Yeah, it looks dumb down here on its own. I think Greg wanted me to add it as an illustration…
Posted in: jubal
– March 8, 2009I have been banned. Banned by Jubal (Herinafter “Jerbal”) Cunningham from his OCBlog. Normally I would be offended by this, but in this case I guess it’s a badge of honor. I mean, who wants to be associated with boot-lick hypocrites, right?
I first posted a comment on a post started by Chris Emami, who finally, after a four week snooze by Jerbal, mentioned that uber Republican John Lewis is supporting Tom Daly in the 4th District Supervisorial election. Jubal welcomed my first comment with an insult and when I responded by passing along Art Pedroza’s “raspberry” for his gutlessness in dodging the Lewis story, I was quickly banned! He insults me; I tell the truth.
We have waited for four long weeks for Jerbal to inform his readers that his teacher and hero Lewis is supporting a Democrat over a conservative Republican, Shawn Nelson. Finally an underling slides the information into a post about the 4th District race. Odd, isn’t it? Well, maybe not so odd.
For a guy who pretends to be the next cub reporter Jimmy Olsen, Jubal sure doesn’t act like a real reporter – by letting his “grassroots” center-right readers know what’s really happening. Hypocrite, coward, self-righteous, toady, bigot. That’s our boy Jerbal.
Yes, I’m glad I was banned.
Congrats! I am surprised I have not been banned by Jerbal. It is only a matter of time I’m sure…
The rat/jerbal trail goes like this:
Lewis wants to say he’s not managing Daly’s campaign so he has Chris Jones (his former chief of staff) run things as a shill.
Cunningham (aka Jerbal) is on the team to run interference for the republican side. This is why Jerbal will not allow any content that shines the light on Lewis and the scam.
Norby is being leaned on like no ones business to help pull off the scam but he actually has principles and is struggling with the fight for his soul (more on that later).
The scam continues with Lewis endorsing Daly and those on the team suggesting there are many other reps that do as well. Problem is they didnt count on Nelson, a close friend of Norby running and now that string of reps is not materializing.
To add insult to injury Lori Galloway is now weighing in and Daly will be the odd man out.
Your coverage of this topic has done a great deal of damage to the red-faced blog by exposing what it is. Keep up the good work.
Tony: since you are unable or unwilling to tell the truth about why you have been banned, allow me.
Being banned from RC has nothing to do with whether or not I like someone or agree with their opinions. Red County’s comment section rules prohibit personal attacks and gossip, profanity and obscenity.
You transgressed with a personal attack and like every other OC Blog reader who has similarly transgressed, were given a first and last warning.
The great majority of commenters who are so warned thereafter abide by the rules, because it is really quite easy to express an opinion within those boundaries.
Then there are some who compulsively resort to personal attacks, and seem unable to articulate themselves without doing so. Those are the ones who get banned. As someone who professes to believe in a free society, you should understand that.
In other words, you received a warning, you ignored it, and there was a consequence.
As for Art, he has managed to remain within the boundaries of the comments section all these years. If he ever violates the rules, he’ll be treated like anyone else, just as you have.
After you have had a long enough time out, if you ever want your commenting privileges restored, I’m willing to do so — as I have with other commenters — if you are able to control yourself.
As for your follow on comment, Tony: it’s disappointing to see you follow Art’s example of reporting your imaginings as reality.
And yet you come over her and commit personal attacks all the time!
BTW, I just took a look at your lame blog and sure enough, you did not cover the Fullerton tax protest! Why am I not surprised…
“As for your follow on comment, Tony: it’s disappointing to see you follow Art’s example of reporting your imaginings as reality.”
Well, help everybody out here, Jubal. Is this Chris Jones guy running Daly’s campaign? Is he a former Lewis employee?
You yourself sometime back shared that your “sources” indicated more Republicans would be following Lewis in endorsing Daly. Are they or aren’t they? If you’re going to be part of a whisper campaign you ought to expect people to speculate on behind the scenes machinations.
A few weeks ago you joined the discussion on the issue of Lewis’s endorsement of Daly. You spilled lots of cyber-ink on this blog dodging the question – but according to Pedroza a defeaning silence resounded on your own. And you accuse Tony B of leting his imagination get the better of him!
Why not just come out today and say you will support Shawn Nelson should he decide to run? Here’s a little checklist to help you. Between Nelson and Daly, who would have been more likely to have:
Supported a pension spike in Fullerton?
Voted for the recent California budget monstrosity?
Voted for the recent Federal bailout scams/spending bill?
etc., etc.
The Red County brand is worthless if Lewis’ Jerbal can filter legit news to shill for a career hack/ democrat like Daly.
After you have had a long enough time out, if you ever want your commenting privileges restored, I’m willing to do so — as I have with other commenters — if you are able to control yourself.
ROFLOL! Oh those “commenting privileges” at OCblog/Redcounty are PRICELESS.
Red County jumped the shark long ago as a partisan political blog that’s no more or less than an outlet for paid shills and party hacks.
WARNING: Driven by a group of political consultant/lobbyist with LOT’S OF $$$ to gain by foisting mostly unprincipled candidates into office, OC’s Red County blog has turned into a mouthpiece for the last of the remaining RINO’s.
I have eight tentacles and each one has lots of suckers.
It’s a Jerbal alright and you know what they are famous for.
Is this Chris Jones guy running Daly’s campaign? Is he a former Lewis employee?
