The fall of Red County?

I used to enjoy reading the OC Blog back in the day, but once they were acquired by Red County I had a feeling they would eventually decline – and that day has come.

When did their fall begin?  I think that when their former editor, Matt “Jerbal” Cunningham, refused to tell his readers for a month that his pal John Lewis, a GOP consultant, had endorsed a Democrat, Tom Daly, over a conservative Republican, Fullerton Councilman Shawn Nelson, it was, in hindsight, an act of blog suicide.

And then John and Ken, over at KFI Talk Radio, lit into Red County exposing them for what they are, “a blog for Republican Kool Aid drinkers.”  Not long after that Jerbal was gone as Red County editor.

And now, in the latest rankings of political blogs in California, Red County has completely fallen off the map, as they are not anywhere in the top 20.  Gone.  Just like that. 

I don’t pay all that much attention to these rankings, as sometimes they are a bit nuts.  But our blog is always on that top 20 list.  Always.  And over the last few weeks we have crept back to the top, while our competitors in Orange County have fallen, one by one.  And now Red County has completely slipped off the map.

Jerbal used to come over here quite often to rip us and say we are not credible.  Well Jerbal, we’re still here.  What happened to Red County?

To make matters worse for Jerbal, one of our bloggers, Tony Bushala, is starting a new Republican blog for Orange County – a blog for REAL Republicans, if there are any left.  He is calling it the OC GOP Blog.  If you are interested in writing for Tony’s new blog, email him by clicking here.  I suspect it won’t take long for Tony’s new blog to supersede what is left of Red County,

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.