Federal Border initiative leaves questions!

Department of Homeland Security Secretary, former Governor Janet Napolitano, Deputy, Secretary of State Jim Steinberg and US Deputy AG David Ogden outlined a comprehensive program to deal with cross border drug cartels, arms and cash trafficing today.  Director of Western Hispanic Affairs, Dan Restrepo from the NSC held a telephone conference with the press to address the program.

To start with, over $700 Million dollars from the last Stimulus Package are being allocated to the FBI, the Border Patrol and BATF along with several other agencies to track and identify criminal elements involved in the process.

Sadly, no one asked the right questions.  For example:  Right now, Ciudad Juarez has between 7 to 11 thousand Mexican Soldiers occupying the city and trying to bring it back to some semblance of security.  The entire Police Department of Ciudad Juarez has been replaced.  No one asked whether those Mexican Military that are chasing their prey….can go across the US Border in “Hot Pursuit”.  No one asked whether or not the crossing by Mexican Soldiers into the US would be a breach of the “Posse Comitatus Act”.  No one asked whether or not the US was going to embed DHS, FBI or other US Law enforcement into Mexican forces to be sure that these issues not become a flair point.  Additionally, US law enforcement has identified about 250 communities in the United States that are engaged in “Mexican Cartel” activities.  Nothing was mentioned about these issues in the United States, other than to say…that the effort was to stop Cash and Guns from moving across the border to Mexico.

The resources submitted and committed to the “US-Mexico Border Security Policy: A comprehensive Response and Commitment” on the surface do seem enhanced over the prior Bush Administrations efforts.  Even though one reporter did ask about “the wall” and whether the Obama Administration was going to continue that effort….there was no response…we can recall.

All in all, it is optimistic that the Obama Administration has brought this issue to a higher priority.  Deaths caused by Mexican Cartels here in the United States, should not be tolerated.  We do need a very coordinated effort to root out criminal activity and political corruption…on both side of the border!  The issue of President Calderon’s demand that tougher Gun Laws be put in place in the US….again was not addressed. Taking away the guns of lawabiding US citizens may not be the best medicine for this systemic illness.  The increased Rail, Truck and Auto inspections are welcome additions.  But finding the “Bad Guys” will be an intelligence nightmare!  The corruption in Mexico goes both deep and high!  This is where the rubber will finally have to meet the road regarding Drug Cartels in Mexico and the US.

We wish the Obama Administration all good luck in these efforts!

About Ron & Anna Winship

Independent News Producers/Writers and Directors for Parker-Longbow Productions. Independent Programming which includes a broad variety of Political, Entertainment and Professional Personalities. Cutting Edge - a talk show...is the flagship of over 30 URL websites developed or under development. The Winships have been blogging for the Orange Juice since back when nickels had buffalos on them, and men wore onions attached to their belts, because it was the fashion back then.