Did outgoing President George W. Bush accomplish anything over the last years? One could argue that he singlehandedly destroyed the world economy; ruined the GOP; and socialized the U.S. government. But A guy named Fred Barnes, writing for the Weekly Standard, actually believes that Bush’ “presidency was far more successful than not.”
Don’t get me wrong, I think Barnes is crazy, but for argument’s sake, here are the ten great achievements, that Barnes thinks Bush accomplished:
- Bush fought the Kyoto accord and he never bought into global warming theories.
- He allowed “enhanced interrogation of terrorists.”
- He rebuilt presidential authority, including allowing “wireless surveillance of terrorists without getting a federal judge’s okay.”
- Bush was unswerving in his support for Israel.
- His fifth success was No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
- Sixth, Bush declared in his second inaugural address in 2005 that American foreign policy (at least his) would henceforth focus on promoting democracy around the world.
- The seventh achievement is the Medicare prescription drug benefit, enacted in 2003.
- The appointments of John Roberts and Sam Alito to the U.S. Supreme Court.
- strengthened relations with east Asian democracies (Japan, South Korea, Australia) without causing a rift with China.
- Finally, a no-brainer: the surge.
That’s it? What a joke! Bush was a disaster – he might well be the very worst U.S. President ever. He rolled back civil liberties, relished the destruction of the environment, grew the government beyond comprehension, engaged in ruinous wars, and he just about bankrupted the U.S. I am ashamed I ever voted for him.
Bush accomplishment (actually should be in the top 5):
No. 11: Since 9-11 has prevented major terrorist attacks in the US
No. 12: Kicked major Al Queda and Taliban ass*
*This should have been done after the attack on the USS Cole – could have been done by Clinton as well – may have been able to prevent 9-11.
Actually, Clinton wanted to go find Bin Laden after BHawk, but the Bush Administration, and the entirety of the Congressional Republicans were against it. Finding no stable grounds to put money into a full out search.
Kristin. Prop 19 was defeated. What are you smoking?
President Clinton wanted to go after Bin Laden? Sure he did.
How about Khobar Towers, the USS Cole, and the two US Embassies attacked by terrorists on his watch.
While I have some issues with the Bush administration he deserves full credit for keeping us safe after the 9-11 attack. The same credit is shared with president Obama.
One thing you can acknowledge is that Bush 43 didn’t go around bad mouthing Bill Clinton for losing the codes for the nuclear football or playing golf when the USAF had to scrub a mission to protect Iraqi’s in the northern provinces as Bill was too busy playing golf with his buddy Vernon Jordan to take the call from senior command staff.
It’s really damn near impossible to take a kool-aid drinker like Barnes seriously.
That 25% of the population that approves of the job Bush has done? Kool-aid drinkers.
Double, double toil and trouble, fire burn, and cauldron bubble…
not taking the bait, fargin bastidge
It too could be argued that Clinton and Carter “prevented” terroists attacks domestically (unless you count OKC, which brings up an interesting point, because Bill Clinton KILLED Tim McVey).
#4 duplojohn, excellent point!
duplojohn & Anonyms,
“.. excellent point!” What baloney! I said POST 9-11 !!
The world has changed since Sept. 11, 2001 – if you hadn’t noticed.
I think we’ve all had enough fear-mongering for now. The world has changed since Nov. 4, 2008…if you hadn’t noticed.
At the risk of belaboring this (which I generally try to avoid for reasons soon to be displayed here), last time I checked, since 9-11 there’s only been one president Junior.
That is like saying the Ducks are the only hockey team from Anaheim to win the Stanley Cup.
As for kicking major ass, I, like most in the world are wondering where that got us, unless you count the 10,000 Iraqi kids we blew away.
There hasn’t been another attack because they didn’t need to. Bush did their work for them, with the help of little minds like your’s.
Bush destroyed our liberties better than Al Qaeda could have done with attacks in the US.
“.. unless you count the 10,000 Iraqi kids we blew away.”
I blame Al Qeada for those deaths – same as I blame Nazis and Imperial Japan for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents killed in our bombings during WWII.
“Bush destroyed our liberties better than Al Qaeda could have done with attacks in the US.”
Do you hope to repeat a lie often enough for it to become truth?
“I blame Al Qeada for those deaths”
Throwing your sentence right back at you: “Do you hope to repeat a lie often enough for it to become truth?”
The invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with Al-Qaeda, even if Hannity and O’Reilly claim otherwise.
O’Reilly is a smart, sensible man. He also excused Sarah Palin’s ingnorance of whether Africa was a country or a continent with “so what? she can get a tutor..”.
I hope he is the tutor, then we can all feel better basking in the ignorant light of Fox News.
“The invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with Al-Qaeda, even if Hannity and O’Reilly claim otherwise.”
Joe, pardon my error, a more complete statement should have read –
I blame anti-democracy and freedom domestic and foriegn terrorist fighters, including elements of Al Qaeda, for the deaths of innocents during the battle for the liberation of Iraq.
Junior, there are better ways for a country to handle violence than returning more violence and “kicking ass”, then blaming the deaths that result on the guy who threw the first punch. “kicking ass” also isn’t a good way to keep us safe from attack. If you punch me in the face, I’m much more likely to punch you back.
Observe the way Barack handles foreign relations. He TALKS to other world leaders…so that they can better understand us and we them. …like grownups often do when they have differences.
He doesn’t make up nicknames for them and try to democratize their country against their will.
I don’t understand why so many people continue to try to defend the Bush Administration. Bush preferred war over peace, slowed progress in areas like stem cell research, took away our personal liberties through the use of fear tactics, and oversaw the governmental oversight that led to the worst economic crisis since the depression.
Junior, even if you don’t agree with me, ask yourself this: Are we better off than we were before Bush’s first (stolen) election.
I’m here because I’m searching for something good that Bush accomplished…and “kickin ass” doesn’t qualify in my book.
Awesome! Id love to send this to a friend that constantly attacks My President and me for supporting him. I think we should begin to appreciate our President for his honest attempts to heal and restore this country for all the damage that has been done! Thank you for this POST! I love it!