city-commissioned Corruption Report from being redacted to meaninglessness.

But for now, props to her for this move!

PS Welcome to Hell, Pat Robertson!

About Vern Nelson

Greatest pianist/composer in Orange County, and official political troubadour of Anaheim and most other OC towns. Regularly makes solo performances, sometimes with his savage-jazz band The Vern Nelson Problem. Reach at, or 714-235-VERN.