Just as I started this piece about Ashleigh and the sisters, I learned (from Ryan Cantor!) that fake Democrat Supervisor Doug Chaffee joined his Republican colleagues in voting to keep the gay pride flag off County property for Pride Month, claiming it’s “just a distraction.” Chmielewski already has the outraged reactions from various non-bigoted OC politicians, but what can anyone expect from this miserable politician – contrary to facile opinion, Democrats do NOT yet have a majority on the Board of Supervisors.
Didn’t I tell everyone in 2018 to vote for Tim Shaw, even if we don’t agree with most of his positions?
- Tim Shaw is honest.
- Sunny Park could have beat Shaw last year.
- Being on the BoS probably would have kept Shaw off the Board of Education, where he is doing worse harm.
- (And then Democrats wouldn’t have launched that weird legal boomerang against Shaw which only resulted in us losing Beckie Gomez, the only voice of reason on that Board – dominoes! (Bea Mendoza up next!))
“Just a distraction.” When the LGBTQ-etc community is suffering more attacks, nationwide, than they have in years. SHAME.
And what a contrast from my Mayor, Ashleigh Aitken, a devout churchgoing Catholic from a devout churchgoing Catholic family who brought the wrath of the local Catholic leadership on herself by inviting the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to the Pride Night Angels Game!!
Me and the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence go way back – I was in San Francisco in the early 80’s when/where they got started, and even performed at some of the same shows as them. But I had no idea they were still around; it was a real blast from the past to see them on TV with the Anaheim Mayor! On their website they describe themselves:
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence® are a leading-edge Order of queer and trans nuns. We believe all people have a right to express their unique joy and beauty.
Since our first appearance in San Francisco on Easter Sunday, 1979, the Sisters have devoted ourselves to community service, ministry and outreach to those on the edges, and to promoting human rights, respect for diversity and spiritual enlightenment.
We use humor and irreverent wit to expose the forces of bigotry, complacency and guilt that chain the human spirit.
That sounds about right. Back in the 80’s when I knew them, they always combined their comedy with safe-sex education and pushing for AIDS research funding. They still do a lot of charity work and their sort of activism is obviously still needed now that the GOP has relit the culture wars especially against drag shows and the transgendered.
Obviously their shtick as always been light-hearted satire of the Catholic Church, which of all the organized religions has been notoriously anti-gay. And this hurts the feelings of some thin-skinned Catholics, snowflake Catholics. Like the value-free, extremely thirsty Florida Senator Marco Rubio, who reacted to the Dodger’s initial invitation with an outraged letter calling them bigoted against Catholics: “The ‘sisters’ are men who dress in lewd imitation of Roman Catholic nuns.” Sister Roma, one of their spokeswomen, responds,
“We hold no hate for people of faith who do not weaponize their religion and use it to justify their own homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, and racism…. We are not mocking nuns. We are nuns. We feed the hungry, tend to the sick, care for the unhoused, support the LGBTQ+ youth, and provide ministry to our community.”
The Dodgers were pressured by the reactionary and religious right to withdraw their invitation, and when under GREATER popular pressure they reversed THAT, influential Catholic Twitterer Bishop Robert Barron angrily tweeted:
And when in that interim of rejection Ashleigh offered HER invitation to the Angels game, the local Catholic hierarchy piled on:
I am told by mutual friends who are Catholic that this was just the beginning of the abuse Ashleigh and her family took for her decision – just think, this comes in the middle of Culture War 2023, and Ashleigh is a Democrat, the Party accused of “grooming” and “indoctrinating our youth” in the ways of bending gender, and now those accusations can be made with the blessing of the local religious hierarchy! I am told that Ashleigh’s defiant invitation was very COURAGEOUS. So, kudos for that, to Mayor Ashleigh.
She will need a lot of that courage in her coming years as Anaheim mayor, trying to do the right thing for the people while leading a five-member Disney majority – more even than Tom Tait had to deal with!
