Which war would Jesus start? Who would Jesus condemn?
“God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them.”
“Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”
“This crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while.” — George W. Bush, ex-President of the United States Quotes from the American Taliban
Does anyone believe this hooey about GOD actually talking to the leader of the free world and telling him to go start up a war and kill people in the Middle East? Tell me how that is possible. Since when did Jesus become such a hard-hearted hater and bloody crusader for intolerance against those who our leaders succeed in demonizing? The Christian Taliban’s motto, “Truth, not tolerance”, is being used to justify the fight being brought on.
There is the “Left Behind” gang who are preaching how great the coming of World War III and a nuclear holocaust in the Middle East would be and tell their ignorant followers that Jesus will come back and snatch them up to a sterile paradise of streets of gold while the rest of us will be ‘left behind’.
Yes the “Christian Taliban” is diligently working toward an America where we will be forced to worship their concept of God or face the consequences of their tactics of terror. We will live in a nation where Jewish, Muslim, and Hindu children will be forced to pray to a vengeful and hard-hearted God who will proclaim that they will burn in the fires of hell because a loveless and cruel concept of Jesus is not their personal savior. We will live in a nation where genuine Christians who are the true believers who know that both God and Jesus are the purest form of love will be forced to deny a loving Christ and worship a false ‘Jesus’ who represents oppression, punishment, revenge, hate, and bigotry. Christiantaliban.org
It is time for intolerance, all right. It’s time to evict this political version of Jesus out of the tax-free status that His churches have been enjoying at the expense of the rest of us and our country’s constitution. It looks like His Name has been hijacked by power-crazed zealots determined to get us all killed fighting false wars. How’s that for truth instead of tolerance?
Bush is the prince of lies and ignorance and the lord of darkness. The anti-christ has rule over America.
i love these far left daily kos clowns . bush is the devil . bush is the fault of everything in america . a guy ran a red light its w fault , a person was speeding its w fault , and their thinking that we killed people in iraq and the middle east . we killed terrorist who want to harm this country . wich side are you on .
only sheep like you need a shepard
Not-so-great one,
Can you tell us which far left Daily Kos clown wrote this post?
Its time to recapture our freedoms in this country. Freedoms that mean ‘freedom from’ as much as ‘freedom to.’ I really do not want a state religion for America.
I don’t mind letting them do whatever they want though, except when it comes to screwing up the country. I honestly think that tax-exempt status in exchange for staying out of politics is a sweet deal, but we have to start enforcing it or the tax-exempt becomes an other empty entitlement government giveaway.
So they have all the freedom of speech they want, and they can choose tax-exempt or not based on that speech trade-off. I hope we don’t start seeing dummy corporation 501c (or whatever) accounts being set up to hide their political activities either. Christ, they have their boadload of voters every Sunday, why can’t they leave the rest of us alone?
The part that galls me most is the religious right’s self benefiting proclamation that somehow they are the ones being attacked and are at war when its only criticism of their own excesses that they can cite as proof of attacks against them.
Nevertheless, I do not condone any infringement on their freedoms save the tax exempt trade off and the laws we all abide by. There is so much good being done by and in the name of these groups everyday and they provide a haven for many of our most disadvantaged. I support assisting them monetarily when they are engaged in a program that works with taxpayer funds because I think those dollars should always be spent where they will do the most good.
When it comes to their fundamentalist message, when it comes to their Christian extremist philosophy, when it comes to their end of the world politics it’s not “Truth not tolerance,” its “Dogma not tolerance” which has no resemblance to truth whatsoever as truth must be proved and dogma must be believed.
I like the new corporate branding the corporatist Xtians are marking themselves with- Not of This World. Begging the question- why don’t they just leave? Jim Jones lives and Mickey weeps.
Thanks for adding to the comments all.
If one of us starting hearing voices to kill other people, we’d be taken in for a psychiatric evaluation in a flash! Why did the ex-president essentially get a pass when he claimed to have been in real conversations with God? Is there a huge percentage of US citizens that believe in this kind of thing?
His superstitious claims sure got this country into a very costly and unjust war. Unbelievable.
RV – I challenge your “Bush-God” quote in the first highlighted paragraph.
I do not believe that you are able to provide a credible source for this so-called “quote.”
RV – I challenge your “Bush-God” quote in the first highlighted paragraph.
Well, junior, I did provide a link. If that’s not how you remember what the president said, then it is your turn to find a link to what he actually did say about GOD and the wars he started on behalf of God. Certainly you remember his comments about consulting his FATHER, GOD, not his birth father and past-president who opted out of war with Iraq, Bush Senior, on the subject of his determination to start war.
