Okay, I could not put EVERYONE on this list. But you CAN vote for up to five bloggers. Fire away!
P.S. If you think I missed someone important on this poll, just let me know by posting a comment and we can add more bloggers to this poll.
[poll id=”141″]
*We are going to vote for three:
(1) Vote for RED Vixen and (2) Votes for
Ron & Anna Winship
*The most well known blogger however is:
Gustavo Arellano…..just in case anyone
wanted to know!
*Scott Moxley…as well.
Ron and Anna,
Oops! Blew it but added the bloggers you referenced. I was not going to include any anon bloggers, but Red does such a great job.
And where would we be without you two? 🙂
P.S. I also added the votes you would have cast.
Question: Will the Jerb be allowed to comment on this post? It looks like he’s already voted for himself 😉
Ron & Anna,
Ever since you’ve flipped to the dark side, you’ve become more lovable by the day 😉
Obviously Fiala [EMPHASES ADDED]
Now that Jerbie’s nut’s have been cut off, he must be going crazy in his little cage going round and around on his little spinning wheel 🙂
LOL! But he’s getting a lot of exercise!
Hey, Dan, are you there? Boy, is it ever dark down here in the cellar! 🙂
Pot Stirrer,
Tough crowd! But what a list of bloggers. Hard to contend with so many big names. But your blog was selected the best blog of last year by the OC Weekly. It is a great blog and I hope more folks will take the time to check it out.
At least Jerbal finally got a couple votes! I was starting to feel sorry for the poor guy…
Look I hate Red Clownty as much as the next guy but Chris Emami over there did a darn good job covering the budget battle in Sacramento. I would have voted for him had he been one of the choices. By the way did he used to blog for OJ?
Chris did used to blog for us. In fact we introduced him to the O.C. blogosphere. Then one day he disappeared, without a word, and the next thing I knew he was at Red Clownty. Poor guy. I think he ended up with less readers by making that switch. Red Clownty has fallen off the map of late.
I think the perception of Red Clownty is that it is a Kool Aid Drinker’s blog, for GOP hacks. So I don’t know that many of their writers have much influence at all, even if they do good work. Note the few votes that Jerbal has merited…
Art, thanks for the kind words. You’re right – you’ve listed quite a line-up, many of whom I read every day, at least once. Even though I’m not a big fan of fellow-blogger bashing (as you know) I’m having a hard time with the new Red County format. Maybe it will eventually morph into something more readable.
I think the OCProgressive has gotten up to speed pretty fast and produces some interesting stuff. I think Gustavo and Scott at the OC Weekly continue to set the bar high for investigative stories and you and your mob at the OJ keep giving us provocative things to consider – even if my eyes do glaze over when I try to read about SantAna. 🙂 Keep up the good work.
Well, that’s it.. my reader is accounted for in the poll.
That’s ok, I’m not offended… I just won’t give OJ any interviews when I’m an elected
I think it was a fix!!