Why did SAEA union board member Scott Miller misuse blogger Art Pedroza’s home address and phone number? And why does he wear such goofy clothes?
What would possess two members of the Santa Ana Educators Association (SAEA) Board of Directors to reference their union’s office address and phone number while advertising their anger management side business? That is what Jennifer Isensee and Scott C. Miller did. Click here to see the proof of this.
Isensee even bragged about this during a union board meeting. Click here to see the minutes that refer to her anger management business.
These people just got elected to the SAEA Board of Directors! They are not small fries. Isensee is their Secretary and Miller is their Treasurer. Miller also is a teacher at Walker Elementary. And he is involved with the “Stand up for Schools” organization.
We outed them here at the Orange Juice and they had to change their address listing – but then Miller completely lost it. He decided, apparently, to list my own home address and personal cell phone number as his own, on a web page belonging to “Century Anger Management.” How crazy is that?
Our blogger Red Vixen was alerted by OJ poster Anonplus, and she then brought this to my attention. I then contacted Century Anger Management. They promptly removed the information from their website and are trying to figure out why Miller did this.
What a bad idea by Miller! People have been charged with crimes for this sort of behavior. Ironically, the sentence for such a crime usually involves, here’s the kicker, anger management!
I will of course be contacting the Better Business Bureau, the O.C. District Attorney and the State Attorney General about Miller’s actions. I hope he has a good explanation, but I doubt it.
I would hope that the new SAEA president, Susan Mercer, would do something about this, but somehow I doubt it. Perhaps I need to let the CTA know what these folks are up to.
Here are the new board members’ pictures that you all voted in. You might find the discussions at this link of interest, too:
They all LOOK like a bunch of kooky left-wing wackos!!!
They all ACT like a bunch of kooky left-wing wackos!!!
No morals; no ethics; no decorum; no transparency; no respect for the rule of law; no accountability; no one is as “smart” as they are; no equal rights; no tolerance…
OMG!!! They ARE a bunch of kooky left-wing wackos!!!
No one on this blog or reading this posting should be surprised with their actions; they are what they are!
The solution to this problem is found in the bylaws on how to remove anyone in leadership.
A great help to that process can be found here if you, Art, keep the light on the cockroaches and extrapolate on the bylaws for the sake of union members who typically don’t have a clue on what or how they can do things to change the situation.
In the meantime I will sit back in amusement and watch Santa Ana Unified and the city get exactly what they deserve with all the bashing of/removal of conservative principals that must be in place for any group in charge of the oversight and welfare of others to truly do its job for the good of all concerned – especially with other peoples money (Taxes).
Art: Did you get any phone calls for Jennifer or Scott?
Scott Miller use to be part of the Nsync at one time. He use to be the back up singer for
“Lance Bass”… And he use to work with Vanilla Ice. Can you tell on the cloths he is wearing in that picture.. He is the one that came up with the song “Bye Bye Bye “
One Word art, Criminal!…..and I am talking about that sweater vest!
If this does turn out to be a criminal act, I hope he has to attend anger management classes. Seems to me that what he did shows issues with out of control anger. Maybe a riffed teacher will have to take his place at Walker if he goes to jail. That would be a sort of justice for using our dues to promote his own business while the riffed teachers are ignored by SAEA.
LOL! Art, the fact is, you could use some anger management! Anyone can find your address by Googling, so keep on whining!
Unfortunately, being in the public spotlight leads to publicizing of one’s personal information sooner or later. Sadly, your annual income will probably be next.
Here are related posts #150- 163 on the main SAUSD thread:
My.02¢Worth Says:
June 13th, 2009 at 9:01 am edit
MegaFed-Up (#134) Why would you post such a ridiculous question here? Do you really think that anyone here wants to find out the truth? Or really cares enough to have actually done any type of research or investigation? Did you or anyone else bother calling SAEA before these wild allegations were posted?
Well, in answer to your question, I called SAEA and asked. No one at SAEA knows anything about a business being run out of SAEA. So it looks like that, unless proven otherwise, the rumor is false – in fact, it’s a lie.
Of course, I’ll be taken to task for believing the people that actually work in the office, but it’s either believe them or believe the people posting on the OJ that never seem to provide any proof – and I don’t believe that being listed in a directory of people that have received training is proof that they were running a business.
