Our SAUSD corruption thread has had over 14,000 unique visitors this year!

One of our readers reacted angrily today because we have, yet again, exposed more corruption at the SAEA (the Santa Ana Educators Association).  So our reader wrote that most teachers in Santa Ana don’t read our blog.  Well, I am not going to sit here and take that B.S., not when I know it is not true – and can prove it.

We use software provided by Google, called Analytics.  This software tells us exactly how many readers enjoy our blog – and how many of them read each of our stories.  Above, for example, you can see our readership over the past year, for all stories containing the word “SAUSD.”

The numbers speak for themselves.  Over 14,000 unique readers have read our main SAUSD corruption thread over the past year – and over 13,000 have read our 2009 SAUSD corruption thread.  And the new 2009 thread that we started this month already has racked up over 1,900 unique readers, in just two weeks. 

So how have these posts done over the past six months?  Check out the graphic above and you will note that over 12,000 unique readers have visited our 2009 SAUSD corruption thread.  And all of our SAUSD posts have enjoyed hundreds, if not thousands, of readers.

The reader who was upset was angry because he believes we are too negative.  Well, what do you expect?  The SAUSD is chock full of corruption – and so is the SAEA.  It is simply unbelievable.  Evil, greedy people have taken over these organizations and made them their own personal piggy banks.  Of course we are going to continue exposing these cretins!

Does this mean we are against public schools – or against unions?  No.  All of my kids attend SAUSD schools, except my daughter who graduated last year from Santa Ana High.  She is now a college student at the prestigious Fashion Institute for Design and Merchandising (FIDM), in Irvine.

And I am a teacher too.  I have been teaching at Cerritos College since 2003.  I am a member of our union, which is an affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers.  I am proud to be a union member.  But my union has actually fought for us and treated all of us fairly.  Not so the SAEA!

If you are looking for a blog that is going to gladhand the SAUSD and the SAEA, sorry.  Look elsewhere.  If you are on the other hand looking for a blog that will fight for the people of Santa Ana – and the teachers and classified employees, look no further.  You have found a home in the blogosphere.

We will not be cowed by SAEA hacks.  And we won’t let them present lies without debunking them.  The numbers tell the story – this is the top political blog in Orange County – and our SAUSD/SAEA coverage is second to none.  Don’t ask us – ask the thousands of readers who enjoy this blog day in and day out.

By the way, just this week our latest SAUSD corruption thread has racked up over 1,200 unique readers.  And our blog has been visited this week by over 8,000 unique readers.  You can see our overall numbers on Sitemeter by clicking here.

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.