Sotomayor Part of Women Only Cult

Well, first we learn that “being a Latina woman would help her reach a better conclusion in judicial matters than a man” was not a “slip of the tongue”. Sotomayor has delivered multiple speeches with that same racist philosophy. Quite unenlightened. But then, what do you expect from a leftist? We already knew that, didnt we? She has said it over, and over, and over again. Insert white, black or male into that sentence and we know the term she should be branded with and run out of town.

Now, ewwwwww, its creepier than that. She belongs to a secretive, women-only cult, called the “Belizean Grove”. If this was a male candidate for the Court, he’d be asked to sit and name all the things they did “together” when the wives were away.  Where’s the inquiry? Do the Democrats care about maintaining their “integrity?” Can you taste the hypocrisy?

Tolerance, open-mindedness, aren’t these the things the Left preaches? What is going wrong? Typical of the hedonistic, atheistic, minority fascist Democrats, dont you think?

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About Terry Crowley