Why did Red County’s OC blog totally ignore the Fullerton Tax Protest?

Why did Red County’s OC blog totally ignore the Fullerton Tax Protest?  I think we all know the answer.  The GOP establishment is part of the problem.  The Republican legislators in Sacramento voted to put the tax increase measure 1A on the May ballot.  They have a lame excuse for doing this but they knew full well that it was going to include a tax increase.

And the last thing that the John Lewis shills at Red County want to do is bring attention to Fullerton Councilman Shawn Nelson, who was at the tax protest. The Red-faced mob is backing Democrat Tom Daly, against Nelson, for the seat being vacated by Supervisor Chris Norby.

The tax protest story that our blogger Larry Gilbert wrote blew up yesterday.  We had over two thousand visits to our site!  Red County missed the boat entirely.

Why call yourself a Republican blog if you are going to ignore a tax protest with thousands of pissed off voters?  Red County should just change their name.  All they are is consultants trying to make a buck off their party.  They stand exposed now for what they truly are.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.