The voters deserve to know who is contributing to ballot measures – and today a judge reaffirmed that notion as he struck down an attempt by the Yes on 8 team to hide the names of those who gave over $100 to that measure.
“U.S. District Judge Morrison England, after a one-hour hearing in Sacramento, said California’s $100 reporting requirement – adopted by the voters in 1974 – is a valid means of informing the public about the financing of ballot measure campaigns,” according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
Is there a downside for those who contribute to these measures? Sure. But they don’t have to give their money to these campaigns. Or they can give less than $100. That is up to them.
Judge England got it right. The voters have a right to know. Shame on the Yes on 8 mob for trying to take that right away, but then taking away rights is there thing, isn’t it?
and shame on the no on 8 crowd . not once but twice they lost and now are using bully tatics to get their way .
It was the right decision – we need to be able to follow the money in politics.
Shame on anyone who uses bully tactics against any of these contributors and shame on anyone who would characterize a choice to change associations based on that information as bullying.
So now we will be able to see that Bruce Broadwater gave a thousand dollars to the Yes on 8 campaign and then can witness how Prevatt et al will react to the Sanchez campaign that has always endorsed and will suppot Bruce in two years over Robin Marcario.
Lets publish tha list of people that gave money on Yes on Prop.8 , and also No on Prop.8. It should fair and balance,no?.Lets do it!.
If people want to change the requirements for campaign finance reporting, they are welcome to try.
But I don’t think that such changes should ever be made retroactive to the previous election cycle.
That’s simply unfair.
Paul don’t pick on Robin, now Bruce that’s ok.
Im not taking a swipe at Robin. I like Robin and think she is a real asset to the community. Im simply pointing ou that in two years they (Prevatt et al) will back Bruce and Mark over Robin. Thats the usual pattern and will show itself again next election.
I would like to see robin give those two a run for their money, but the power of incumbency will put the power behind Bruce and Mark. Thats just the way it is. As unfortunate as it is. Its reality.
The list of those who gave to the No on 8 campaign is published as well. As far as being bullies, I believe this tactic was initiated by several Yes on 8 people who sent letters to businesses who gave to the No on 8 campaign demanding equal contributions or else they would publish their names. The tactic backfired as one business owner decided to double his contribution to the No campaign.
As far as losing – The Prop 8 nazis lost to the Supreme Court in every state where the issue has gone to the Supreme Court, including California. This is one of the longest political hate campaigns, if not the longest, of the 20th and 21st Century.
The Gay Haters (excuse me – “Save Marriage” Advocates – what a pathetic ironic joke that is) behind Prop 8 are for the law, unless it is against them, for the constitution unless it is against them, and for public confrontation, except when it is against them. There is not moral, spiritual or ethical backbone to these people, yet they claim it is about morality, spirituality and ethics – as they define it to serve their own selfish, hateful interests. That is why they are for amending the constitution of the United States and California to take away the Constitutional rights of people and impose a two tier system of civil marriage – not religious marriage, as the 1st amendment expressly prohibits the state from compelling a church to marry anyone.
Lies and subterfuge marks the very core of the Proposition 8 movement. I think it is great that its supporters will be forced to wear the scarlet letter of B for bigot as a matter of public record for the remainder of their lives.
And all you Prop 8ers out there – remember when you were boycotting Disneyland for providing Domestic partner benefits to gays? You aren’t averse to political boycotts as long as they do not affect you – they are just another tactic in achieving your bigoted goals.
“The Great One” yeah – right.
Well said, OCMM!
Maybe the OJ Blog people should take a look at the IHB format. It would be really nice to be able to interact a bit better and thank some people for their posts in a more direct way. A member list would be a start. Just an idea. The discussion just seems a bit more interactive there.
The “PEOPLE” spoke, Yes on Prop 8 won, get over it and move on.
You would have felt right at home in Nazi Germany- the people hated jews, so their legal rights were taken away, they were beaten, imprisoned and then exterminated. Then the list expanded. You do not have the slightest comprehension of what the constitution does – It secures the rights of the minorities against the tyranny of the majority. Do you think the majority of Americans would vote that Mormonism should be considered a religion worthy of protection? Islam? Scientology? Jehovah’s Witnesses? Let’s just pass a constitutional amendment taking away their rights. What do you say OCGator?