SAEA Union Elections Jam Down “Par-tay!” Hits a Speed Bump

Stop the Presses.   There’s been a formal challenge issued to the latest SAEA Elections.   Doh!

For anyone following the Santa Ana Educator’s Association (aka-SAEA, aka-teacher’s union) local election, you already know that one half of the two-part election was thrown out because of gross procedural errors.  The State Representative election portion was declared null a couple of weeks ago.  In a set of posts, Orange Juice and readers debated the merits of a jammed down election full of confusing communications, missing information, stonewalled silence, personal attacks and of course, gross and apparent procedural errors by the Powers that Be who had been conducting the board elections for the teacher’s union.  If you missed it,


the discussions can be found here:    SAEA Santa Ana Teacher’s Union Election Jam Down    

and here:   SAEA Corrupt Elections: Vote Early, Vote Often!

and here:   Who should be the next Santa Ana Educators’ Association President?

The discussions got crazy and in the end, Orange Juice! readers found out who the election winners were DAYS BEFORE the site reps were finally informed.  During the elections and discussions it was also learned that union insiders Jennifer Isensee and Scott Miller are operating personal side jobs using SAEA phone and address numbers for their “Anger Management” services.  Despite the shoddy union practices,  it was no surprise around here, that the jam-down produced the winners who were unfairly promoted by district-paid union employee and supposed Grievance Chair, Jennifer Isensee.  Sure, half of this election would have to be run again, but the union insiders club was thrilled.  It was so easy.  This win was so important. “Woo Hoo!  It’s in the bag now!  We WON!  Par-tay! People”. 

The damn thing was run like some kind of popularity contest.  It was never a forum about critical issues facing SAEA general membership interests.  But……

Not so fast!  The head elections official, Maureen Doughterty, let it be known in this freshly-released notice to the SAEA Elections Committee that there has been a challenge issued against the current election results based on -(no big surprise here!)- PROCEDURAL ERRORS.  Who else is SHOCKED?  JUST SHOCKED, I TELL YOU!

 We all KNOW how much the union hates communicating with members, so it is especially sweet to get a copy of something that they don’t want just the regular teachers to know about.  Elections note from Maureen from 9 pm last night:

Good Evening Everyone.OK, Only 12 more days. There was a challenge on procedures. There were a few of us who met which is fine. We wrote a response and will submit it to the SAEA BOD. They will rule on it, and that should be the end of it.  I know it is busy this time of year.I would like to meet over the summer to discuss the coming year of elections and look over the bylaws and standing rules.  I’m thinking August like the week of the 10th or 17th.  No need to respond now.   Just think about it, but not too much. Let’s get through the end of the year.   Have a good modified day.   Maureen

“That should be the end of it”.  The end of what?   Apparently there was no notice sent out to the committee as a whole about the elections challenge, so we can only assume  that a select group of insiders drew up the response. And of course, in the absence of any discussions, it is expected that the SAEA BOD will quash the elections challenge, too.  These are just formalities for this club of insiders.

You teachers get to pay a thousand bucks a year for these kinds of junior high school level antics.  It probably wouldn’t matter much in years past, but these very same people who don’t seem to grasp how to communicate effectively and who don’t seem to understand how even very basic procedures operate, are in charge of negotiations that have landed so many of you teachers out of your jobs going forward.  You gotta come to the OJ to get a clue, don’t you?  Sad.

Oh, and the half-assed “Rally” those clowns have planned for you?  What’s that all about, anyways?  What exactly is the message going to be?  Don’t look at the union website, because you won’t find answers THERE.

Learn this lesson:  Don’t expect people to empower you.  You have to take back your own power, every single day.

About Red Vixen