I just received the following press announcement regarding another Orange County location for a TEA Party protest rally.
Press Release
Mission Viejo group organizes TEA Party
Mission Viejo, CA, April 9, 2009 – Mission Viejo residents will participate in a Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Party on Wed., April 15. The city’s taxpayers will join the national protest with a rally at the center of town, on the corners of La Paz and Marguerite. The Mission Viejo TEA Party will begin at 4:00 p.m. and continue until at least 7:00 p.m.
Organizing the event are members of Saddleback Republican Assembly, a unit of California Republican Assembly. Dr. Michael Ferrall, president of SRA, said his group is responding to growing concern over such outrages as a $500-billion tax bill, trillions of borrowed dollars for future generations to repay, special-interest groups receiving billions of dollars in earmarks, redistribution of wealth, punishment for responsible behavior and rewards for irresponsible behavior.
Ferrall says the wildfire movement of nationwide TEA Parties is the taxpayer’s response to out-of-control spending. He said, “Our message is simple, and we’re inviting all of Mission Viejo to join in this protest. SRA champions conservative principles, and bailing out irresponsible businesses and individuals is not the role of government. With all the new tax burdens and loss of our freedoms, we should ask how we’ll ever get our country back.”
Look for information and updates on www.MissionViejoDispatch.com, this weekend’s edition of www.MissionViejoCA.org and the county’s premier news blog, OrangeJuiceBlog.com.
For information, call Dr. Michael Ferrall, SRA president, (949) 874-3422.
I hope this national effort wakes people up. How bad do things have to get before taxpayers say ENOUGH! What does government mean besides wasteful spending and bureaucracy?
Tea Party gear can be found at http://www.shirts4freedom.com
I’m sorry but I don’t get this whole TEA party thing. My impression (which I readily admit could be wrong) is that those that are tea-partying are fervently Republican and arduously anti-Obama/Democratic. It seems to me to be blind party hackery instead of a spontaneous expression of principles. If not then why weren’t they championing “conservative principles” during the last administration when you couldn’t find any ideological or fiscal conservatism coming from either the White House or Congress? Where was the SRA while our individual freedoms were trampled on? etc… I’m sorry, but this whole supposed movement doesn’t sound legit to me. I’m one conservative who won’t go anywhere near the tea party. Now a Whiskey Rebellion would be a different story…
#3- You are kind of right….I think the State increase may have been the final straw! The Spending HAS BEEN WAY OUT OF CONTROL FOR YEARS!!! The Reps have been big spenders, so all we can do is hope they learned their lesson.
JD read the Constitution. I never thought that I would be enslaved by a black man! My family will be there. All it takes for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.
Thanks V. You’re really not helping when you perpetuate the stereotype that Republicans, and by extension conservatives, are ignorant and racist.
Who sits in the big chair in Sacramento? I think his name is Arnold and, according to his prior registration is (or was) a Republican. We are not happy with his leadership.
This is a nonpartisan issue. When you purchase anything in CA you are not asked which party, if any, you are registered in. The tax increases hit EVERYONE’s wallet.
PS: Vote NO on Prop 1 thru 6 on May 19th.
I hear what you are saying. But this isn’t a California born idea — TEA partying. Further, Ferrall, as quoted above, seems to be citing generic party rhetoric and not addressing the CA specific issues that you do. That said, it does appear to be a good forum to express general discontent with Ahhnold but I remain wary of the basic ideology. Anyway, enjoy your tea party! I’ll be sipping whiskey.
As stated on this blog I belong to or support several non profit groups opposed to government waste and tax increases. In this example I received and posted a “press release” like many other blogs in Orange County. As such I take no credit for the text contained within same.
PS: While you are sipping whiskey please stay off the road. We surely do not wish to read any bad news about you in the newspaper on April 16th.
Happy Easter
It’s too bad the people who are going to attend this “tea party” didn’t attend the anti-war rallies before this country attacked Iraq, they would have SAVED California and themselves some 78 BILLION dollars, so far (the total estimated cost for this debacle; 3 TRILLION).
You right-wing war mongers have to realize that belligerent bullying has a PRICE TAG, you are like gamblers who lose and then don’t want to pay off their debt because they have nothing to show for it.
We DESERVE higher taxes, we’ve EARNED them, a million DEAD IRAQI’S don’t come cheap.
Update. Just got word that representatives of Assembly Members Chuck DeVore and Jeff Miller will participate in the Mission Viejo rally.
You need to tone down the hate, it just makes you sound stupid. Sorry to inform you but the War in Iraq has NOTHING to do with the state budget deficit, and the fact that the state has raired taxes….again..No I don’t want to hear the “Well if we didn’t spend it on the war we would have it here….you kinow that is not the case.
