On Orange Juice Blog’s most popular posting thread about SAUSD corruption (Link) , the subject of the local teacher’s union elections has been a topic of discussion.
Here’s the list of candidates and the positions for which they are running according to the SAEA (Teacher’s Union) Link.
OJ wanted to get information posted about the candidates, their positions and their statements for the upcoming election, so I was tasked to request that information. I posted a general website invitation of, “Candidates, post your stuff at OJ!”.
The 3 presidential candidates all responded by posting statements of intent. They are, in no particular order, Patricial O’Neil, Robert Chavez and Susan Mercer. I think they all showed good intention and leadership in sharing their views with our readership. Good on you guys!
Now for the sad news. We contacted SAEA Vice President, Jeffrey Goldberg who is the webmaster at the SAEA website and asked for the list of all candidates and their statements, so that we could add that information to the discussions. It wasn’t ready yet. He gave me a notification when it was assembled at SAEA and OJ reposted it all (post # 603).
When we requested that ALL of the candidates be sent a little notice by the union officials who have those private emails for notification, Jeff started getting all faux legaleze and basically said that union officals cannot practice freedom of speech on blogs AND there is another person in charge of elections. Not him.
I asked him to forward my request to the Elections officer, Maureen Doughtery. No response back from him after a couple more attempts.
So I used public information and notified SAEA Grivance Chair Jennifer Isensee – Jennifer also wants to take up a second position of Secretary during the elections – that she could post the speech she made at the last union meeting up on our website. No response.
I also notified Scott Miller who is the SAEA ChalkTalk editor- who also wants to take up the second position of Treasurer- if he’d like to post his speech on OJ. No response.
I was given SAEA Elections Officer Maureen Doughtery’s email and I requested directly to her to please notify ALL candidates about our free public forum so that they could choose to post here if they wished. No response back.
If this is the typical treatment from the union “leaders” for simple information requests, then what happens when teachers really NEED help? Man, you teachers are SCREWED. You pay about a thousand bucks a year for this kind of “Leadership”. LMAO! You are all idiots to let this group of disorganized cowards “lead you”! But this story gets better…..
Just yesterday, Grievance Chair and Candidate for the position of SAEA Secretary, Jennifer Isensee, sent out an email notice to ALL SCHOOL SITE REPRESENTATIVES to vote for her and her list of suggested candidates. And hurry up and vote early and tell all of the school site members to hurry up and vote. Huh? Is that even allowed? It doesn’t even make any sense that she did that! This election smells rotten and unethical right out of the gate.
Let’s recap:
- A SAEA Vice President is the union’s webmaster and is a regular reader of OJ Blog, but suddenly gets writer’s block in response to basic informational requests.
- Scott and Jennifer already have prominent leadership positions in SAEA but are both running for SECOND JOBS on the board giving the appearance that a special club is being run by a very few at the expense of the larger membership body’s best interests.
- Elections Officer, Maureen Doughtery is missing in action.
- A paid position staffer who is supposed to be representing members in grievances, Jennifer Isensee, is now the defacto Elections Chair AND political lobbyist for a select group of cronies in an email sent to all site reps on a Saturday morning.
- Susan Mercer gets writer’s block right after she was asked some blog questions. Nothing wrong with that -she gave plenty of good informational posts and showed good intent from the get go. Unfortunately Susan’s being “endorsed” in secret emails priviledged out by Ms. Isensee. And there’s a stench to it.
- The only Presidential Candidate who is still posting on our OJ thread in response to questions is Patricia O’Neil. And she seems to be under constant attacks by a swarm of anonymous posters who seem to have a very good grasp of what the union is all about. Union Hack Attacks.
- This is just an old-fashioned election Jam Down by the clowns that got you teachers multiple year pay cuts, massive layoff notices and drastically more expensive health care coverage going forward for the members who actually escaped getting laid off.
- Teachers who are paying $1k per year to this group of union incompetents are the biggest fools of all. You’re screwed to allow this crap to happen. And you pay them to do it month after month.
This year’s SAEA elections may be won by this small group of cronies, but I am predicting that it will not be “Business as Usual” for them, going forward. SAUSD corruption thrives with the active help of SAEA officers and our readers are paying attention this time around. Do yourselves a favor: tell your friends!
Michelle Quinn (#48) Are you for real? You are THE most racist person I have heard on this Blog. While I may have issues with individuals, it is NOT because of race, creed, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or anything else.
