I checked out the Red Clownty blog today and found that they have a new CEO named Chip Hanlon. He put up a video where he explained that things have changed at Red Clownty and now they are going to really go after Republican hacks. The problem is that these clowns got the hacks elected in the first place!
Will these red-faced goons ever recover from the drubbing that KFI’s John and Ken gave them last week? It was awesome! John and Ken called them a “Kool-Aid Drinker’s” blog and worse. And take a look at the results in the graphic above, which comes from the number one web traffic data service, Alexa.com. They are steadily sliding, as is the CA Republican Party. Sure, Red Clownty gets a lot of hits, but they are a national blog. They SHOULD get a lot of hits, given that their blog includes over thirty different red blogs.
Our blog is holding its own. We are now averaging over 1,600 visits a day, and over 3,000 page views a day, according to Sitemeter. And, as you can see in the graphic above, we are trouncing the blue guys over at the Liberal OC too. Their own Sitemeter data indicates that we get over twice the readers and page views than they do, consistently.
I credit my blog team, which is the most diverse group of writers in the O.C. And I think that our success proves that our format is the best one in the O.C. We are not red and we are not blue. We are Orange! Our politics reflect the people of this county. We lean Libertarian but our team includes Democrats and Republicans. And Red Clownty can talk about holding Republicans accountable, but we do that to ALL the elected officials in this county, regardless of their party affiliation.
And I remain awed at how many folks read and comment on our 2009 SAUSD post. That post has really a become vibrant online community for folks teaching in Santa Ana and for parents and students in the SAUSD.
One more thing – there are no “political consultants” on our team. That is an important fact to consider. Red Clownty is teeming with consultant hacks. No bueno! And all of my writers live and work here in Orange County. The Liberal OC’s editor lives in Long Beach!
There is plenty of room in this county for all the above-referenced blogs, but there is only one Orange Juice. I thank YOU for reading our blog!
Click here to read about how the Internet is surging as a major influence on the political landscape.
ha ha. I love these posts. So pathetic.
Plug OJ’s URL in Quantcast. OJ’s traffic so low it can’t even be measured.
Or use AttentionMeter.com, and compare OJ, LOC and RedC across several traffic monitors. OJ gets crushed.
“but there is only one Orange Juice.”
We should be thankful for small favors.
A Latino named “Bart?” Haven’t seen that one before.
Thanks for reading the Orange Juice. You guys just can’t stay away…
Mendoza is Spanish for Simpson.
“Plug OJ’s URL in Quantcast. OJ’s traffic so low it can’t even be measured.
Or use AttentionMeter.com, and compare OJ, LOC and RedC across several traffic monitors. OJ gets crushed.”
That would be interesting to see. Could you post some links to see? t/y
Bart = Jerbie.
Since the Jerb got bitch slapped, and demoted by the higher ups at RC for being a moron, he was also told that he cannot post comments on the Juice, so now he makes up stupid names and still makes stupid, jealous comments.
Listen up RC higher ups….you can take the Jerb out of the Juice, but you cant take the Juice out of the Jerb. He’s hooked on the #1 Ranked Political Blog in Orange County.
The best is yet to come.
“Plug OJ’s URL in Quantcast. OJ’s traffic so low it can’t even be measured. Or use AttentionMeter.com, and compare OJ, LOC and RedC across several traffic monitors. OJ gets crushed.”
Never mind all those goofy sites. Alexa is owned and operated by Amazon.com. It is THE web traffic rating service, period.
But at the end of the day, nothing beats Sitemeter. Our readers can see what our readership is for themselves. The only other blog in town that offers that service, of the big blogs anyway, is Blue County.
Why won’t Red Clownty put Sitemeter on their blog? What do they have to hide? Does the red Emperor have no clothes on? Hmmmm…..
“Bart = Jerbie.
Since the Jerb got bitch slapped, and demoted by the higher ups at RC for being a moron, he was also told that he cannot post comments on the Juice, so now he makes up stupid names and still makes stupid, jealous comments. ”
LOL, Tony. I thought something like that had happened. For a while there he was the first person in the am posting snarky comments and the last poster in the evening to give his craziness a rest. Then shazam! No posts at all from the Jerb. Busted keyboard or busted by the boss?
So his own group banned him from posting at OJ? LMAO! Oh that’s just rich! He would have been banned from his own site a long time ago for some of the garbage he was getting away with posting here at the Juice. Maybe his bosses were sick of his immature “representation” of their blog. Good insight. He was just loading John and Ken up with additional junk to toss on his funeral pyre that used to be his hack “career”.
Instapudit uses sitemeter. That’s good enough for me. Just the facts.