George Bush has used his Xtian fakery to get away with a lot of really bad stuff. He’s only a man of god, if that god is a complete imbecile. Only a moron “god” could possibly have been on George W. Bush’s side of such an incredibly FAILED administration. Jesus warned us against falling for false religious leaders who will misuse their claims of faith to abuse their power over others. Bush is an excellent example of why we must always be skeptical of anyone claiming they know what GOD wants.
Journalist Arnon Regular wrote, in the June 26 edition of Ha’aretz (Israel’s most reputable newspaper), that he has minutes of a meeting among top-level Palestinian leaders, including Prime Minister Mahmoud Abas. The minutes are apparently quite detailed, because Regular wrote a long article recounting very specific conversations. The last paragraph of the article reads:
“According to Abbas, Bush said: ‘God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them.'”
God morning Red.
A few points. Let’s be clear. Haaretz, which I read every week, is the progressive newspaper in Israel. Perhaps you might add the Jerusalem Post to your data sources for balance and verifications.
Second. Did you obtain a copy of that text or are you simply using third party heresay to make your argument?
After my multiple meetings today I might try to verify the accuracy of your commentary and respond confirming it to be factual or simply BS.
Bush was severely lacking in intelligence department. I don’t believe he was real christian.
OC Democrat
I really tried to avoid responding to your remark.
However I still have an hour before our city council meeting so try this on for size.
Did you see president Clinton deplaning from Marine One at the White House carrying his bible?
Oh, I nearly forgot to give you a time frame. Shortly after his relationship with a young intern
was revealed. Please don’t throw hand grenades.
“Did you obtain a copy of that text or are you simply using third party heresay to make your argument?
After my multiple meetings today I might try to verify the accuracy of your commentary and respond confirming it to be factual or simply BS.
Yes, Larry, I was there in person. I jotted down exactly what the President said and how it was translated —>Eye Roll<--- Seriously, I provided a link to the Independent/UK but one only has to do a GOOGLE for BUSH and God and get an awful lot of weird video clips of that Xtian Poseur backtracking on a variety of God-told-me claims. I love the one when Bush is asked if God was being used to abuse power and he says that the other side is EVIL because they are using war to cause the deaths of so many innocents! Gads, if Irony was a falling anvil, Ex-president Bush would have been smashed flat years ago. Sadly his entire attack on the "other side" using God as an excuse to commit crimes and cause death could be a fair and even assessment of his own evil deeds. Go ahead, Larry. Do so research and tell me that voices claiming to be god and giving direct instructions to kill is sober activity for anyone, much less the President of the United States.
RV – Your single “quote” is by a Palistian legislator and is uncorraborated – it is worthless.
I find it hilarious how the neocon taliban whine that “A guy runs through a red light and you tree huggers blame Bush.” No- not even close. Try this, Bush is responsible for lying the USA into a TRILLION dollar plus war with Iraq, which killed tens of thousands of INNOCENT Iraqis, and those innocent Iraqis were not Saddam and were not terrorists, so whose side are you Christo-Tabiban on Bush the killer of innocents, or the –innocents just trying to survive their own version of Bush, Saddam Hussein? The Pentagon was caught trying to distribute tens of thousands of “freedom” packages that included a bible, and a video game of CHrists Warriors fighting against the Global Peacekeepers, in other words, the Christo-Taliban verses the rest of humanity. The neocon taliban will not stop trying to force Jesus return by violating every one of the 10 commandments, and they have the Osama Bin Ladenness to think that their hateful, murderous, lying, thieving, actions are totally justified if not mandated by God the sadistic angry jealous bloodthirsy hater of humankind. Neocons better pray that Jesus is not what he says he is in teh bible, because if a rich guy has to go through a needle’s eye to get to heaven, what about the rich guy who orders torture of innocent civilians, uses government to rip off tax payers for hundreds of billions to line cronies pockets, who proudly exclaims all gays should be killed in one moment, while luring young men into homosexual acts using meth purchased from church offerings the next. Ted Haggard, Larry Craig, GW Bush, Dick Cheney, Pat Robertson, FOX news and all the other neocon Taliban hacks, are the very epitome of evil taught about in the bible, yet they are worshipped by the Christo-taliban faithful, worshipped more than Jesus Christ himself. God talked to Bush more than God talked with Jesus, and its nice to know its not Bush’s fault, its God’s, God told Bush to torture innocent civilians for the sadistic thrill of harming infidels.