Art Pedroza Says:
June 13th, 2009 at 9:07 am edit
Read the latest thread exposing SAEA incompetence, deception and theft of identity:
Why did a SAEA union board member misuse a blogger’s home address and phone number?
Just unbelievable.
Art Pedroza Says:
June 13th, 2009 at 9:08 am edit
We posted the proof. Apparently you have a reading disorder to go along with your overall lack of ethics.
Red Vixen Says:
June 13th, 2009 at 9:17 am edit
#150 What a hack you are. You’re also supposed to be a teacher and this message board’s “union rep” by proxy.
I think you are a stunning example of what is wrong with the SAEA Teachers’ union.
Quit attacking OJ posters who can actually read and comprehend the issues. You’re a disgrace.
My.02¢Worth Says:
June 13th, 2009 at 10:04 am edit
Red Vixen (#136) I still don’t get it why people haven’t tried to verify the facts about this anger management thing instead of just making accusations. You make it sound like Anonplus has done some type of major investigative research – all this person did was research Scott and Jennifer’s names and post snippets from a website.
At least you got one thing right – teachers need to ask. As far as I know, I’m the only one that has even bothered calling SAEA to get an answer. I took your advise, and I called Gladys on Friday and asked her, point blank, if anything’s been going on – if Scott and Jennifer are running an anger management business out of SAEA. Gladys said that there is nothing going on – no business being run out of SAEA. In fact, she said that Scott and Jennifer went to anger management training in order to get a better understanding of anger and be able to help teachers.
You and others here thoroughly chastised them for being listed and using SAEA’s address. So, what did you expect? They changed the addresses – big deal. You wanted them to stop listing SAEA’s address and you got what you wanted. But then you go after them for that? You didn’t bother going to them and asking questions before you posted or made the accusations, you just went after them.
Actually I think it’s pretty funny that one of them was creative enough to use Art’s info. The only reason I can imagine that one of them did that was that there was never anything going on to begin with.
The ‘rumors’ that you mention only exist because you and OJ insist on publishing them, over and over, and there doesn’t appear to be any type of research going on. Of course, you don’t see the catch-22 that you’ve created. You don’t believe anything anyone at SAEA says and yet the only people with the answers are the people at SAEA, so you’ll never believe any answer you get from them.
Members of SAEA have more opportunities than that just Rep Council to as questions. We can ask our site reps, we can phone or email Board and Committee members and we can ask them in person when we see them.
My.02¢Worth Says:
June 13th, 2009 at 10:12 am edit
Count the votes (#142) Why don’t you contact CTA or have the people that are claiming to have been “railroaded by Isensee’s incompetent, and as it turns out unethical and collusive “representation.” contact CTA or file a lawsuit? My guess is that these teachers are angry because the probably didn’t get what they wanted from filing a grievance.
My.02¢Worth Says:
June 13th, 2009 at 10:23 am edit
Art (#152) Just because parts of websites are posted on OJ doesn’t make them facts.
tmare Says:
June 13th, 2009 at 11:13 am edit
While I am not a union hater or basher, I just can’t understand how posting a blogger’s address on your own site under your name is in any way appropriate or even funny. It’s just plain stupid.
I don’t understand the comments regarding being unable to speak at the Rep meeting. I was at the last meeting. If anyone has something to say, they are welcome to add it to the agenda at the beginning of the meeting and it will be discussed at length. These meetings usually go for about two hours and while I appreciate the input of people, I really need to get to all of the agenda items because I truly can’t stay due to family commitments any longer than about 2 hours. If someone wants to discuss something, I would hope that they would place it on the agenda and not just randomly derail the meetings.
Jill Says:
June 13th, 2009 at 11:22 am edit
Let’s let the District Attorney decide this one. It is illegal to impersonate someone else’s address as your own. I don’t find this to be funny and humorous. I know someone who did this to someone and they got tossed in the slammer, slapped with probation and had to attend anger management courses. She impersonated an ex boyfriend (all in fun) of course like the Union people just did to Art and she was accused of a crime. No one needs to prove anything…google cached will prove it all.