Fianlly it seems to me like the war in Iraq has been Won! Why don’t we hear about how well it has gone, why don’t we hear about how the rebuilding, and freedom is going? Oh yeah, then that would be you admitting we won the war, and you just can’t sleep knowing that!
#10 anonster.
Did you happen to read my post on the sixth anniversary of the fall of Baghdad? If not you might read the Joint Resolution approved by Congress in that 2002 vote of authorization.
Does that minor detail play any role in your angst? You should be mad as hell at every Democrat who voted to send our troops to Iraq.
Bigdumbd, WAR and the amount of money this country spends on the military has EVERYTHING to do with TAXES. It’s how WE as a country SPEND OUR TAX DOLLARS, our priorities, our choices. WAR is NOT FREE. We as a nation have chosen to spend an ENORMOUS percentage of our tax dollars on the military, that is money NOT going to EDUCATION, HEALTHCARE and INFRASTRUCTURE.
We have won NOTHING in Iraq,we have only managed to stabilize the DISASTER that we brought to those poor people, only a heartless, witless ignoramus would portray the chaos and carnage of the last six years as a victory.
FYI; Truth does not equal hate.
Without knowing you age let me tell you that I was born before the US official involvement in World War II.
Let me see. Who was our president at that time?
I think it was a man from New York who I sat with on a park bench at his home in Hyde Park, NY a few years ago. No, he was there as a statue and I sat along side him to have a photo taken as we discussed “social security.”
Getting serious for a moment, as this is a serious topic, I would suggest your refraining from throwing grenades at Republican presidents for getting us into wars.
I have read that FDR’s good friend Winston Churchill wanted (and surely needed) to get the USA engaged in that European fight. As you surely know there were two major battle fields. One in the Pacific after we were attacked at Pearl Harbor and the other in the European Theater with Nazi Germany invading Poland in 1939. At that time we WERE NOT attacked.
Prior to the Japanese surprise attack in Hawaii Democratic president FDR was setting the stage for our eventual military involvement in Europe.
The Atlantic Charter, referenced below, confirms that statement. At that time we were protecting our friend England. More recently we are/were protecting vital national interests be it access to “black gold” or whatever justification some politicians may choose to use.
“The Atlantic Charter. On Aug. 14, 1941, President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill held a conference on a war vessel off the coast of Newfoundland. The two agreed to present plans for a new world based on an end to tyranny and territorial aggrandizement, the disarmament of aggressors, and the fullest cooperation of all nations for the social and economic welfare of all. The Atlantic Charter was designed as a counterthrust to a possible new Hitler peace offensive as well as a statement of postwar aims. The next month, the USSR and 14 other anti-Axis countries endorsed the Atlantic Charter.”
Anonster. Should we compare the number of American men and women who were killed or wounded in the European Theater Vs. the US engagement in Afghanistan and Iraq? Don’t even go there.
Larry, why don’t we compare something RELEVANT to the topic at hand, like HOW these wars were FINANCED.
Isn’t George W. Bush the ONLY president who CUT TAXES during wartime, preferring to put the cost of his dirty little war on our national credit-card?
You “fiscal-conservatives” should expect higher taxes, cuz you’re going to have to pay for your blood lust, with interest.
anonster is not getting bitter. He now responds saying that I have “blood lust”
ANYONE who was eager to ATTACK Iraq back in 2002/2003 is GUILTY of BLOODLUST, all we needed back then was a little patience, to let the UN inspectors keep “looking” and a little humility, to hear what the rest of the world was saying.
As a protester you could feel it, see it and hear it, the “pro-war” folks were crazy- anxious to start dropping those bombs.
That Larry, is BLOODLUST, so if the shoe fits, wear it.
Good morning to you 🙂
I admire your debating style with Larry. Between the two of you, the topic gets covered well from both sides, it would seem.
Here’s some levity about the tea bagging thing. You may have seen it, but in case either you or Larry didn’t, here is a link:
Video: MSNBC devotes 13 minutes to “teabagging” puns
Anonster. Happy Resurrection Sunday!
United Nations. Did you say UN? Now that’s a credible group if there ever was one.
I think we will give veto power to countries such as China so that North Korea will not even get a slap on the wrist for their recent launch.
Yep, sorry I didn’t think to include that wonderful body in my post text.
Oh. Were there upwards of 300,000 killed in Darfur? By the time you read this comment it might be closer to 400,000. And based on your recommendation the UN peacekeepers have that under control? Don’t think so.
Got to go. Church awaits and many need our prayers
amonster, Just to get you up to speed. The Bush Tax Rate Cuts you are whining about INCREASED PERSONAL INCOME TAX REVENUE to the Treasury by over 30% and got us out of the the Clinton Recession as well as the economic hit from the 9/11 attacks. 55 straight months of job growth, a record by the way, and the Evil Rich paid more of the overall tax burden than ever before. Tax increases end up being regressive. Try studying economics before you spew Liberal talking points.