- She’ll need courage to stand up to the Angels who want to pretend it’s the City’s responsibility to maintain and repair the Stadium.
- She’ll need courage to stand up to Disney as they launch Disneyland Forward and demand complete control and autonomy while promising phantom trickle-down.
- She’ll need courage to demand affordable housing from Anaheim’s developers who are loath to provide it.
- And she’ll need courage to keep the city-commissioned Corruption Report from being redacted to meaninglessness.
But for now, props to her for this move!
The hate group Anti Defamation. League presented a resolution to OCHR commission condemning offensive speech directed towards Ashleigh Aitken on June 8 (I’m assuming it passed as I was not present due to being out of country) and Dave Min’s camp met with the same hate group this week.
Funny neither Aitken or Min has condemned Khan or Irvine for partnering with genocide deniers.
And the OCHRC is led in part by the chair and vice chair of the DPOC and top cop in Irvine – Chief Kent. The DPOC endorsed Khan for re-election instead of condemning her and the Irvine Police Association endorsed and contributed to Khan’s re-election campaign.
The ADL has been silent re Khan and Irvine’s notorious affiliation with genocide deniers.
Yeah and the LGBTQ community has no problem being recognized by a mayor and city in bed with genocide deniers just as long as they get their love.
One man’s hate is another man’s love.
All of this anti-hate crap is a political power play and is not designed for any meaningful change. Virtue signaling, identity politics.
https://www.occommunityservices.org/sites/occs/files/2023-06/06-08-23%20HRC%20agenda%20packet.pdf (scroll down to read the resolution)
In fairness, FAIRNESS, allowing the LGBTQ……flag to fly would open the door to others flying a flag.
Would a confederate flag be OK? How about a NAZI flag? WHITE POWER? Black Lives Matter? North Vietnamese flag?
There are plenty of places to fly this flag, the civic center is NOT one of them.
I am homosexual.
That was Tait’s and Vanderbilt’s objections to the Pride Flag in Anaheim. No Confederate or Nazi or White Supremacist or NV Communist demanded a flag, when the Pride Flag was shown. And the arguments against those are too obvious.
I am straight.
There is an argument for that approach. But that argument as applies to this matter was viciously gutted and left to rot by the Supes’ decision, in the same discussion, to allow the POW/MIA flag — which is NOT a government flag — to fly on government buildings.
POWs … from the Vietnam war? There’s no living U.S. servicemember who doesn’t *want* to be there (if any of those even exist anymore) remaining. And when the Vietnamese find remains of dead U.S. servicemembers, they give them back because that’s a cheap and easy (as well a righteous) way to ingratiate themselves with us.
For the record, the POW/MIA flag is not a county flag. This is representing a particular viewpoint — of paranoid slugs who would rather spending time and money drumming up support for a fantasy than, oh, taking care of real living veterans in need.
The argument being made is that LGBT (perhaps especially T) children feel unwelcome in the corridors of power and as a result have higher suicide rates, among other things.
Maybe this is technically unfair — but flying the Pride Flag during Pride month does not seem to me to be much of an intrusion on fairness. Yes, LGBT&c month does follow Black History, Women’s History, Arab American History, and AAPI History months — but none of those groups have their own single flag that has been their banner under which they had campaigned for decades.
So yeah, maybe flying the Pride Flag in June a slight bit of unfairness. I’d put it on the “things in OC to fix” list somewhere after changing the name of one or the other Chapman Avenues off of the 57.
Now if Confederates started committing suicide over their feeling excluded from society at the rate that LGBTs have, maybe we can discuss this.
(And, by the way, Hans — you are not trans, right? So why you draggin’ them?)
Aww, poor Adolph.
What about Eva?
“I am told her law practice suffered a large loss as a result of her pandering.”
What a ridiculous liar you are. From what source did you get this, who supposedly fired her?
If you want me to research the relative rates of suicide among LGBTs than non-LGBTs (and to be fair, I’m mostly speaking here about youth), you can pay me. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll email you with a rate sheet. (Presuming that the email you listed is really yours.) I think I could do this in no more than a half hour, even presuming a rabbit hole or two.
