Benny Diaz wins as Paul Lucas gets 7 votes

Losing elections just plain sucks.  There is really no other way to put it.  It is a lot of work running for office, and when you don’t win all you have left is campaign bills and paperwork.  One thing for certain, losing doesn’t make you a loser – it just means you didn’t win.

With that in mind, I must say that Paul Lucas has had a rough time of it over the past few months.  He filed for the Board of Supervisors, against Janet Nguyen, then pulled out.  He then ran for the Garden Grove City Council and lost.  And then he ran in the Democratic Party of California’s 68th Assembly Delegate Election, and lost again.  And tonight he tried to win a seat on the Democratic Party of Orange County’s Central Committee, in the 68th Assembly District.  And he got seven votes.

Most of the votes went to Garden Grove’s Benny Diaz, and Fountain Valley’s Gus Ayer picked up the rest.

Diaz is popular with many folks at the DPOC.  He has been the DPOC’s Sergeant at Arms and has served honorably on the DPOC’s Central Committee.  Diaz was also recently elected to serve as a delegate to the Democratic Party of California, in the 68th Assembly District.

I am pretty sure that Lucas’ enemies in the DPOC asked Diaz to run.  But that’s just politics.  It was up to Lucas to drum up support and it didn’t work out.  But one thing we do know, whatever you might think of Lucas, is that he was right about Supervisor Janet Nguyen.  Unfortunately for him, too many of the folks at the DPOC are Jannies – and tonight they made sure to finish off Lucas.

Interestingly, many of these Jannies are also allied with Assemblyman Jose Solorio.  We have reported here the fact that Solorio was the one who asked Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido to shut down the controversial Viet FOB II art exhibit.  Now a theory has emerged as to why Solorio is kissing up to the Trannies – the enemies of the Jannies.

Apparently Solorio is working on a deal with the Trannies.  He will run against Nguyen – and the Trannies will give him support, even it it is behind the scenes.  Who knows?  They might even recruit a white candidate to split the vote, such as Trannie ally Steve Jones, who is on the Garden Grove City Council.

Of course the Jannies on the DPOC could have avoided all this had they supported the Democratic candidate against Nguyen, Hoa Van Tran.  But they didn’t and now they have drummed Lucas out of their Central Committee.

I am sure this is a bitter pill for Lucas.  It may be best for him to take a break from politics for now.  In a couple of years, when Nguyen files against Democratic Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, he will be able to tell the folks at his Central Committee, “I told you so!”

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.