CHP officers to the rescue to fight Santa Ana gangs

“High intensity gang areas in Santa Ana are getting a dozen California Highway Patrol officers to patrol streets along with local gang detail detectives, in an effort to curb gang violence through suppression, surveillance and probation checks,” according to the O.C. Register.

Here are a few more excerpts from the O.C. Register:

The addition of 12 CHP officers to fight gang activity showed results on Thursday – the first night of joint patrols. Gang detail detectives, with the help of the CHP officers, nearly tripled the number of arrests they average per day.

“It was pretty successful,” said Santa Ana police Sgt. Lorenzo Carrillo of the 12 arrests that night, which included warrant, parole, weapon and drug violations. “We are going to try to keep the gangsters on their toes.”

Carrillo said the detectives have three main goals: 1) Stop the gang violence. “If no one got shot or no one got killed, it would be great,” he said; 2) Disrupt what the gangs do, such as robberies and drug sales; 3) Create a feeling of a safe environment for the community, allowing residents to enjoy the neighborhood.

Very interesting.  At last the SAPD has had to admit that they can’t stop crime in our city without help.  This reminds me of the mess in Mexico, where state and federal cops routinely have to come in to cities that have been overrun by drug lords.

We’ll take whatever help we can get!  But the article did not that the CHP officers will be paid overtime to do this work.  So I guess our state will be more broke than ever!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.