This one’s funny, no matter who you are! Anyone who has ever held an office job has had a co-worker just like Carrie Prejean. Enjoy the one minute clip of humor. 😉
Looks like it's pretty much over. The status after Thursday's count: 149,709 votes cast: 50% mark is 74,855. This shows…
would you rip on her commi red if she went on the no ratings maddow show or keith overbite . people who their ratings are like the machien at the hospital that shows your dead .
This woman exercised her right to free speech and apparently her personal opinion reflects how the state of CA voted. What’s the problem?
cranky much? It was HUMOR. I’m a big Rupert Murdoch fan!
no not cranky all your post and stories are anti conservatives . how about a story and a rip on a dem . not a local hack either
post 2 its so true this poor girl express her toughts and got crucified , burned at the stake by the libs = see art p . he calls it hate speech .
“all your post and stories are anti conservatives . how about a story and a rip on a dem . not a local hack either”
You didn’t think that little clip was funny at all? Are you sure that I have never taken a democrat to task?
I’ll tell you what: why don’t you put together a post, email it to me and I’ll post it up for you? That way you get to see what you think is important up on the blog. Okay?
I think Crowley does a good job trashing the Dems. And I enjoy doing that to all corrupt and inept politicians.
This guy the “great one” is just living the GOP adventure. He needs to come up for air…
These days, that’s not an adventure. It’s a nightmare.
And an unending one at that!
So glad I quit the party…
I am always surprised that “the great one” calls me commi red and stuff like that. I am fairly moderate in my positions.
red vixen haaaaa fairly moderate HAAAAAAAA I AM ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING.. as far as art he is full of hot air by his stories . i am waiting art for your next one . maybe you can make one up about the illegals who got caught the other day and kicked out of their meat packing place because their social sec. did not match with e check . oh im sure you will twist around the headlines like . RACIST I N S RAIDS INNOCENT IMMIGRANTS .
You have to understand that with The Not-So-Great-One, everyone who doesn’t drink the GOP kool-aid is a leftist commie pinko. That’s exactly how simplistic and black and white he/she sees the world. It’s truly pathetic.
This wack job “the great one” is also “ocobserver” who constantly blogs over on the OC Register comments. He is old fart racist of the worst kind.
Boy Anonymous calling the “Great One” racist is like you calling the kettle black.
post 13 try again clueless i have never blog on oc register comments and i am young you clown . post 12 keep drinking the nobama kool aid renember what happen to jim jones when he drank the kool aid . thats where we are heading with your far left views .
I don’t drink the “nobama” kool-aid…or any other for that matter. I disagree with him on many issues, especially around national security and foreign policy. Which is a lot more than I can say for your ridiculous, unquestioningly partisan approach to politics.
But by all means, carry on with your black & white, simplistic view of the world.