Former Carona Undersheriff Jo Ann Galisky abuses the gay card as she sues the County

“Jo Ann Galisky, the ex-undersheriff who was forced out of the Sheriff’s Department last year after a jail beating investigation, has filed a wrongful termination and sexual discrimination lawsuit, alleging she was unfairly accused of lying during that probe and was targeted because she is gay,” according to the O.C. Register.

We rejoiced here at the Orange Juice when Galisky, who was an awful hack for disgraced former Sheriff Mike Carona, got the boot.  However, Chris Prevatt, over at the exceedingly lame Liberal OC blog, had this to say about Galisky’s firing:

The Orange Juice Blog has implied that the departure of Galisky and Bishop is in some way connected to the corruption probe and indictment of former OC Sheriff Mike Carona.

Clearly, there is no connection at all between the two other than the fact that Gailsky and Bishop served on Carona’s command staff.

Really Chris?  Here’s what R. Scott Moxley had to say about Galisky and her lawsuit, over at the O.C. Weekly’s Navel Gazing blog:

Galisky served as Carona’s vicious attack dog inside the department. Having spent time with her, I would not be shocked if she claimed with a straight face that Carona had never farted. Why? Because she liked to insist that he’d never once told a lie, a laughable assertion even before the corruption trial devastated his fake “Christian conservative” image.)
Galisky is claiming that “”The investigation of the Chamberlain in-custody death … was designed to discredit the Sheriff’s Department and take power, responsibility and duties from that department to increase the District Attorney’s office, power and influence.”
Is it just me or was that investigation designed to find out why the O.C. Sheriff’s deputies who were at the jail allowed Chamberlain to be murdered while they watched T.V.?
This woman is crazy.  The sad thing is that by using the gay card she is undermining gay people who DO get fired for their gender.  Galisky certainly wasn’t one of them.  She got what she had coming because she had to have her nose surgically removed from Carona’s ass after he went to jail.  Too bad we can’t put Galisky in the cell with him…

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.