One of our readers reacted angrily today because we have, yet again, exposed more corruption at the SAEA (the Santa Ana Educators Association). So our reader wrote that most teachers in Santa Ana don’t read our blog. Well, I am not going to sit here and take that B.S., not when I know it is not true – and can prove it.
We use software provided by Google, called Analytics. This software tells us exactly how many readers enjoy our blog – and how many of them read each of our stories. Above, for example, you can see our readership over the past year, for all stories containing the word “SAUSD.”
The numbers speak for themselves. Over 14,000 unique readers have read our main SAUSD corruption thread over the past year – and over 13,000 have read our 2009 SAUSD corruption thread. And the new 2009 thread that we started this month already has racked up over 1,900 unique readers, in just two weeks.
So how have these posts done over the past six months? Check out the graphic above and you will note that over 12,000 unique readers have visited our 2009 SAUSD corruption thread. And all of our SAUSD posts have enjoyed hundreds, if not thousands, of readers.
The reader who was upset was angry because he believes we are too negative. Well, what do you expect? The SAUSD is chock full of corruption – and so is the SAEA. It is simply unbelievable. Evil, greedy people have taken over these organizations and made them their own personal piggy banks. Of course we are going to continue exposing these cretins!
Does this mean we are against public schools – or against unions? No. All of my kids attend SAUSD schools, except my daughter who graduated last year from Santa Ana High. She is now a college student at the prestigious Fashion Institute for Design and Merchandising (FIDM), in Irvine.
And I am a teacher too. I have been teaching at Cerritos College since 2003. I am a member of our union, which is an affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers. I am proud to be a union member. But my union has actually fought for us and treated all of us fairly. Not so the SAEA!
If you are looking for a blog that is going to gladhand the SAUSD and the SAEA, sorry. Look elsewhere. If you are on the other hand looking for a blog that will fight for the people of Santa Ana – and the teachers and classified employees, look no further. You have found a home in the blogosphere.
We will not be cowed by SAEA hacks. And we won’t let them present lies without debunking them. The numbers tell the story – this is the top political blog in Orange County – and our SAUSD/SAEA coverage is second to none. Don’t ask us – ask the thousands of readers who enjoy this blog day in and day out.
By the way, just this week our latest SAUSD corruption thread has racked up over 1,200 unique readers. And our blog has been visited this week by over 8,000 unique readers. You can see our overall numbers on Sitemeter by clicking here.
So how many of these SAUSD thread readers live in Santa Ana? Is there a way to add a mandatory check box to their posts? Of course they have the option to post anonymously, we are not trying to pry here. Simply, I need this info, and if we can extract valuable data from such a highly visited thread,that would be priceless, would you please add this??
I think you are referring to (angry poster) SAHSTeacher. He used to be a lot more fun and interesting when the school district threads were focused on the misdeeds of the SAUSD organization. Now that there appears to be a corrupt counterpart in the teacher’s union/SAEA, he seems to have lost a bit of his old levity.
He’s got a stake in the union, so far as I can tell. Maybe a rep or most likely a board member or committee member… someone who doesn’t like the gorilla in the room, and will try and push around others who comment that the gorilla is in the room and that the gorilla seems to be taking a dump in the room, too 😉
OJ is successful with the SAUSD/corruption thread because there is so much corruption still baked into the system. Or maybe its just a huge heaping helping of incompetence? Whatever it is, there is a whole lot more that needs fixing.
I hope Anonplus weighs in here, because ANONPLUS has been very involved in these discussions involving the school district and now the union, for a very long time. Not much gets past Anonplus when it comes to games and tricks played by the “leaders” of those organizations.
I’ll just bet you that all those Rif’ed employees wished that they had found these threads and had told their stories a long time ago.
To all our readers and especially those teachers that SAHSTeacher insists are not interested in school district issues, please keep posting the truth as you know it. Keep up your courage. Learn to be stronger. Learn to demand better. Demand clear communication and timely communication from both organizations. Demand that the excuses stop. Demand squeaky clean, ethical behavior from those in power.
Support your colleagues who are concerned with the professional duties to serve students and who support elevating your profession. Don’t get discouraged, get resourceful. Most of all, continue to expose and out those individuals who are harming your jobs, harming your right to due process and harming your careers with their greed and incompetence.
Get your jobs back, too!
One more thing: the REPOST feature has been working out nicely.
Most recently SAEA Board members were caught using members resources of mailing address and union phone number as their own, priviledged and special resources.
Today we find out that site administrators are fumbling around with “flow charts” trying to figure out which employees will be riffed and which ones will be able to retain jobs.
