Bogus conservative Republican ex-legislator appointed to Agro Labor Relations Board

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Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has appointed former GOP Assemblywoman Sharon Runner of Lancaster to the Agricultural Labor Relations Board, which meets publicly twice a month, and pays $128,109 a year,” according to the Sacramento Bee.

I thought that Sharon, and her husband George, were supposed to be conservatives?  This looks like personal pork!

And consider this – Sharon generally voted against the interest of farm workers when she was a legislator! She actually voted “against heat illness prevention regulations for farm workers.” 

Moreover, she has “a rare lung disease, limited scleroderma, with no known cure. She is on a transplant list waiting for two new lungs. The condition caused her to miss many of the final weeks of the end of last year’s legislative session.”

And Runner has zero experience in this area. She “never served on either the labor or agriculture committees, according to those panels.”

What does Sharon’s husband George, who is a tough talking conservative state legislator, think about all this?

“Now is the time to live within ours means,” George Runner had said after Schwarzenegger’s State of the State speech last month. “We must adopt a spending limit, hold the taxations of our citizens to a minimum and allow government to provide only the most basic needs.”



CA GOP Chairman Ron Nehring has weighed in on this matter, on Facebook.  His message appears to be that waste is OK if you are wasting money on Republicans and not Democrats:

Governor Schwarzenegger deserves enormous credit for his wisdom in appointing former Assemblymember Sharon Runner to the Agricultural Labor Relations Board. Complaints from the far left are unwarranted and reflect a kneejerk mentality by some union officials.

I’ve known Sharon Runner for years. She is incredibly bright, compassionate and brimming with common sense. She has a way of cutting through the clutter of complex issues and getting to the heart of the matter, and doing so in a way that often disarms her opponents. This probably explains why those who seek to use boards like the ALRB to drive an ideological agenda won’t find much comfort in Sharon Runner’s appointment.

We’re pleased the Governor appointed her, and look forward to her confirmation. Hopefully, the Senate will put partisan and ideological concerns aside in confirming this first class leader to this important post.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.