Corruption exists in EVERY country and in EVERY part of the political spectrum. Politicians NEVER meet meet the needs all the their constituents. To single out one country and/or one ethic group is absolutely appalling.
I would ask Art to remove your post, but I believe that others should see just how pathetic and racist you are.
I agree with Anonplus (#49) – I thought we had advanced far beyond simple minded racists such as yourself. I can’t imagine how you can live with yourself.
Archie Bunker???
yeah i am serious!!
look who is running Santa Ana!! Hispanic’s!!
Until Hispanic’s get their hands out of the pot and start caring, really caring about what is happening in Santa Ana. Gang’s, high school drop out’s and welfare fraud will just increase.
Santa Ana has become a racist city, dominated by one race of people, its a sub-culure of mexico, that has a large illegal immigrant population producing the next generation of mexican poor, even though born in this country, the kids dont have any respect for American and are more loyal to a foreign nation.
i spoke to a teacher that Works in Santa Ana, she stated that the schools are becoming more like jails. She stated that Santa Ana high School had been distroyed by about 50 students a few months back, causing about 200,000 in damages because they have no respect for anyone!!
If you vote for someone inside the city, they will do nothing to improve Santa Ana.
What has LOU CORREA, or the rest of the so called hispanic leadership done for Santa Ana?? A BIG NOTHING!!
Needtoknow: sir you live in a bubble. Santa Ana happen’s all over the world. I could not careless about race. The Al Sharpens of the world exist for one reason to use their own people to make money and to develop power. Elitis like yourself fixate on race and not on the truth.
Again i have more respect for poor uneducated Mexicans, than rich liberal elitists who make money off people with complete disregard for their own country or their own people (no mater their race).
Go ahead and remove my post, because you cannot remove the truth.
Needtoknow in looking at your posts, you are too emotional to be a man!! So it’s not sir my mistake for being sexist!
Michelle Quinn – with all your hate, why not just move back to Ireland and give up your US citizenship?
The issues you speak of are not a problem just in Santa Ana, they are a problem throughout the US. I suggest that if you live there, you move as soon as possible, it you do business there, that you avoid it all costs, and by all means, avoid the 5 freeway – it runs right through the heart of Santa Ana.
And, I don’t live in a bubble – I am a realist. You are so right, ‘Santa Ana’ does happen’s all over the world. I could not careless about race.
I am not an ‘Elitis’ [I think you mean elitist], thank you – and as a victim of racism, prejudice and bigotry, I have no tolerance for those that espouse these views. People like yourself.
Why you could use ‘poor, uneducated people’, but had to bring race into the discussion is beyond me. It is you that continually makes racial references – it is you that is clearly the racist.
And to generalize that it is ‘rich liberal elitists who make money off people with complete disregard for their own country or their own people (no mater their race).’ is pure crap. I believe that as much money, if not more, is made ‘off people with complete disregard for their own country or their own people (no mater their race).’ by rich, conservative elitists. They tend to turn a blind eye too the law for the sake of the bottom line.
So, again, why do you stay in California again?
you will never get it!!
I am an immigrant that loves this country more than you will ever understand and i will fight for this country and everything it stands for.
America is made up of every race,creed that loves this country. Then their are people like yourself who just dont get them!!
Dem/repub leadership in this state are no different,they are the rice using foreign nationalist’s to make money by taxing to death Amerian working class pure and simple!
do your homework: look into the Non-profits and hospitals like Choc and St.joes all making a killing on Medical,Prop 10 funding ect…
michelle (#57) I get it michelle – I get it far more than you know. I get it that we are melting pot. I get it that we are the refuge of hope. I get it that we are the best of the best. I get it that we accept everyone, regardless of race, education, economic status, creed, color, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other classification that can be thought of. I get it that the people of this amazing country get to elect their leaders – and live with their choices – through a free and democratic process. I get it that nowhere on this earth have the rights, duties, responsibilities, and possibilities for human greatness ever come together better for the future improvement of mankind.
Oh I get it michelle. I get that you say you love this country. I get that you are an immigrant. I get that you say you will fight for this country and everything that it stands for. I get it – because, as much as you love this country – I love it more and as much as you’d fight for this country, I’d die for it. It’s rights that Just because you are an immigrant does not give you corner on patriotism. My forefathers fought and died for this country. Don’t try and parade your love to this country as better than mine.
What I don’t get is you. I don’t get your hate for the leaders of Santa Ana, just because many of them can trace they heritage to Mexico. I don’t get your hatred of Non-profit hospitals that provide some of the finest, cutting edge treatment for some of the most financially disadvantaged members of our society. I don’t get why you hate paying taxes to pay for the services that you so freely and liberally enjoy. I don’t get why you bounce around from education, to teachers, to the ACLU, to the leaders of Santa Ana, to hospitals. You hate so many things, people and institutions, it’s truly amazing that there is anything left that you can even remotely like. I just don’t get the amount of anger, hatred, and hostility that spews forth from you.
The difference in you and i is that i have no use for hate, you on the other hand use the hate word to try to intimadate people.
Being hateful is a waste of time. Being able to speak the truth without being intimadated by libs like you priceless!!
Your last paragraph you sound like Parish Hilton. Let me explain to you little rich girl why working class people dont like paying much taxes “we need to feed our own famlies first”,
I cant afford insurance for myself, because it is too expensive. Do you get it now???
I get nothing for free not even the bin man!!
And their is lots of American’s like i that really exist, really, really!
I like people paying for their own crap and taking responsibility for their own children (no matter who they are) and the rich not robbinng the working class!!
And sorry your forefathers would be rolling in their gaves, for you have no idea what they died for!!
By the way i dont bounce around. They are all the same people making money off the same rig
The customers are the underserved and vunerable, the money tree is the American tax payer(ie me!!) and the rich (non-profits, hospitals, districts,CTA,ect…)the nice big pockets!!
Its not that complicated, its call a scam!
michelle (#59) Go back and review your posts. Although you don’t use the actual word, it’s clear that you resent certain people, certain cultures, and certain ideologies.
I HAVE ZERO TOLERANCE FOR HATE, but that’s exactly why I keep on your back.
Guess what? I am no different than you, I pay for gas, water, electric, sewer, trash service, phone, internet, and tv just like everyone else. Yes, I’m fortunate to have employer paid healthcare, but guess what, I’d give that up if we could all have national healthcare.
So, I guess you are advocating now for BIGGER government? Single-payer, national healthcare? free trash pick-up service? These would be LIBERAL policy items. And, by the way, did you know that trash men are in a union also? There’s that group again, protecting the people so they don’t have their rights trampled on.
Darling, NOTHING IS FREE. And I am so sorry to disappoint you, but I am not a little rich girl. I come from a working class family. But in my family, we learned that everyone, including working class people, PAY THEIR TAXES. Why? Because taxes pay for the common good. Taxes pay for all things that we DEMAND the government do for us. Taxes pay for all the things that everyone, including YOU, take for granted. Stop whining about taxes. If everyone stopped paying taxes, the United States that you say you so dearly love would be a completely different place to live.
On a few points we agree: 1) Being hateful is a waste of time – so, again I ask you, why are most of your posts filled with an irrational anger and hate towards people that you don’t agree with, and 2) Being able to speak the truth without being intimadated by RIGHT-WING CONSERVATIVE NUTS like you is pricelesss, 3) and it is PRICELESS to me to ever give up.
Let me make it perfectly clear for you:
And, I must disagree with you – I think my forefathers would be very impressed what we, the people of the United States of America, have created in the last 230+ years. You might not like what we’ve become as a Nation, as a People and as a Society, but I am quite proud of it. All I can tell you is, if you are that unhappy with what the United States has become and the direction it is going, then I suggest you go back to Ireland.
what ever!! (i love that saying):)
i am, like so many American’s sick and tired of you liberals. You are nothing but stuckup rich, morons, who are trying their best to distroy this country and Americans like myself are not going to let you!! so there!!
Americans dont mind paying taxes, but not to get ripped off!!
Yeah all the people aganist the props on the 19th are irrational and you are so smart!! Right!!
The republicans and the Dems are the same party!!
No difference.
You would love me to go back to Ireland, because i am not intimidated by your over educated bum, am i.
But i will tell you what!! i will pay for a ticket to send your butt to any socialist country of your choice, that way you will never need to listen to a real American again and have everyone believe in your bull crap!!
And no your forefathers would love me and send you to the callo’s:)
And liberals really need to give up on this racist crap, because people dont care about the colour of skin just the content of the minds of idiots. (like you, what ever your name is!!)
O yeah Paris Hilton:)
BY the way get your own words next time, stop using mine!!
since your so educated, you can come up with somthing!!
Need to know #50
Robert C. Chavez (#46) Thanks for the clarification and information and explanation – you do sound like you were busy. At least now I know your side of the story. If I ever get to attend one of these things, it’ll be interesting to see how the whole thing works. Thanks again.
I am very proud of you, for listening. The information you were given does not fit at all the candidate Robert C. Chavez. This person works very hard protecting the rights of minorities. If he does not sit with his association at the RA, is because he is always cooperating with many states delegates, planning floor strategies to pass business items, that affect us all. I have been a delegate myself, so I know this, because I have seen him in action, not because someone told me. I am sure, some leaders disagree with him, because he fights for those that are not being heard, such as the children of immigrants that are being left without their parents, due to deportation. Some local leaders, disagree with his views, because he will stand up against No Child Left Behind, that has been jeopardizing students rights with so much testing, and teachers’ rights with so little flexibility for teaching. He gets along with people, but will not go along with the “small print” in such of the issues. I am so glad, and proud of you for acknowledging the other side of the story. Have you read his flyer at your school? He has lots of experience at local, state and national level, he is a person with global vision. I hope next time you decide to run as delegate, most of the people sit down, and that’s fine, but just in order to make things happen, we need more people like Robert Chavez. Thank you for comments,
So he fights for illegal immigrants to stay in this country, because they make a few rich people rich encluding him!! And he loves the No child left behind act, because it created a little scam by the CTA call QEIA (3 billion) nice chuck of change!! And he protects the rights of one minority which happens to be mexican! but screw the American’s right!! Blacks,white,Asian’s who happen to pay for all the entitlements of illegal immigrants because: A. they don’t have a SS# so how can they get a decent job B. Most cant speak English !! C. It is illegal to hire an illegal immigrant!!!!!!!!!!!!!
immigrants from all over the world who’s families are here in this country, but they wait to enter llegally so they can pay their taxes and contribute to this country and learn English!!
Vote NO on the scamer, get these people out of our public office’s!!
ICE i hope your listening to all this!!
Their are alot of people from Mexico waiting in line to get into this country!! why not just tell them to cross over the border illegally???
Who is paying YOU needtoknow!!
michelle (#62) So, let me get this straight, it’s ok for you to be tired of liberals and voice it, but it’s not ok for me? I guess that’s how you look at freedom of speech – good for you, but not for anyone that disagrees with you?
Well, I wish I was rich, and no matter what you think, I guarantee you that I am neither stuck-up nor a moron. But then, lumping everyone one together is pretty much your standard operating procedure.
Sorry, no matter what you think, liberals aren’t out to destroy the country. Just because you pray at the alter of Hannity and Limbaugh, doesn’t make the stuff they preach true.
And, actually, I don’t think that the people against 19 are irrational at all. I disagree with them and I think they are mistaken, but I think they are totally rational. I’m not sure where we are going to cut another $16-$20 billion from next years budget, but I’m sure that fewer teachers, 30:1 classroom size, fewer police, fewer firefighters, shorter library hours, less preventative medical care, less medical care for the homeless, less medical care for the mentally ill, and fewer buses for the working poor will all be a part of the solution. And why should we try and hold the State accountable for Prop 98 and the funding promise made by the PEOPLE of California to the Schools – i mean, it’s only $9.3 Billion dollars that could be used to reduce class size.
Ahhh, it’s nice to see you despise both of the major political parties. We’d probably be better with no government, right? Anarchy? That’d show everyone. On the serious side, it would be nice if there was a viable 3rd party to challenge and hold the other 2 in check.
No, actually, I want you to go back to Ireland, because you seem to able to find nothing good about your adopted country. Stay as long as you like.
Unfortunately, for you, I’m not a socialist, so I won’t be leaving the United State anytime soon. I do believe that we are in need of some major changes regarding how we treat our citizens. Among those things is healthcare for everyone – so that people like you that can’t afford healthcare have access to the same level healthcare that people that have employer paid or private healthcare have.
No, actually, I think my forefather’s would prefer my vision of a United States that tries to lift it’s citizens up. They’d probably think highly of you, also.
Actually, liberals are more likely to not care about the color of skin. And liberals are concerned about the content of both heart and mind.
Since you’re an immigrant, you probably don’t realize that it’s the ultra-conservative, Southern bible-belt that is the headquarters of the KKK – the most notorious racist organization on earth. The KKK is almost non-existent in traditionally liberal states.
michelle (#66) Funny, I never said that illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay. And I don’t make a dime off the backs of illegal immigration, thank you.
And, if you’d get your facts straight, it was out ultra-conservative President Bush that introduced NCLB to Texas, before he became President and then drug it with him and hoisted it on the rest of the Country. CTA had nothing to do with it – in fact CTA has fought for it’s abolishment since the day it was implemented. I don’t know where you get your facts, but check your sources first. And, if QEIA has generated $3 Billion dollars, I guarantee that not one dime has gone to CTA. Teachers salaries, programs, administration – all yes, but CTA got ZERO.
And I hope you realize how racist your statement is that it’s “Black, white and asians that pay for the all the entitlements of illegal immigrants because: A. they don’t have a SS# so how can they get a decent job B. Most cant speak English !! C. It is illegal to hire an illegal immigrant”
Let me make it clear to you: There are illegal immigrants from countries around the world. Some are black, some are white, some are asian – basically every race imaginable. The speak every language on earth and many do speak English. They may not have a SS#, but they can apply for a EIN which is require for them to work and which forces them to pay taxes. Yes, it’s illegal to hire them, but hundreds of employers still manage to do so and many work privately, undocumented, as household staff or day laborers. So, go after they employers – both conservative and liberal – that get rich.
You are absolutely RACIST in your thinking – you believe that it’s ONLY the non-english speaking, non-white, non-black, non-asian illegal immigrant that is the problem. You are so far off base it’s amazing.
The people are mistaken that they are being ripped off by the CTA and their supposed political reps. I THINK NOT!!
The point is that we in this country are made up of all nations,race’s. Why is such a hugh deal made of latin immigrants. Simple, its because we have had a hugh influx of illegal immigrants from Mexico in the last 10yrs. low skilled labour, most not able to even read or write their own language.
The schools have been over run by children of these illegal immigrants speaking a foreign language forcing out the American Children (of every race), but the schools allow this, why, because the CTA,districts make alot of money off non-english speaker’s and they quickly found that out. Hospitals that were going bankrupt in the 1990’s ie. CHOC soon got a boost from Caloptima!! County Government grew and that’s great for the people that work for the country government. Non-profits like Coalition of community clinics all making money of prop 10 funding and state and federal money and businiess that make a nice profit off illegal immigrants. Fast food,landscaping companies ect….. all wanting to pay low wages with no health insurance. Even the OCBC the head Miss Dune founder of a bunch of shelters all making a profit of the (ITS THEIR SCRIPT: Vunerable,underserved, undocumented)
You check your facts As a LAUSD board member pointed out QEIA go’s to paying for teachers, admin and that’s more money for the CTA through union dues.
Even thought HPSG, was a complete failure!! remember that one UNION LEADER!!
Please give me a break undocumented,underserved,vunerable, we are all racists. NO MORE OF YOU CRAP, WE AS TAX PAYERS ARE STARTING TO SEE THE LIGHT!! Americans are not racist, we just dont need to be paying for the poor of a foreign nation to make some American’s very very rich.
If you don’t believe me ask Kim Cripe CFO CHOC hospital who sits on the board of Healthy Families Commission. SHE MAKE”S 1.2 million a year!! nice ahhhhhhhh.
you voice all the usual liberal BS you want, because your right freedom of speech!!
But let me warn you that i don’t suck in your BS.
Because you miss make money off illegal immigrants some how!! And i bet you on that one!!
Americans dont screw over other Americans unless they are being paid to do so. They also have no respect for their country or its people which is made of BLACKS,WHITE,ASIANS,AND YES LATIN.
Its a myth about class size, in Europe it more than 40-1. its the quality of the teacher and school system that makes for a good education!!!
That’s more BS the CTA has made up!!
All the teachers in Santa Ana unified and still a crappy education!!
Yeah more teacher’s.
Really stop with the crap, your making yourself look like a complete idiot!! sorry really get a grip!!
#66,#67,#71,72,73: This type of hate is hurting you more, than to the undocumented workers, who instead of spending time in the blog, are working in the factories so the rest of us can enjoy their products. I believe, this is a good way to get rid of such a negative life. If you are a teacher, hopefully the children of undocumented workers, are treated with respect. If you are not a teacher, you will be an asset in any institution that works for profit, jails are very profitable today, due to the raids. It sounds, like you were born in a very sad family, Are you young? Are you a teenager? I am glad, you are writing, it is good to know how other people feels, I acknowledge your feelings, but I want to know, if you or your parents were not immigrants?
Anyway, it is obvious, that you are a very unhappy woman? man? Have a wonderful day!
michelle (#73) Actually, michelle, the only person that looks and sounds like an idiot, is your.
You love to take stuff out of context. You don’t have a clue how CTA collects unions dues. Union dues are essentially static. Not one dime of the $3 Billion (your number) generated by QEIA goes to CTA. CTA gets dues money from its members regardless of the existence of QEIA.
Why didn’t you mention that most European countries are far for liberal and socialist, have a completely different social system, education system, welfare system, etc. It’s so easy for you to take out of context information like 40:1 and not take into account the other issues that surround education in Europe.
By your own admission, you left Europe with:
it’s better teachers
it’s better health care delivery system
it’s better immigration policies
it’s better political systems
it’s better tax system
all the things that you whine about here – you left that all behind? Why?
Duh, I wouldn’t have mentioned EIN if I didn’t knot what it was – but it’s NOT A SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. It’s a number issued to non-citizens that are working within in the US. And, did I ever say that it was RIGHT or that I approve of people working without proper documentation? What I said was that it was a reality and that the best way to address the problem is to hold employers accountable.
I just can’t figure you out. You love to twist things up because you clearly can’t follow a cohesive discussion. You insist that school districts ‘make money’ off ‘non-english speaker’s’ – so, michelle, explain to everyone how school districts ‘make money’? How CTA ‘makes money’? Please, connect the dots for us.
Let me see if I can list they things you don’t like:
The Hispanic leaders of Santa Ana
Illegal immigrants
St Joe’s
School Districts
The Hispanic Caucus
Non-English speaking immigrants
is my least complete?
So, michelle…since none of the ideas I have meet with your approval, I challenge you to share with us your ideas for solving the problems that you are so passionate about…
starting from your list.
CTA: CTA makes money of teacher dues, therefore more teachers more due,s (app $1000 year per teacher) prop 98 was voted in by the people who at that time did not realize that they are being ripped by the union CTA. the Governor Arnold wanting to take some money away for schools, because he thought as i do that 40% of the state buget toward schools is rediculous!! But the CTA sued him with Superindent Connelly (i think that his name) and in a back door deal created the QEIA $3 billion dollars all to go toward class size reduction over 7 year period 480 schoools only would get the money ie in Orange Handy get over 500,000 year more than any other school. why did handy get the money ApI -2. But the problem with that is that Handy had gotten over 200,000 form HPSG to reduce class size reduction in previous years and it had done nothing. ALL THE MONEY IS GOING TO HIRE TEACHERS, ECT non goes directly to students or materials. WHY!!! The union makes money from teachers!! and you know it!!
CHOC HOSPITAL: Dr. Maria Minon head Dr., Kim Cripe CFO sit on the board of director,s for Healthy families Commission in orange county (first 5) prop 10 funding tabacco tax. all the programs are targeted toward illegal immigrants and their children,( the vunerable the underserved) free healthcare, programs like HABLA (which teaches parents to converse more with their kids in spanish basically)
Maria Minon sits on the board of Latina Acess which i dont know how they get away with it but the healthy families fund them also. Is is all so very complicated,but yet very easy to see what they are up too. Choc makes big bucks from its community clinics and Caloptima being the Orange County’s way to administer medical they help them out. By the way Moorlach is one of the directors of Caloptima. ,
I could go on and on, it comes down to one thing. The politicians and business men and hospitals and the rich, dont get rich off the American middle class, why because the middle class pay for their insurance, work and dont ask for and dont expect entitlements(why would they??) where as the Mexican poor in orange county do!( why would they not The county pushes all sort’s of programs CALWORKS,Californkids,first5,literary programs). Why. illegal immigrants do not have t SS# so they can not get a decent paying job, they can only work for low lives that pay them shit wages with no health insurance. Most do not speak English. These people are from a third world country what would you except from them!! But God do they make Money for the county!! lots and Lots of federal,state, prop10 ect……………
Your right they come here to get away from poverty, and to try for a better life. But the problem is that because it has been an influx, their are just too many of them to help and there fore US illegal immigrant population mostly from Mexico has become a burden on the system and the Amercian tax payer.
You lib’s is all so touchy feely for you, for me it comes down to Money and who is using who. It comes down to why immigrants are here, because govenments suck and countries force their citizens to leave.
michelle (#76) And, with those words of wisdom, the readers of this blog should have more than enough information to figure you out….
Wow.. this is the wrong blog for me to be on here too.. I’m thinking that there needs to be a blog for parents as this stuff I’m reading is ridiculas and not for us.
“Parent New,”
You ever heard of an “IP Address?” Everyone that blogs here has one. I checked your IP address out and guess what I found?
Address lookup: name user193x127.sausd.us.
It would appear that you are using an SAUSD computer to attack this blog – and you are posing as a parent.
Why not be honest with our readers and just admit that you are an SAUSD employee and you don’t like this blog?
Art Pedroza (#79) In his/her defense, they could be a parent volunteer at a school site. I’m not trying to justify it, but it could be true.
Need to Know,
That may be true – but then that person would be something more than just a regular parent. And obviously this person has a political agenda – which is to undermine this blog with negative comments.
I am a parent of four kids. One graduated from Santa Ana High last year. The others are all enrolled in SAUSD schools.
While much of what goes on here is “inside baseball,” there is value here for parents. They need to know what is going on, period.
If parents then want more info, then can ask for it here, or look to other resources, such as the PTA.
I think the reader’s of the blog aready got it , you took alittle more time to “GET IT”,!! i am not hard to figure out!!
“i don’t like people who rip off other people”. Common sense really!!
And so called parent or UNION LEADER. This is the best blog for all types of info. If it is a blog that kisses @#$ then go on the Department of education blog!!
Art Pedroza (#81) I totally understand where you are coming from, I was just making the observation that a volunteer parent might be able to access any of the computers in any of the classrooms, library, teacher workroom, etc. Simply and observation.
Besides, their comment didn’t seem too subversive 🙂
Anyway, since I have your ear – good job with the blog. I may not agree with much here, but its a good forum and you run it well.
michelle (#82) Oh, I got you a long time ago – and I figure everyone else did also. I just figured you need enough rope to hang yourself – well done
Sorry still here!, You and the rest of the far left would love patriots like myself to go away so you could continue making money off scams like illegal immigrantion, and for you its the Santa Ana school district, How much of Ameican tax payer dollar’s are wasted on paying you???
I got you too, along time ago and no i dont want you to hang yourself i love to break the far left down with their own games.
Not once have you been able to debunk anything that i have written about. WHY?? its the truth!!
Miss Union Leader!:)
michelle (#86) You are so far off base, it’s not even funny. Debunk? Oh, I’ve debunk plenty of your ‘stuff’, and it’s just that ‘stuff’ – you just don’t like the answers. In your little narrow world, there is not place for a different world view – the only view you accept is that one that conforms to your view.
Ok union leader!!
On the 19th lets see how many people have my narrow view!!
People like you hang out with the like minded.
What have you debunk??
Are reps making money off illegal immigration??
Are teacher’s over paid and do they under perform, if not why are school’s a disgrace??
Is it ok for America’s to pay for foreign Nationalist entiltlement’s when they themselves are finding it hard to make ends meat???
Should public money go to Non-profits that encourage illegal immigration??
Is it right for people to wait to come to this country, while other’s just cross a boarder??
Does Santa Ana school district have low parent envolvment?
Are you paid with tax payer dollar’s???
dont give me long winded answers just a yes or no!!
Yes miss union leader its just stuff to you, because it does not effect the over paid, under preforming, public sector employee’s. But it is going to on the 19th, alot of: teacher’s,government employee’s, commission’s are about to hear from the small minded!!
Good luck keeping your job!!
Michelle Quinn (#88)
You asked the questions, I get to answer them as I see fit, not as you see fit.
First off, I am not a union leader.
Unfortunately, I believe that a majority of Californian’s will not approve the Props. I don’t think that the majority of Californian’s have the same perverted and narrow view of the world that you have, but I think people are frustrated.
Are reps making money off illegal immigration?? I don’t get this one? School site reps making money off off illegal immigration? I don’t no why you asked the question, but I’ll answer- NO!
Are teacher’s over paid: Absolutely NO!
and do they under perform: Some do, some don’t.
if not why are school’s a disgrace?? I don’t think that all school’s are a disgrace. In fact I think most of the school’s do an amazing job with the resources they have. I think the students are amazing and achieve incredible results. Why do you insist that all schools be viewed the same?
Is it ok for America’s to pay for foreign Nationalist entiltlement’s when they themselves are finding it hard to make ends meat??? Absolutely. It’s a part of the American philosophy of helping the disadvantaged. A better question would be, should American’s that are finding it hard to make ends meet receive help from America? And the answer is again, YES!
Should public money go to Non-profits that encourage illegal immigration?? This is a loaded question. Public money goes to non-profits that provide a variety of services and public money should not be used for illegal purposes. But, I challenge you to identify which non-profits you believe use public money to encourage illegal immigration.
Is it right for people to wait to come to this country, while other’s just cross a boarder?? Absolutely. Everyone should wait to enter the country legally. Nothing I’ve ever posted says illegal immigration is OK.
