Orange County Memories

Saddleback Inn company station wagon that was used to pick up guests.

Saddleback Inn company station wagon used to pick up guests from the OC airport, 1981.

For anyone who has lived, worked or visited Orange County and is interested in a historical perspective, there is an interactive website for you: The above picture was submitted by a reader after a story was published at OCThen about the landmark, Saddleback Inn, in Santa Ana.  The reader had worked as bell boy who drove that car to pick up guests like Loretta Lynne and now he has left his written memories to accompany the photograph to share with other readers.  The site is easy to search and has archived stories of all Orange County cities.  Here is a sampling of stories and inquiries found there:   Want to know about that old mental hospital in Garden Grove?  What was the name of the old tiki-style restaurant in Newport Beach?  Can you name the new New Wave club in Fullerton?

Remember the Golden Bear Nightclub in HB?  Someone is looking for former boy scout members of Santa Ana’s Troop 26.  Anyone in Santa Ana remember a guy named Cheerio?  Did you ever ice skate at the Glacier Falls Ice Arena in Anaheim?  Who else has hung out in Irvine Park during the 1970’s with the van clubs?  Here is a link to a feel good story about the Orange Circle in downtown Orange.

I just wanted to share this fun site full of unique Orange County stories and history!  Enjoy!

About Red Vixen