Red Vixen Says:
June 13th, 2009 at 11:45 am edit
“At least you got one thing right – teachers need to ask. As far as I know, I’m the only one that has even bothered calling SAEA to get an answer. I took your advise, and I called Gladys on Friday and asked her, point blank, if anything’s been going on – if Scott and Jennifer are running an anger management business out of SAEA. Gladys said that there is nothing going on – no business being run out of SAEA. In fact, she said that Scott and Jennifer went to anger management training in order to get a better understanding of anger and be able to help teachers.”
Well, that’s very interesting. So, Gladys is saying to put the matter to rest? She’s saying that her oversight on the matter puts a kosher stamp on the Anger Management services being conducted with references to the SAEA mailing address and the SAEA phone number listed on the advertisments? That’s interesting.
“Actually I think it’s pretty funny that one of them was creative enough to use Art’s info. The only reason I can imagine that one of them did that was that there was never anything going on to begin with.”
We’ll see if authorities think this isa funny chuckle or not. I am guessing it isn’t very funny to the Anger Management company that is supposed to be made up of ethical and legtitmate resources. I am guessing that CTA won’t find it amusing either.
Let’s just take a wait-and-see on this, shall we?
and as far as a reason: How about this – A guilty, vindictive system abuser thought it might scare Art off. Or how about- an incompetent, overly-angry dummy did it on a lark without understanding the consequences of impersonating others? Or how about this- A pervasive criminal mindset resorts to thuggery when they feel threatened by being outted?
Maybe look at those choices, genius.
Red Vixen Says:
June 13th, 2009 at 11:50 am edit
Oh and I found post #99 interesting as well:
SAEA Anger Management Scam Inquiry Says:
June 9th, 2009 at 5:51 am edit
As a teacher who experienced a sham representation by Isensee in a grievance proceeding, I am wondering if others would be willing to get together to consider legal options that may be available. Did anyone attend an “anger mgmt.” class taught by Isensee? Did Isensee proxy sign your grievance without your permission? District -SAEA collusion in this process may have dragged out the timeline, potentially costing taxpayers and SAEA loads of money.
Jill Says:
June 13th, 2009 at 11:57 am edit
We are trying to get a list of all of the RIF(ed) employees and their EMAIL addresses so that we can contact you over the summer. We plan to stand UNITED (everyone)…classified employees, music teachers, counselors, teachers, librarians, computer techs, secretaries, district employees, and parents. We may be planning a “meet up” event over the summer. So please go to this site and sign up. We need EVERYBODY to stand UNITED! Let’s not wait for the Union. They are included of course (everyone is welcome), but we are NOT waiting anymore for people to help us…we are takng matters into our own hands.
http://snipurl.com/attention123 <–go here ------------------------ Anonplus Says: June 13th, 2009 at 12:25 pm edit 2 Cents, Thank you for verifying and posting that neither Miller nor Isensee had permission to list fictitious business addresses at the SAEA office. Also I appreciate you confirming for us that Miller and Isensee misrepresented a legal business at that location when in fact no such business existed there. While on the topic of teachers providing anger management services using fictitious addresses or e-mail contacts, another name has come up only this time the person listed the SAUSD e-mail system for her personal business. Use of the district e-mail system for personal business or to conduct a business is in violation of district policy. In this case Sara Shorey, a SAUSD Reading Coordinator/Curriculum Specialist apparently joins the group of the galactically stupid. ———————————————– Century Anger Management Provider List for Costa Mesa, California Century Anger Management provides two levels of certification: • Level 1 — Content Training • Level 2 — Certified Anger Management Professional The following is a list of all active providers in Costa Mesa, California. Click here to see other providers in California. Level 2 Providers Action Consultants Therapy Barry Hughes 1670 Santa Ana Ave Ste F Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Phone: 310-901-1667 finbear@earthlink.net
Sara Shorey
623 Whitney Way
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Phone: 949/400-6765
2 cents I know you don’t get this but guilty people do stupid things. If Isensee and Miller were doing nothing wrong then they had no reason to remove or change the contact information they originally had on the Century Anger Management webpage. But they did change the information because it was brought out here and they knew they were doing something wrong.
Now scurry off and let Sara know she better change her e-mail address before some good citizen calls the district.