The REPOST feature allows worried employees to post their items of concern among many others’ who want to do the same. I have appreciated greatly some of the email connections that have been established to people who have helpful insights to what goes on. You know who you are and keep it up!
Send any REPOST material to:
Just In Time.
WHY do you need that information. Troll.
I really can’t add much to what you already said. SAHS teacher has always been even tempered, fair and balanced even when things started falling from the roof about the union. It matters not to me if he/she is currently pissed off because somebody kicked his gorilla in the huevos. What he or she should be looking at is the job safety net because further riffs are getting closer to long term teachers.
It is tough to realize that the union you put so much trust in turns out to be corrupt, at least at the top. The classified union was outed years ago so learning of SAEA’S problems was no surprise.
But unlike classified the teachers have the education, ability, and resources to correct the union problem if they want to. CSEA seems to remain cuddled up to the district with its thumb in its mouth.
Human nature is what it is. The philosophy of “As long is it doesn’t effect me I don’t care.” no longer applies. Current circumstances effect just about everyone now. Despite claims that no one reads this blog, all indications are to the contrary and that will continue until the dust settles at the district. The statistical and anecdotal evidence Art is using was never made any clearer than when the union hacks showed up to campaign, argue, disrupt and distract.
These filibustering few may have got their way in the elections but now they have to deal with what they elected, fix it, or live with it. At least until they get riffed.
#1 As Red asked what purpose would you want that information. At least half or more of the district employees do not live in Santa Ana and everyone knows that. You have no need for that information.
just in time,
Interesting question. I agree with Red that you don’t necessarily need this info, however we can address this.
I am not sure you will like the answer. According to our software, over the past year we have had the following visits from the following cities:
Los Angeles: 47,206
Santa Ana: 39,679
West Hollywood: 33,037
Irvine: 12,630
Huntington Park: 9,867
Unidentified: 8,796
Orange: 7,977
Tustin: 7,241
Anaheim: 5,566
Mission Viejo: 5,443
Sacramento: 5,211
Lake Forest: 4,945
Costa Mesa: 4,178
Fullerton: 4,050
East Irvine: 3,970
Fountain Valley: 3,726
Garden Grove: 3,612
Villa Park: 3,207
Westminster: 3,158
There were a lot of hits from San Francisco and Beverly Hills too, and many other cities. Clearly the heart of our readership is in Orange County, and in particular in Santa Ana.
And every month we are picking up new readers. Google and other search engines love blogs. So folks will keep finding us. And the truth will get out…
do not publish response
I am putting together a mini study
SAUSD and city
We need to promote new trends- live and work in Santa Ana. This includes spending your hard earned $$ in Santa Ana.
If you want to help, add the check box to any posts addressing these type of issues. (i.e SAUSD and City of S.A employees)and make that info visible on your on-line newspaper–also, I hope this blog is also registered as an on-line newspaper rather than just a blog.
Most sausd and city administrators don’t reside in Santa Ana, could care less about Santa Ana and probably won’t even pump gas in our city.
This is a long term independent investigative study— and data collection may be somewhat informal if I rely on blogs and random sampling out on the streets— however in the later stages we may be able to coerce the city and sausd to collect this data directly and make this info. public–that is if citizens demand to know—of course there are other preliminary steps to be taken in order for this to materialize, and well we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.
This is long term public policy research like I said- preliminary research.
Remember, it is not legal to discriminate, nor to demand that your employees live within the city boundaries, however, there are other cities that hire within the city first. This is important. No one has paid too much attention to this, but now that this recession is world-wide, city and district budgets cannot keep supporting other cities—money needs to be reinvested in Santa Ana.
okay so you guys posted response- I am too lazy to debate this today– so here goes- let’s hear it 🙂
14,000 visitors and several thousands allegations of corruption, and no indictments? Perhaps the definition of corruption used here needs to be aligned with the law? Or else ask the DA where he is at?
Art, you can’t really trust that location data. Many ISPs will show the location of their headquarters rather than the city of the customer. That’s why Los Angeles’ numbers are so high.
Thanks – I figured that was at least partially the case. It is interesting to see that we have readers from all over…but Lord only knows exactly where they are!
You LOVE hiding behind ‘stats’ – but face it, you never require actual documentation to PROVE the ‘facts’.
You will both look like a pair of buffoons if SAEA hasn’t done anything wrong – and because of your arrogance you’ll never post anything that proves you wrong.
Face it, no one believe anything posted on OJ – it’s all about serving your personal agenda. You’re not interested in the truth or in solutions, you’re only interested in ‘hits’
#12 Anonymous,
Up at three oclock in the morning posting about how irrelevant OJ is to you?
You wouldn’t have some bone to pick, would you?
woo pretty good. SAUSD -organizing for our students!!!