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“Lawmakers will consider a proposal to hike cigarette taxes by $1.50 per pack and raise $1.2 billion annually. During the last decade, cigarette makers have spent tens of millions of dollars to kill 14 straight attempts to make smokers pay more,” according to the L.A. Times.
Is this really a smart thing to do?
“Smoking prevalence was higher among adults living below the poverty level (32.3 percent) than those living at or above the poverty level (23.5 percent),” according to the Oral Cancer Foundation.
Doesn’t this seem like a tax that is more likely to hurt the poor? And it also will hurt people of color:
Smoking prevalence remained at the highest among American Indians/Alaska Natives at 40 percent in 1998. Prevalence among African-Americans (24.7 percent) and Caucasians (25.0 percent) remained higher than among Hispanics (19.1 percent) and Asians/Pacific Islanders (13.7 percent).
I agree that smoking is bad for you – but shouldn’t we make it illegal rather than screw those addicted to nicotine with higher taxes? Or at least focus our efforts on helping folks to stop smoking?
Are poor people going to be forced to consider buying smokes and paying higher taxes, instead of buying milk for their kids?
Why are the Democrats advancing this notion? They ought to be trimming the size of our bloated state government – or otherwise finding ways to cut the state budget. Instead they are picking on folks who cannot defend themselves. Shame on them!
Why? It’s much easier & less personally costly to affluent legislators – to tax the poor, & the middle-class (whatever is left of that embattled group) …
I’m miffed at why the democrats are pushing this issue. Any other time, they are supposed to be the party that protects the free spirited and free willed. The party that is supposed to ensure the government is here for the people and not vice versa.
Guess it just goes to show that politics is politics, whether your blue or red, if you want the money, find the lease liked group and exploit them.
I use to be a smoker, not anymore, and no….my decision had nothing to do with the price of a pack of cigarettes, it was a personal choice. I just can’t believe that people think this is okay. Cigarettes are already taxed, what, 300%?!??!
So what happens when they’ve successfully eliminated all the smokers in california (as if…)?? What’s the next “offensive” group we should target??? Hey, I got it, how about people who use Patchouli Oil or wear Birken Stock’s. Lord knows I feel that smell and look is down right offensive to my sensibilities.
And for all of you people who feel smoking and/or smokers are foul and disgusting and “…they shouldn’t smoke anyways”, how about you look into your own lives, and judge yourself according to your own vices, and stop trying to make yourself feel better by comparison. In the immortal words of Christopher Titus, “when you point your finger at someone, there are three pointing back at you”. 😉
Take care all, and try to be true AMERICANS!!