Jill Says:
June 13th, 2009 at 12:47 pm edit
Just a suggestion,
Scott, (just an idea) instead of running and having people post why or why this didn’t happen,maybe just apologize to Art and be the bigger person. I know Art and he is a nice person and most likely forgiving with a simple “I’m sorry.” That’s what I would do, but what do I know? Nothing apparently according to the Union’s publicist. Just do it…get it over with.
Art: I agree with you, #4 and others about the sartorial tastes of Scott Miller. Did he enter a worm hole and emerge in 1991?
Art has big shoulders and will not be intimidated by this action. With regard to mandating “anger management’ simply look at Mission Viejo councilman Lance MacLean who took that class for an incident at UCI while serving as our mayor. He took that class to avoid the possibility of spending some time in the clink.
The union has DEEP pockets, hates bad publicity and will settle.
Take your wife and kids to Hawaii, stay in a nice place and explain to them: “this all the result of one persons poor choice (or repeated poor decisions). Someone lost his job (hopefully)and we happened to benefitfrom this BAD CHOICE THAT SOMEONE MADE”.
I’d wait until early Novemeber to go though, the crowds are gone and the Royal Hawaiian has killer suites for four hunnie a night.
Thats my advise.
There’s been some law talk around here lately. You have any references for an attorney to take on a class action suit against a couple of big organizations?
PERB is already pretty busy with CSEA and SAUSD, I hear.
Found this dialogue very interesting as one who has been uniting educators to level the outrageous playing field in education. I started a group in 2002, and we now have over 1100 members who can testify to the wrong doing going on in education as well as how abusing teachers is how it is perpetuated. Although all made interesting points about the use of Art’s private information, I kept thinking about how clever it was for them to start an Anger Management business when the unions are right in their fanning the flames of teacher abuse and causing the anger! Why not benefit at both ends?
I have spend many years trying to expose what is going on in education, which I describe in my book, “White Chalk Crime: The REAL Reason Schools Fail.” The unions are definitely a major player in making sure White Chalk Crime rather than good education prevails. I have documented this to be true across the country. Of course, there are some good union people who are probably as clueless as the rest of the nation thinking they can help teachers and spinning their wheels trying to help. But if any of them actually get somewhere, they become targets of abuse because the honchos at NEA have an agenda and it is not helping teachers when EducRAT$ so not want that. (The AFT is the same. We have well documented that too.)
If I had to speculate why they did this I would say arrogance breeds stupidity. When you can do just about anything you want to a teacher with no consequence, why bother to do what is smart? However, my best guess is that these union folks are flexing their political muscles to scare people off. I don’t know Art, but he probably has too much courage!
I hope some of you will come to EndTeacherAbuse.org and join us. Membership is free, we keep people anonymous unless they are able to be out there, and we are snowballing our way into the public eye. We cannot have a nation that is destroying its teachers!
Karen Horwitz,
Welcome to our discussions. Thank you for your comments and for bringing attention to your website and book.
Apparently unions can be terrible for employees, too. Doh!
Just saying hello to you all .. Still a bit confused about the goings on here, but I guess I’ll keep poking around.
What is the “legal” max number of days a union rep and or Treasurer could be out of the classroom to do SAEA business?
How long can he be out of the classroom before parents can legally do something? Moms, at Walker are very angry because their kids are being taught by Scott Miller’s long line of substitutes.
Yes, the District keeps changing the substitutes in order to avoid having to give them a contract.
Everyone was so happy he got the SAEA Treasurer position, they thought he would live our site! But no, we just got informed that Miller has taken a 1st grade assignment. What? he is also going to be Walker’s union rep, be a 1st grade teacher, and be SAEA’s Treasurer! MamaMia! another year kids will have substitutes teaching them so Scott can parade himself back and forth the union as a “very important person”!
Here is the list of committees and who is on them for SAEA:
Grievance Committee: Chair–Jennifer Isensee
Negotiations Committee: Chair– Ron Shepherd
Bargaining Support Team Committee: Co-Chairs–Alice Borelli; Scott Miller
Human Rights/Women’s Issues: Jennifer Isensee
Hours of Work Committee: Chair– Susan Mercer
Catastrophic Leave Bank Committee: Chair–Elena Wise
Political Involvement Committee: Chair– Meg Robinson
Class Size Committee: Chair–Meg Robinson; Susan Mercer
Election Committee: Chair–Maureen Dougherty
Budget Committee: Chair–Susan Mercer
Social Committee: Chair–Elena Wise
Benefits Committee: Ron Shepherd, Susan Mercer, Nicole Stulz
Special Education Task Force: Chair–Sherry Garcia
Newsletter Committee: Editor–Scott Miller
QEIA Oversight Committee: Chair: Rhonda Mckanna
Parent/Community Outreach: Elena Wise
Calendar Committee: Tammy Detveiler, Jennifer Isensee, Scott Miller, Susan Mercer
Personnel Committee: David Barton
Building Committee: Gladys Hall-Kessler
Webmaster: Jeffrey Goldberg
I voted for Jennifer Isensee, Susan Mercer and Scott Miller because my site rep recommended them as the best choices. I have been following the election after I voted and I have to say I am very disappointed by what I am reading here and what my site rep has reported about what happened at the last site rep meeting where people were treated so rudely. I am also concerned because it seems that the union is busy with covering their own butts while doing the absolute minimal for all the rest of us. The district has got to be happy to see what is happening. SAEA is very disorganized. I would have voted differently if I had only known.
There are many reasons the State should take over SAUSD, however a State takeover would ensure, I believe, that any union agreements would be null & void. Can anyone confirm or deny?
You took the advice of your site rep? why did you abdicated your responsibility of voting on your assestment of the candidates?
The more I read about SAUSD teachers it becomes clear why the school district is in such an upheavel. From my perch the bunch of you seem to be lemmings.
The mind is a terrible thing to waste.
#22 “You took the advice of your site rep? why did you abdicated your responsibility of voting on your assestment of the candidates? ”
From what we know, the candidates gave their statements during a site rep meeting – where only site reps attend. The site reps are supposed to bring back information to their site membership. However, SAEA does not post candidate statements/speeches on their website for the average member to access. The super-duper organized union leaders who have subs covering their classes, make copies of who they want the members to vote for and send out that literature well before the other candidates can drop off their own literature in person.
It really is quite a racket. All the top union cronies have a huge advantage to influence the votes. In fact, GRIEVANCE CHAIR, JENNIFER ISENSEE sent out special election materials to remind the membership voters to vote a certain way. She even gave big candy bars out to the site reps which members voted for her candidates.
Shared information is against SAEA procedures. You have to be pushy to get any information. A good example is the last rally that was held. If you wanted to find out the talking points, you’d have to CALL THE SAEA OFFICE YOURSELF to get that information. SAEA could have posted it on the website, but they chose not to. During that same time, Jeffrey Goldberg, SAEA VP & Webmaster was busy scrubbing up the SAEA site of numerous items, yet didn’t put up any talking points on what was supposed to be an “important rally”.
Then when you see the poor judgement and the vindictive behavior of SAEA TREASURER SCOTT MILLER when he takes a swipe at Art Pedroza by misrepresenting him on an Anger Management site, you get a better sense of why SAEA is constantly complaining that site reps remain uninterested in getting involved at any significant level in union activities.
The whole board and Gladys should be ashamed at the way they tamper with the lives and careers of others. It’s borderline criminal. And there does seem to be illegal activity going on with that group of goons.
Poor Art. He loves to dish out unethical stuff, but the minute someone does it to him he’s all tears.
Wanh! Wanh!
When you step in dog dirt it sticks to your shoes. What goes around, comes around.
Art you deserve what ever comes your way.
Gladys Kessler, the Eva Peron of SAEA.
Is this still a thing? I was the person who fucked over the teachers!
Scott C. Miller is the most corrupt board member ever. He and his partner Eric Dills were on the board at La Veta Monterey Condos managing the community. The corrupt duo and his friend Jack Williams who managed the property at Huntington West Properties helped them buy two short sale properties in the complex, and managed them.
They used unlicensed vendors who did $hitty work and paid them cash. The financials even mentioned he was getting reimbursed over $100k by the HOA. This guy and his fellow board members were so corrupt, I can’t believe he hasn’t gone to jail yet. The IRS, FBI, DA should look into a corrupt unpaid volunteer who was able to buy three properties on a single teachers income. Ya, sure if your misappropriating funds, getting kickbacks and other benefits as a board member.