Well, first we learn that “being a Latina woman would help her reach a better conclusion in judicial matters than a man” was not a “slip of the tongue”. Sotomayor has delivered multiple speeches with that same racist philosophy. Quite unenlightened. But then, what do you expect from a leftist? We already knew that, didnt we? She has said it over, and over, and over again. Insert white, black or male into that sentence and we know the term she should be branded with and run out of town.
Now, ewwwwww, its creepier than that. She belongs to a secretive, women-only cult, called the “Belizean Grove”. If this was a male candidate for the Court, he’d be asked to sit and name all the things they did “together” when the wives were away. Where’s the inquiry? Do the Democrats care about maintaining their “integrity?” Can you taste the hypocrisy?
Tolerance, open-mindedness, aren’t these the things the Left preaches? What is going wrong? Typical of the hedonistic, atheistic, minority fascist Democrats, dont you think?
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Well you can ask Clarence Thomas what he did while he was away from the wife at The Bohemian Grove.
Or you can ask Antonin Scalia how his talk at the Bohemian Grove in 1997 went over?
But you wont ask Sotomayor… thats the difference.
Ask her and all other GOP’s about exclussive clubs they belong to. Then what??????
The point is that this is not the point. There is a different agenda. This is smoke.
If the problem and concern is individuals belonging to exclussive clubs, then gather them all together and criticise them together.
Ask her and all other GOP’s about exclussive clubs they belong to. Then What?????
The point is that this is not the point. There is a different agenda. This is smoke.
If the problem and concern is individuals belonging to exclussive clubs, then gather them all together and criticise them together.
Madame Liberty,
That’s because, despite Mr. Crowley’s use of the term “cult”, I see no evidence that the Belizean Grove is anything more than a club or group for women.
You can’t say that about The Bohemian Club and its well-documented, creepy rituals like the “Cremation of Care”.
The Bohemian Club is founded by and for journalists… and its headquarters is in the heart of GOP land… San Francisco!!
And you can thank the wacked out “artists, writers, and other academics” who are by-lawed into the organization for productions like “Cremation”. Who else would come up with such a thing but an “artist” from Haight-Ashbury?
Positive: In common or popular usage, “cult” has a positive connotation for fan groups of art, music, writing, fiction,[3] and fashion devotees (see Cult following). “Cult” also has a positive connotation when used in the original and classic sense of veneration by any group of worshipers, though this meaning is usually applied to groups known from antiquity, including historic cults of the major religions (see Cult (religious practice)).
Negative: Also in common or popular usage, “cult” has a negative connotation for new religious, extreme political, questionable therapeutic, and pyramidal business groups.[4]
Madame Liberty,
Go ahead, keep your head firmly buried in the sand and ignore this;
The point isn’t who “came up” with such rituals…the point is who attends this retreat and its rituals.
And the answer to THAT question is clearly more than artists and journalists from San Francisco.
Too bad a black or hispanic conservative isnt nominated for the Supreme Court so you can slander them anon.
Right now, its a latina democrat, and she is CREEPY! Deal with it…
So when I point out the info about Thomas and Scalia, it’s slander. But when Crowley writes this about Sotomayor, it’s not?
Do you how utterly illogical and ridiculous that is?
I punk’d your guys…deal with it.
Its not slander. Slander is spoken. Libel is written. And the point is, you are trying to cover the actions of a very disturbing person by pointing to the actions of someone else.
Do you know how utterly illogical and ridiculous THAT is?
Haut ton
You are the pot calling the kettle black.
THAT is utterly illogical and ridiculous.
Madame Liberty,
The truth you fail to grasp is that there is absolutely nothing nefarious in the Sotomayor example. The same cannot be said about the Bohemian Grove.
And so there is nothing to cover when it comes to Sotomayor.
Mr Lomeli
The Democrats are in power. You want to go back and talk about your bigotry against Thomas or Scalia, we can do that another post. It sure isnt too long before the racists tendencies of the left come out in the news.
Here and now, we are talking about the actions of a woman to be nominated to the Supreme Court. Nothing you have said changes that or justifies talking about anything else. If that is your mode of conversation, then I could talk about your bad breath and anons annoying appearance. Those have about as much to do with the conversation as anything else you’ve said.
Mr Freedom,
The thread here is Sotomayor having membership in a womens club. What is the problem with this?
I, nor others, I believe have trouble with Thomas and Scalia having membership in a social club.
What is the difference between Sotomayor,and Thomas/Scalia having membership in social clubs?
The far right Republican strategy of ravidly trying to associate the Dems with racism is well understood. It is also widely understood your attempts are silly. Most of us get your AGENDA.
Your angry, wrinkly and decaying ass also does not have anything to do with this thread. So, what is your intent with these types of comments?
You are another pot calling the kettle black.