Republicans reduce taxes to increase growth and revenue. Democrats use the tax code to redistribute wealth. When informed by a reporter that the proposed increase in Capital Gains Tax Rates would actually lower revenue to the Treasury, Obama said it was an issue of “fairness”, not revenue. What does that tell you? Nobody owes you a living. Grow up and think for yourself. Remember that every Democrat voted for the increased Bush spending and they all warned about Iraq in 1998, long before Bush showed up. It was also Clinton who signed the Iraq Regime Change Bill and institued the Rendition Policy that Obama just reinstated. Too bad you are another victim of Liberal propoganda.
amonster, were you concerned with those “poor Iraqis” before, when Saddam was killing them if they spoke against him?
If we don’t speak out, we’ll soon be treated the same way by our government. We are watching our freedoms disappear before our eyes, and our country is in trouble. We have a president that thinks its ok for the federal govt to take over companies, give money to ones THEY want to save, fire anyone they want, limit pay for workers of private companies, and force states to spend money as they want them to, and redistribute the wealth as they think is fair (at least he was honest about wanting to do that when campaigning). I can’t believe what is happening, and that there are people that actually think this is a good idea. Please read the constitution!!! The 10 amendment! They passed a bill without reading it!!! Need we say more???? It scared me to see what our country will look like in 4 years, when he is kicked out of office (assuming we still have the right to vote and he isn’t “King Obama” by then.
WE dont deserve increased taxes Obama says he is doing what is fair by trying to increase taxes among all citizens when it clearly is NOT fair for someone making minimum wage to pay the same as some of these multimillionaires. What Bush did actually tried to even it out and force the rich to share the wealth. sure the wealthy may work just as hard for their money as poor people but many of them had better opportunities from birth wealth usually seems to work the same way as tyranny in that its kept in the family. i strongly believe things were better with Bush. I dont agree with all of his decisions but he did better to help solve our economic problems than clinton who put us in a recession which had bush screwed over from the beginning. anti-obamunist is right try study economics a bit before you EVER try and criticize someone elses choices.
How can we keep the ball rolling? I’d like to host another “tea party” (maybe when quarterly payments are due), and hope my fellow Americans will do the same all year long. It sure beats firing on them redcoats out on patrol…
Bill H.
To “keep this ball rolling” we cannot wait months to take action. Those of us in CA have a Special Election on May 19th.
We voted NO to all 6 ballot measures yesterday and urge everyone else to follow suit. That’s the message to Sacramento on their failure to live within their means.
The bump we enjoyed during the “dot com” days was an anomaly and should never have created a higher bar of public spending and programs.
When the people fear their government there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. –Thomas Jefferson
Oh yeah? Well it looks to me like teabaggers fear their government. And democracy in general.
Vern. Are you asking all of us to simply wave a white flag of surrender and accept the wheeling and dealing by BOTH major party elected leaders? We are not the problem. Some of us may eventually become part of the solution.
We fear the Govt and ignorant people like you – You can’t rationalize with stupidity!
See? There ya go, you fear your Government. Tom Jefferson would disown you!
The Government is US, brother. You and me. Deal with it.
re – “anonster” Isn’t it OBVIOUS that anonster is one of the MANY George Soros / Code Pink “plants” that intend to demean and disrupt Real American’s, via the TEA Party movement, the right to demand a voice in American Government that we have a RIGHT TO and the MAJORITY OPINION per the polls! Remember when harpy Hillary Clinton made her extra vocal speech a few years ago which she berrated the “right” to not deny anyone (them – the Left) to be vocal and be heard!
Apparently (and historically) the “Left shoe” never fits the OTHER FOOT! Beware Tea Party, there will be people like anonster that Soros and Code Pink has openly solicited to infiltrate and initiate public spectacles which are meant to harm the TEA Party movement in the biased press. Be vigilant and intercept!
Hey “Vern”, sorry but the present government in California and Uber Lefty Washington is NOT US! The vast majority of AMERICANS were AGAINST Obummer-care, are AGAINST Cap-and-Tax, AGAINST Illegal Immigration Obummer-amnesty, AGAINST Eco-Taxing, AGAINST Obummer-Nuke-Treaty, AGAINST California and the Federal Gov being run by the Unions!
Unless the mathematics of percentages have changed, this is NOT “Our Government” any longer. We have the RIGHT to be vocal, demand to be heard, and change the Bureaucrats of BOTH parties that represent themselves, Unions and their special interests! I served in Vietnam because I volunteered and I am ready to fight again to save this Republic too against the, dare I say it, Communists in it.
I’m sorry, Keith, you’ve convinced me that I’m destroying your Freedom of Speech by showing up at your little Tea Party… but it’s too late for me to turn back now, I’ve already cashed my check from George Soros! (and you know how seriously he enforces his contracts.)
I’ll be the guy with this sign: