This administration continues to fly trial balloons that in many cases turn into reality. And that my friends is scary. Janet Adamy of the Wall Street Journal has just written a story of the Obama Administration considering an increase in taxes on soft drinks or other sweetened drinks to help offset the massive cost of his health care proposals. Excerpts from her article are posted below along with the story link.
Guess what Mr. President. In addition to your braintrust looking for ways to fund your programs you might take a survey of who will be hurt the most by this action if you move forward with it. My knee jerk is the people least able to cover that increase, you know, those who blindly voted for you.
Change. That’s all they will have left in their wallets should this become a reality.
MAY 12, 2009
Soda Tax Weighed to Pay for Health Care
Senate leaders are considering new federal taxes on soda and other sugary drinks to help pay for an overhaul of the nation’s health-care system.
The taxes would pay for only a fraction of the cost to expand health-insurance coverage to all Americans and would face strong opposition from the beverage industry. They also could spark a backlash from consumers who would have to pay several cents more for a soft drink.
On Tuesday, the Senate Finance Committee is set to hear proposals from about a dozen experts about how to pay for the comprehensive health-care overhaul that President Barack Obama wants to enact this year. Early estimates put the cost of the plan at around $1.2 trillion. The administration has so far only earmarked funds for about half of that amount.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a Washington-based watchdog group that pressures food companies to make healthier products, plans to propose a federal excise tax on soda, certain fruit drinks, energy drinks, sports drinks and ready-to-drink teas. It would not include most diet beverages. Excise taxes are levied on goods and manufacturers typically pass them on to consumers.
The Congressional Budget Office, which is providing lawmakers with cost estimates for each potential change in the health overhaul, included the option in a broad report on health-system financing in December. The office estimated that adding a tax of three cents per 12-ounce serving to these types of sweetened drinks would generate $24 billion over the next four years. So far, lawmakers have not indicated how big a tax they are considering.
Proponents of the tax cite research showing that consuming sugar-sweetened drinks can lead to obesity, diabetes and other ailments. They say the tax would lower consumption, reduce health problems and save medical costs. At least a dozen states already have some type of taxes on sugary beverages, said Michael Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest.
Some recent state proposals along the same lines have met stiff opposition. New York Gov. David Paterson recently agreed to drop a proposal for an 18% tax on sugary drinks after facing an outcry from the beverage industry and New Yorkers.
The beverage-tax proposal would apply to drinks that many Americans don’t consider unhealthy — such as PepsiCo’s Gatorade and Kraft’s Capri Sun — based on their calorie content.
Health advocates are floating other so-called sin tax proposals and food regulations as part of the government’s health-care overhaul. Mr. Jacobson also plans to propose Tuesday that the government sharply raise taxes on alcohol, move to largely eliminate artificial trans fat from food and move to reduce the sodium content in packaged and restaurant food.
The White House, meanwhile, is pulling together private health groups to identify cost savings that will help fund the health overhaul. Mr. Obama on Monday held a White House meeting with groups that represent doctors, hospitals, insurers, pharmaceutical companies and medical-device makers. They pledged to help restrain cost increases in the health-care system in an effort to save $2 trillion over the next decade.
“When it comes to health-care spending, we are on an unsustainable course that threatens the financial stability of families, businesses and government itself,” Mr. Obama told reporters.
I think taxing these sugary drinks is a great idea, ditto the alcohol ( I alone would subsidize a few families), as both cause plenty of health problems.
Larry, what’s your idea for solving the healthcare crisis in this country?
Anonster, all taxation is ultimately enforced by the barrel of a gun. Would you hold a gun to someone and say they can’t drink sugary drinks? I weep for our nation.
The following quote comes to mind. Perhaps you have not seen it before.
“If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” ~Ronald Reagan
Why do you feel that taxation is the answer to every problem in this country?
With your thought process we need to establsh an “obesity” tax. Unless you have a medical condition that you cannot control every male over five feet ten inches tall, weighing over 168 pounds will pay a tax that goes up exponentially based on your total weight. Just like the formulae for exceeding your electricity base line.
I think healthcare should be a priority, quite frankly I’d like to take a lot of the money we shovel out on the defense budget and redirect it, but we all know that would cause the wing-nuts in this country to go crazy.
Taxing sugary drinks ( I would be for a tax on ALL junk food) would not only raise revenue to pay for healthcare, but could also stop people from consuming so much crap that contributes to health problems.
Larry,you still HAVEN’T said what you would do about the 50 million or so Americans WITHOUT ANY health insurance. Let’s hear some ideas.
If you can tax tobacco and Alcohol you can tax these soda’s that our kids drink by the gallons.
If you have any idea what it will cost them, us and pretty much all of the human race, you might still be daft enough to say shoot like “I weep for our nation”
When we dined with a family in St. Petersburg Russia I asked them how they felt after their 1991 revolution.
While the government provided all their needs until the demise of Communism they were thrilled to be able to taste Capitalism.
Simply stated. I do not support the presidents National Health Care proposal. End of story.
Larry,simply stated, YOU HAVE NO SOLUTIONS!
Nationalized Health Care is NOT communism, many, many democracy’s have it and COULD vote it out if they weren’t satisfied.
Doing NOTHING is not an option, it hurts our economy, it makes our industries less competitive, keeps people from retiring and from starting new businesses.
I find it appalling that those who have NO ideas are yapping the loudest, 50 million uninsured people mean NOTHING to them. Our “Health Care for PROFIT” system is continuing to destroy people’s lives and all they can say is; “Sucks to be you”.
I am tired of whinners looking for more entitlements. Here is what presidential candidate John McCain proposed in his answer to this issue:
John McCain underscored his opposition to mandatory health insurance Wednesday at a health care forum in Washington, D.C., saying the coverage should be a matter of choice.
“I think that one of our goals should be that every American own their own home, but I’m not going to mandate that every American own their own home,” the Republican presidential candidate told the crowd at a forum sponsored by hospital trade group the Kaiser Family Foundation. ” I think that every American should have … an affordable college education. But I’m not going to mandate that every American go to college. I feel the same way about health care.”
Sen McCain went on to add that every family be given a tax credit for their own coverage.
I do not wish to see the day when we have a “bureaucratic British-style national health service” where I cannot get necessary treatment simply because of my age. Nor do I wish to be on a six month waiting list for a medical procedure as I have heard occurs in those European countries where health care is dolled out based on someone’s else’s timeframe.
Discussing the nations poverty numbers, which is a direct link to lack of health care for Americans, is a whole new topic that I do not have time to address today.
While we read of those living in poverty lacking health care coverage, and without getting into detailed specifics, early in my married life I worked three jobs in the same week to provide for my family. A white collar office job during the day, machine shop in the evenings and unloading soda trucks on weekends. This author was not born with a silver spoon but took responsibility to not be dependent on government assistance. If I can do it so can every other American. That’s what’s great about this nation.
Yes, a good idea. My dentist and several others recommends not drinking soda because it rots out the theet and stomach. A higher cost would be in part preventative medicine. We tax tabacco and Alcohol and overall that is preventative medicine.We should legalize and tax some other drugs that are currently illegal also.
Tobacco and Alcohol are taxed a regulated, and more difficult for our Children to get than other drugs. Perhaps there is a lesson in this that prohibition does not work it just creates easy profits for criminals.
While I agree that we should limit our intake of sugar and salt and consumption of excessive foods that may lead to health problems we each were blessed with “free will.” I joked about an obesity tax.
We surely don’t need to tax everything we come into contact with simply to use our health care as an excuse to raise more taxes and fees.
And as we address the issue of health care, with full knowledge that this comment will surely stir the pot, how many of the 12 to 20 million residents who are in this country illegally, partake of medical services for which they do not pay?
With around 47 million residents lacking health care coverage those 12-20 million could represent a huge percentage of the total.
This is the ESSENCE of right-wing thought, I did OK, so you MUST HAVE DONE SOMETHING WRONG, like get CANCER. What an evil SOB you must be Larry.
Many HARDWORKING Americans find themselves in DIRE financial circumstances simply because they or a family member got SICK! This doesn’t just affect POOR PEOPLE (right-wing world speak, poor=lazy, so they deserve to SUFFER) they have medicaid, this is a MIDDLE-CLASS issue, people who are WORKING. Only the VERY wealthy can afford Health Care without insurance. Most people are one heart attack away from the poor house. Your solution; hold a bake sale or just do the right thing and DROP DEAD!
You worked three jobs, tell that to the 5 million people who’ve been LAID OFF in the last year, they’ll be lucky to find ONE job, thanks to REPUBLICAN POLICIES!
Here’s a few facts (I know YOU hate those) on health care;
1. About 1.5 million families lose their homes to foreclosure every year due to unaffordable medical costs,68% had health insurance.
2. Retiring elderly couples will need $250,000-$300,000 in savings just to pay for the most BASIC medical coverage. NO CANCER OR HEART ATTACKS YOU LAZY SCUM!
3. Since 1999,employment based health insurance premiums have increased 120%, compared to cumulative inflation 44% and cumulative wages 29% in the same period. The primary reason people are uninsured; the high cost of health insurance coverage
I happen to know a family, wife used to work till she was diagnosed with cancer, husband, just laid-off, three kids, high Cobra payments till that runs out, THEN WHAT? These people WEREN’T SLACKERS, just ordinary hard working americans, who now are facing economic armageddon because of an illness.
No brother I worked hard to provide for my family and did not seek a government bailout.
This is a great country with opportunities for everyone who came here legally.
“Only the VERY wealthy can afford Health Care without insurance.” Those are your words.
You seem to forget that most employers offer health care coverage to every employee. And after severance you are eligible for a Cobra extension.
And for those who qualify the government does provide Medicaid coverage.
“Good health is important to everyone. If you can’t afford to pay for medical care right now, Medicaid can make it possible for you to get the care that you need so that you can get healthy – and stay healthy.
Medicaid is available only to certain low-income individuals and families who fit into an eligibility group that is recognized by federal and state law. Medicaid does not pay money to you; instead, it sends payments directly to your health care providers.”
The foreclosure issue, which you cite, has only surfaced due to the current recession and should not be used as a wedge to make your point on health care. You should not be buying a home if you are uanable to pay your monthyl bills including your mortgage(shelter), food, clothing and insurance. Without providing specifics I have close family and friends suffering in this depression so I am quite aware of the impact.
I had to compete for those three simultaneous jobs that I had prior to coming to CA over 30 years ago. As such I did not take away a job from anyone currently seeking employment. My point is that as heads of the home we should be responsible for meeting the needs of our families and that includes providing health care coverage either from your employer or on your own.
Yet you take me to task for being a good provider 30 year ago? You need to keep the timeline in mind as you try to frame your argument.
Anonster. NO, no, no. My kneee jerk reaction is to hit the delete key on your comment. Do not, and let me repeat, ever call me, or any other Juice blogger, “lazy scum.”
If you can’t make your point you resort to vulgarity and name calling which as you know is not tolerated on this blog. Get some class before coming back or I will delete every one of your nasty inputs. We are done talking!
Larry, to read. I didn’t call you “lazy scum” , but those who by YOUR definition, didn’t work hard enough to afford a million dollar medical crisis. Who, without health insurance can afford to have a surgery? Does that mean they FAILED to provide for their family? One sick kid can put ANY ONE in the poor house, a premie can cost several HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, are their parents irresponsible slackers?
Far fewer employers are providing Health Insurance and just try to get Health Insurance with a pre-existing condition. There is just NO PROFIT in insuring the sick.
Your smug self-righteousness is what is SO offensive, yeah, go ahead, delete me.
That should have read; Larry, learn to read.
Perhaps I read too quickly but there was no need for you to use the words which you selected which, by the way, can also apply to me and my wife as we are both retired. Heres your text:
2. “Retiring elderly couples will need $250,000-$300,000 in savings just to pay for the most BASIC medical coverage. NO CANCER OR HEART ATTACKS YOU LAZY SCUM!”
And again you set yourself up by saying” Your smug self-righteousness.”
Do me a favor and simply don’t read or post comments on my stories if I offend you.
Smug, self righteous. Why don’t you talk to the hundreds of property rights victims that I counsel and support who have lost their homes,farms and businesses. I think theywould have a much different opinion of Larry G who is not compensated one dime for traveling around the country assisting thoseunable to help themselves
Larry, YOU’RE the one who made YOUR personal experience the yardstick for JUDGING others, NOT ME.
The fact that YOU worked three jobs thirty years ago is held up, by YOU as proof of YOUR superiority. The fact that healthcare costs have SKYROCKETED compared to wages doesn’t matter to you.
By YOUR yardstick, young RESPONSIBLE couples would wait till they had at least a million dollars in the bank before having children, in order to cover unexpected catastrophes.
I just heard some DJ say his wife had spent ONE NIGHT in the hospital, the cost; 30 THOUSAND DOLLARS, WHO can AFFORD that? What if you had to stay two weeks in the hospital, not unheard of, YOU could work TEN JOBS and still go BROKE. Employers do not want to provide Health Insurance coverage anymore, where does that leave people? UNINSURED AND WORKING with the threat of CATASTROPHE hanging over their heads.
You also failed to note that 68% of bankruptcies were filed by people who were INSURED.
As to the elderly, again, YOU’RE the one maintaining that ANYONE who has a medical condition they can’t pay for, just didn’t WORK hard enough, LIKE YOU DID. Without MEDICARE (gasp, socialized medicine) most old people COULD NOT AFFORD cancer treatments or heart bypass surgeries, or any of the other costly treatments they may need. Most old people struggle just to pay for their prescriptions. By the way, I hope YOU’RE NOT on MEDICARE, as that would put to lie, EVERYTHING YOU’VE been saying.
Anonster. Hope Uncle Sam keeps you on his list of people to get entitlements based on money taken out of other peoples wallets. As you are so unhappy with capitalism perhaps you should move to another country with socialized medicine. That would surely meet your needs, when they think you warrant health care.
Stop beating yourdrum. The neighbors are starting to call me to have you call it a night on this post. As stated earlier. Write whatever you wish. I am finished here and am moving on to other pressing stories.
Larry, I guess that means you receive MEDICARE BENEFITS, you’re what you call a ” CLOSET SOCIALIST”.
Entitlements, they’re not just for “liberals” anymore.
Good by anonster. I will no longer play your game so go fishing somewhere else on this topic
Larry, good for you on receiving Medicare benefits, I am sure it gives you and your wife peace of mind, knowing that you won’t lose your house or spend all your savings if (God forbid) a catastrophic illness were to befall either of you. Now, let’s give ALL Americans “peace of mind”.
Do you really think a $0.03 increase on the soda will stop people from buying it? I highly doubt that. We, as Americans, spend billions of dollars on video games. What is another $0.03 for a can of soda?
This is just another excuse for the government to tax us. What’s next? The tax on the air we breathe? You can measure the capacity of people’s lings and charge them for the air they breath. Yeah, Let’s go the COMMUNIST States of America.
Peter, which is it, the tax is so minimal that it isn’t even noticeable or we are being over-taxed?
The point of this tax, is to take money from a product that causes numerous health problems, which COSTS THE GOVERNMENT MONEY and use it to OFFSET those costs.
Hey anonster,
I feel that we are over-taxed. The “Obesity-tax” is another way of ripping people off and instituting big government. I do not think that people who are “abusing” sugared drinks will cease because of the tax. Especially when some of these people do not even pay for it themselves. Just the other day I saw a guy buy a 12-pack of Coca-Cola amongst other things and he was using Food-stamp Assistance Card to pay for it. Essentially what we have here is money being taken from hard-working individuals and abused by these on welfare, other assistance programs and the government.
Furthermore, as a result of the irresponsible people who abuse the sugared drinks, now I and other people like myself who enjoy the sugared drink once in a while and are not overweight, have to be taxed? And all of this because these people have no self control and respect for the lifestyle and their bodies.
Yes, we will offset some costs of the health system, at the expense of a hard working middle class already OVERTAXED citizen.
More ridiculous tax proposals. These are from NY State:
-“iPod tax,”
-sugary soft drinks,
Larry, you disgust me!
Nonya. Thanks Mom. I love you too.
Sorry for the last minute reuqest that you baby sit for the dogs as we go out tonight.
Love ya!
On behalf of the non-Gilbert readers of the blog, let me add:
Double ?? Great trip down memory lane though.
anonster… I’m with ya. Larry is out of touch. Don’t let him piss you off, those people will always call rights “entitlements” as if it’s supposed to be insulting. Have you seen those people lately? Violent Tea Partiers? They’re a bunch of crazies.
Pete… manicures and massages are already subject to NYS sales and use tax. They have been for many years. Sometimes people say things that they hear on a sound bite and think “oh wow… look at what they’re doing to me now!” and it’s completely wrong. Obama is a MUSLIM? wow…, he wasn’t born in this country? He’s the antichrist? No kidding, well that’s it for me! duh. How about reading up on things before you spew.
So anyway, anonster…. you have my full support. They tax alcohol and cigarettes, I couldn’t care less about soda. Big babies.
Lilly, whomever you are.
Rights. Let’s see. As I have several size copies of our Constitution simply give me your address and I will send you one. After you receive it kindly show me where the “entitlements” you refer to as “rights” can be found. We have had 27 Amendments to our Constitution. Please share with the Juice readers which one(s) contain your “rights.” Thank you for helping us follow your commentary.
From the US Constitution online;
promote the general Welfare
This, and the next part of the Preamble, are the culmination of everything that came before it — the whole point of having tranquility, justice, and defense was to promote the general welfare — to allow every state and every citizen of those states to benefit from what the government could provide. The framers looked forward to the expansion of land holdings, industry, and investment, and they knew that a strong national government would be the beginning of that.