44th CD is a DCCC target, OCGOP We Have a Problem

Oh No Ken, Bill Hedrick is coming again!

GOP Congressman Ken Calvert

Challenger Bill Hedrick

A good sign that a Congressional District is up for grabs is when the Washington campaign committees start spending early money in a district.   Ken Calvert’s 44th Congressional District is receiving early attention from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee as it is running radio Ads against Calvert targeting his vote against the stimulus bill and the SCHIP legislation to increase medical coverage for poor and middle class children.   From DCCC website with the text of the ad:

Children’s’ Health Care Ad

The following ad is the districts of Michele Bachmann (MN-06), Ken Calvert (CA-44), and Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-09):

Did you know Congressman Ken Calvert gets health care at taxpayers’ expense, but Calvert voted against health care for 11 million uninsured children?  Times are tough, tell Ken Calvert to put families first.

This is good news for Bill Hedrick who ran in 2008 and I hear is gearing up for a rematch.  Hedrick did not receive much help from Orange County Democrats last time.  Perhaps there will be a bandwagon effect and folks will get off their duffs.  Here is a link to his campaign website.

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