Why, I would think someone here at the ultra-informed, uber-influential OJ could easily answer that question. I mean, all the contributors and commenters talk as if they know precisely what is happening behind the scenes in OC politics, and should need me to fill in easy blanks like that.
You yourself sometime back shared that your “sources” indicated more Republicans would be following Lewis in endorsing Daly.
if you take a look at Daly’s fundraising invite, you’ll be able to see. Tony should know — he knows everything, doesn’t he?
You spilled lots of cyber-ink on this blog dodging the question – but according to Pedroza a defeaning silence resounded on your own.
No, I answered the question, but you clowns only want to hear answers you want to hear.
And “according to Pedroza”, David? That’s like saying “according to Pravda…”
I used to think you were an alright guy, so it is sad to see that you are, in fact, a dishonest loudmouth with a reckless disregard for both facts and truth — which makes all your yammering about “principle” hollow, because you can’t even practice elementary principles of life such as basic honesty.
And that makes you a perfect OJ contributor!
Jubal, you have studiously avoided giving a straight answer to the Lewis issue all along. If you have, I missed it. Please direct me to the thread and comment number. All I’ve seen is obfuscation and misdirection – like you were working hard not to answer an embarrassing question.
I asked if this Chris Jones fellow (I’ve never heard of him before) were running Daly’s campaign and whether he used to work for Lewis. You gave another non-answer, with an insult to boot.
Pedroza said you didn’t post anything about the Lewis endorsement on your blog. Instead of pointing out where you did, you simply insult him as a Communist propagandist. Another misdirection.
Did you or didn’t you post it? If you did, tell me when and I’ll go read it.
BTW, I didn’t receive an invitation to Daly’s party, but evidently you did. I have no idea whose names are on it. Are you going to post it on your blog so we can all see who the GOP luminaries are? If not e-mail it to Art or Tony Bushala and I’m sure they be happy to give the event the publicity it deserves.
If you’re as smart as you keep insisting everyone acknowledge, then why is it that you can’t write interesting columns that get reader participation on a consistent basis over at YOUR OWN BLOG?
Dude, you’ve got NOTHING TO DO. And that’s why you show up at OJ with a bunch of sour grapes in your mouth to bash others. You write a bunch of crap no one wants to read. You don’t get any feed back, because no one is reading it and then you show up at OJ with your crap posts and negativity that are not appreciated here, either.
What is the matter with you? You come off as ridiculous.
If you’re as smart as you keep insisting everyone acknowledge, then why is it that you can’t write interesting columns that get reader participation on a consistent basis over at YOUR OWN BLOG?
You have to have pity on the dying Republican party hacks, being assaulted from the heads-on-a-stick crowd while most of us support the new President. Almost all Americans are sick of these useless leeches.
Here’s some free advice:
1) Don’t censure your readers and you “might” have people reading your Blog
2) Practice what you preach
3) Take a deep breath, relax, and smell the roses 🙂
You have to have pity on the dying Republican party hacks…..
Pity on enablers of disaster? Not a chance.
being assaulted from the heads-on-a-stick crowd while most of us support the new President. Almost all Americans are sick of these useless leeches.
You’ve got that exactly right!
Yep, it really hurts being attacked by someone who has to do so anonymously. Gutsy.
Too funny! You are attacking Red for posting anonymously even though YOU used to refer to yourself in the third person until the OC Weekly busted your fake “Jerbal” identity…
What a red-faced schmuck!
1) Don’t censure your readers and you “might” have people reading your Blog
Tony, you really need to stop drinking Art’s Kool Aid. I don’t censor commenters. I ask they abide by very simple rules that in no way inhibit the expression of opinion. The fact you couldn’t govern yourself well enough to abide by them says far more about you.
2) Practice what you preach
I do. On RC, I follow our rules. Here on OJ, there are no rules.
3) Take a deep breath, relax, and smell the roses.
Thanks. While I’m doing that, try to grow up a little and put a premium on being truthful and informative over being vicious and outrageous. The latter is what has turned this blog into the joke of OC politics, which is too bad for everyone.
I didn’t use my pseudonymous status to personally attack people. RV abuses her anonymity to do just that.
Even worse, you used it to applaud yourself! How lame! We call that punetas, in Spanish. Look it up Jerbal.
“While I
Please refer all the way back to comment #14.
It would appear as if Daly’s coming out party is supposed to be a groundbreaking event.
I have the sneaking suspicion that after March 17th no one will be able to stop Jubal talking about what a great guy Daly is.
Looks like the Measure D team is re-assembling itself. Do a search for Chris Jones in the OCblog archives and note the names of the public employee union leaders.
Check out the roll-call in the Lewis Measure D “interview.”
Jerbie said: On RC, I follow our rules. Here on OJ, there are no rules.
Wow, there’s that typical entitlement mentality you’ve got. If it ain’t nailed down, it’s free for the taking….
Most people don’t need to be policed. You are the exception, apparently. Maybe you can stick to your own site where you have rules in place to help you control your own behavior.
David Z, Bingo! The Octopus needs to be exposed.
Jerbal is up to his tricks again. The tax protest wasn’t news that he felt was worth reporting (another poster finally covered it on Monday) but cant wait to shower kind words on Daly’s fundraising effort. Oh, I’m sure its just coincidence that Jerbie does this.
Jerbal, you have been exposed! Quit calling people names and wasting time with your nonsensical double speak. You are Lewis’ bitch and a shill for Daly. Be a stand up guy and admit it at least. No one is falling for your slight of hand tricks here.