(Vern, did you drag this out of Trash?)
Do you mean her dad’s law office??? She is of counsel there. That’s about it. I don’t think she has a law practice per se.
I just want to understand exactly what charge Capri is making — and on what basis. Maybe you can worm it out of them.
I did notice that when I thanked her for this at last night’s meeting, she looked down and uncomfortable like she wished I wouldn’t mention it.
Happy Day…… always a surprise when a group DEFENDS Andrew Do or Ashleigh Aitken against harsh criticism and the vulgarity used to convey the message…. especially when APD Ofc Michael Cunha called Polish and Jewish people the N-word, and Ashleigh and Andrew and even Katrina Foley laughed and agreed….
Hang on “Hector” — you’re using Brian Kaye’s greeting there — but then write as yourself below? (The avatars give it away.)
Why, if this happened during Festivus, I’d think it was a miracle!
Hector sounds like Hector always sounds. Bryan sounds like Bryan always sounds (tho I don’t know why he commented anonymously.) They do not sound like each other. And the IPs are different.
How many “avatars” are there anyway?
Gawd this woman loves to grandstand. When not carrying water for the unions she’s pandering to culture warmongers.
Pandering to some unions is part of the Klepto way – cops and emergency medic personnel. I’m more worried about the Klepto impulses she’s demonstrated AFTER getting elected as some sort of reformer. No different than O’Neil would have been.
I expect the Kleptoscribe to start writing constipated paeans to her pretty soon.
The LGBTQ+ community is as hateful to their own and others as the rest of society. And, even anti-Armenian. Believe it.
And a happy Pride Month to you as well, monomaniac.
Where is the gay satire aimed at Jews and Muslims. Don’t think gay marriage goes over well in Israel, Muslim countries or the orthodoxy of those religions. Wonder what would happen if they would buffoon those religions. Ask Salman Rushdie.
I get the “inclusiveness” thing but this just inappropriate. This is tacky and offensive. Would Dressing like a NAZI storm trooper and singing German drinking songs be appropriate?
As for attacks on Aitkens family, she caused this. This was mentioned at Christ Cathedral Sunday AM. There are some calling for OC Catholics to withhold donations to DEM Candidates. Let’s see how that fits.
My husband does not want me to say this, so keep this a secret: Wagner, Do, and Chaffee have real pom poms!
Ashleigh’s little Sisters of Mercy er Perpetual Indulgence stunt just had some unintended consequences. Doh!!! Hmm. Anaslime. Way to go former federal prosecutor. Bravo!!
We want a Trump Flag…..with a big wide Red Bar extending from the upper left to the lower Right…..or maybe ……oh forget it – you guys all know what great kidders we are!
When we were kids, we had to fall in every morning for Grammar School, hear the
Star Spangled Banner, with our right hand over our heart as they raised the flag on
the school grounds. Then we went to class and had Nuke drill, where we heard the
Campus Horn and everyone dove under their school desks….until we heard the “All
In somewhat related news, the hoopala in Huntington Beach over the video at Edison HS, one of the students has retained an attorney: Shawn Steel, husband of Rep. Michelle Steel and RNC member.
If you recall, the young woman took a video of a teacher showing LGBT+ which was considered offensive to some, the teacher reportedly assaulted the young woman.
It was curious to see Gina Clayton Tarvin, speak out on KTLA immediately after the commotion, which seemed opportunistic. I guess now we know why. Nothing like juicing up BOTH sides. See Steel on FOX NEWS see the 3:00 Minute mark:
More kung fu fighting at Glendale school district meeting last night.
If Ashleigh is so pro-LGBTQ+ and really was proud of inviting the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to Halos’ Pride Night were are her photos with THEM on her social media???
It does not appear that she is too happy or proud about her decision or that her decision to invite THEM was from any genuine conviction supporting the LGBTQ+ community.
She is so hammy.