Christian Taliban: “Truth, NOT Tolerance”

Which war would Jesus start?  Who would Jesus condemn?

God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them.”

“Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”

“This crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while.”   — George W. Bush, ex-President of the United States          Quotes from the American Taliban

Does anyone believe this hooey about GOD actually talking to the leader of the free world and telling him to go start up a war and kill people in the Middle East?  Tell me how that is possible.  Since when did Jesus become such a hard-hearted hater and bloody crusader for intolerance against those who our leaders succeed in demonizing?  The Christian Taliban’s motto, “Truth, not tolerance”,  is being used to justify the fight being brought on.

There is the “Left Behind” gang who are preaching how great the coming of World War III and a nuclear holocaust in the Middle East would be and tell their ignorant followers that Jesus will come back and snatch them up to a sterile paradise of streets of gold while the rest of us will be ‘left behind’.

Yes the “Christian Taliban” is diligently working toward an America where we will be forced to worship their concept of God or face the consequences of their tactics of terror. We will live in a nation where Jewish, Muslim, and Hindu children will be forced to pray to a vengeful and hard-hearted God who will proclaim that they will burn in the fires of hell because a loveless and cruel concept of Jesus is not their personal savior. We will live in a nation where genuine Christians who are the true believers who know that both God and Jesus are the purest form of love will be forced to deny a loving Christ and worship a false ‘Jesus’ who represents oppression, punishment, revenge, hate, and bigotry.

It is time for intolerance, all right.  It’s time to evict this political version of Jesus out of the tax-free status that His churches have been enjoying at the expense of the rest of us and our country’s constitution.  It looks like His Name has been hijacked by power-crazed zealots determined to get us all killed fighting false wars.   How’s that for truth instead of tolerance?

About Red Vixen