Back in the fall of 1972 I was a senior in high school in Michigan. On the ballot that Nov. 7 was a state initiative to legalize abortion, Proposal B. Voters overwhelmingly rejected it. Although I was too young to vote, I campaigned for it. A similar pro-life was taken the same day in North Dakota. It seemed that democracy was working. A pro-life electorate was defending the unborn.
The next January 22, 1973 — 36 years ago today – the U.S. Supreme Court imposed its Roe v. Wade decision, overturning every state abortion law in the country. Absurdly, it even overturned the laws in states with legal abortions, such as California and New York. Roe created a new “right” to let an abortinoist trick a mother into letting him kill her baby. Life, decency, and democracy all were aborted.
Dissenting Justice Byron “Whizzer” White branded the edict “raw judicial power.”
Joe ACTUALLY said:
“How do you know that what you see on the ultrasound is actually real? It could be faked, just like some people say the moon-landings are faked.”
And I am the foaming at the mouth nut-job?
Why is it that when liberals are loosing an argument they resort to name calling and preposterous claims?
junior (me) said: “Why is it that when liberals are loosing an argument they resort to name calling and preposterous claims?”
Larry Gilbert answered my question in his recent post; “Strategies and tactics for radical activists by Saul Alinsky”
RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)
Many thanks Larry!
PS: Red Vixen has Alansky’s Rules down pat.
From the OC Register, Jan. 26, 2009:
In response to Yvette Cabrera’s Jan. 19 column on illegal abortions [“Doctor recalls horror of illegal abortions,” Jan. 20], I invite Cabrera and other abortion supporters to take a serious look at the real horror and suffering wrought by abortion.
Search the Web for Eduardo Verastegui’s “Hard Truth” video. I can’t believe any decent human being could watch those clips and still find abortion a baton worth picking up.
Cabrera’s Dr. Richard Squire Jonas says he is disappointed that few doctors of his generation are speaking up. Actually, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, considered an abortion “pioneer” in this country, has indeed spoken up – on the evil of this procedure.
Doctor Nathanson was a founding member of the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws (today NARAL Pro-Choice America), the group that laid the groundwork for the fateful Roe v. Wade court case. Nathanson went on to supervise more than 75,000 abortions – including that of his own child.
Today, Nathanson speaks up against the “abortion business.” His books and documentaries (“Aborting America,” “The Hand of God,” “Silent Scream,” and “Eclipse of Reason”) reveal the falsities of the pro-abortion movement, including the fact that NARAL falsified the number of deaths linked to illegal abortions when pushing for the legalization of abortion.
Maria Leano