Does Santa Ana school district have low parent envolvment? Yes. But low parental involvement is a problem across the country – not just a problem in Santa Ana. You make it sound like Santa Ana is the only place in the world that suffers from low parental involvement – and that’s an out right lie. You love to post bits of information that only paint the picture you want to paint.
Are you paid with tax payer dollar’s??? Yes
Now…when the Proposition’s fail, and the people of California have spoken, and thousands of more people, governmental and private, are unemployed, and the same number of students still exist, and ADA funding drops, and students have no paper and pencils, when roads aren’t repaired, and lights aren’t fixed, when libraries close, and services are cut, when cities and counties are nearly bankrupt…what do you suggest we do? How do suggest we solve these problems? What magic words of wisdom do you have for solving these problems? Remember, your answer need to provide immediate relief for thousands of unemployed people: generate thousands of new high-paying jobs in a short amount of time (you want them off of government services, and you want them all to be able to make ends meet – so, don’t plan on them all working as day laborers, or maids, or housekeepers, or busboys, or dishwashers, or farm labor), not raise taxes (and preferably cut them), continue to cut the size of government, reduce spending, reduce debt and still service the current debt load on California, and meet the demands that the citizens of California have already made a priority through legislation and initiative – things like 40% of the budget MUST go to education.
And, please, don’t just say ‘close the boarder’ or ‘send the illegals home’ or ‘cut off benefits’ – those are easy words, but they have costs and consequences also. How do we pay to close to Boarder? How do we pay for the people? The materials? How do we send them home? Who pays for the transportation? And how do you cut off benefits to American citizens that have no money – no housing, no healthcare, no food. See, you may get what you wished for…but even it has a cost.
So, michelle – tell us with you infinite wisdom and expansive world view, how do we solve these problems? We’re all waiting to hear your words of wisdom…
Art & Red Vixen – I’m surprised that the SAEA election results haven’t been posted here yet, so here are the results as reported by my Site Rep:
President – Susan Mercer
Secretary – Jennifer Isensee
Treasurer – Scott Miller
High School Segment Director – Billy Castanha
Intermediate Segment Director – Hank Montelongo
Elementary Segment Director – Rhonda McKanna
Elementary Segment Director – Julie Meneghini
I think congratulations are in order for all of the candidates and the winners.
Art & Red Vixen – I’m surprised that the SAEA election results haven’t been posted here yet, so here are the results as reported by my Site Rep
Wow, why the surprise? Your site rep was apparently one of a select number who had that information at ten pm on a Friday night. Nothing for your groveling masses of membership until much later.
Thanks for making the point that SAEA is being run like an insiders’ club where certain people hold all the information and then berate others for not having access to it. Classy.
Oh, and thanks AGAIN for spamming our site with duplicate messages of deception. You make an exceptional spokesman for your union if you are trying to portray SAEA as arrogant and overreaching.
to #91, Well, at least it will be good to know how many people voted, how many ballots were not accepted due to irregularities, how many people turned in their ballots on time. Were there any observers? I know some of the elected people, and I do not see any change happening any time soon in the local.
Unions came to be to protect the worker. It worke, they do. Only problem is that now certain people hide behind the coattails of union protection. That is, people who pretend to work but do not and one cannot cry fowl because one is violating their “union” rights. Some leadership further pretends to lead while the sheep follow imagining that leadership has good intentions. Don’t be fooled and open your eyes. Vote for everyone but….We need people that practice what they preach, not preach and pretend to practice. I ask for revised lesson plans of all current and aspiring leadership. Stop the blasphemy and let’s be color blind. That is, let’s be all-inclusive. Anyone can lead regardless of color. I too have a dream.
school board?? just what is their function?? when we went to school ( that was before the kids took control and there were no rapes on campus or knives being used against teachers. when kids had been taught to respect elders even if they did not like them it was called manners) it was when uou were taught history Math Reading proper language, it was not the time when the schools decided that it was necessary to teach a elementary school or middle school student how to use a condom by showing how to put it on a cucumber??? if I had kids todsy I would do what all of my 7 children have done, HOme school that is where you teach basics, good behavior respect, the three R’s and how to grow into a respoonsible adult. I do no blame the teachers alone or the school board i am just disgusted at the fall of American children they are trained to belong to gags and most really seem to be sware of how to commit most crimes and no considertion for anyone but them selves. maybe parents should get involved in their kids lives and education that is if we have parents out htere anymore who care about their kids!!!!!!!! God Bless America