4th of July. Mission Viejo plays hardball with Saddleback Republican Assembly

Fireworks scare dogs – but taxes just make us angry!

Hey, it’s summertime so let’s play hard ball. Apparently the Saddleback Republican Assembly, SRA, is getting some “push back” from someone in the city of Mission Viejo as they wish to hold another TEA Party in our city on the 4th of July. Part of the program includes having a local performer, using an amp as he sings patriotic songs to celebrate the birth of our country.

Having received a few emails it appears that they need to apply for a permit (which I am advised has been accomplished).

One argument that has been mentioned is that they would be creating noise.

Noise! We will have a city approved fireworks display for a half hour once it gets dark to scare infants and dogs around 90 minutes after the entertainer is finished.

This begs the question. Has the Mission Viejo Activities Committee, who sponsors the street fair, had the same obligation to get a permit with a concern about noise levels? We hold noisy concerts on Lake Mission Viejo every summer. Does the Lake Association apply for a city permit for that series? What about Congressman Gary Miller at the (outdoor) annual wine and cheese gathering of Casta Republicans in their green belt behind their clubhouse? There are other outdoor events in our city in which an amp is used yet I doubt that the sponsors of these activities have been advised of their obligation to get permits from city hall.

Let’s cut to the chase. The real objection is that this group will engage in voter registration as well as providing an opportunity for local residents to sign a petition calling for the recall of Mayor Pro-Tem Lance MacLean. in addition the group will have other petitions for voters to sign expressing opposition to “cap and trade” and “universal health care.”

Following are state Standard and our city Ordinance relating to this topic:

California Noise Insulation Standards (Title 24)

The California Commission of Housing and Community Development officially adopted noise insulation standards in 1974. In 1988, the Building Standards Commission approved revisions to the standards (Title 24, Part 2, California Code of Regulations). As revised, Title 24 establishes an interior noise standard of 45 dB(A) for residential space (CNEL or Ldn). Acoustical studies must be prepared for residential structures to be located within noise contours of 60 dB(A) or greater (CNEL or Ldn) from freeways, major streets, thoroughfares, rail lines, rapid transit lines, or industrial noise sources. The studies must demonstrate that the building is designed to reduce interior noise to 45 dB(A) or lower (CNEL or Ldn).

City of Mission Viejo Noise Ordinance.

The City of Mission Viejo has the authority to set land use noise standards and place restrictions on private activities that generate excessive or intrusive noise.

The City of Mission Viejo has adopted noise referral zones as the criterion for assessing the compatibility of residential land uses with transportation related noise sources. The 60 dBA CNEL contour represents the noise referral zone for which any proposed noise sensitive land use within this zone should be examined on a project specific basis that may require mitigation to City or State (Title 25) standards. For Mission Viejo, the 60 dBA CNEL contour represents zones where residential development may require noise mitigation as part of the project. Typical noise standards for sensitive land uses include a 65 dBA CNEL for exterior areas and 45 dBA CNEL for interior areas.

The most effective method to control community noise impacts from non-transportation noise sources is through the application of a community noise ordinance. The adopted City of Mission 3 NOISE ELEMENT DRAFT FEBRUARY 2008 Viejo Noise Ordinance is designed to protect quiet residential areas from a variety of stationary noise sources.

Policy 3.3: Minimize stationary noise sources and noise emanating from construction activities and special events.

Table N6 of the General Plan Buildout (2025) Noise Contours includes data for the street where the 4th of July Street Fair and Fireworks activity is being held. Namely Olympiad Road between Marguerite Parkway and Melinda Road. Table N6 lists a 63.2 CNEL at 100 feet. At 65 DbA the CNEL states 76 feet to noise.

Gilbert comments: Do Mission Viejo Code enforcement employees drive around the city with decible meters checking noise levels at every street corner? How many citations have been issued due to violations of this Ordinance anyway?

Are we pulling drivers aside for noisy mufflers or loud tunes coming from their car radios?

Talk about jumping through hoops. The latest requirement imposed on SRA by the city is to provide evidence of insurance which I am told falls under the umbrella coverage of the state California Republican Assembly, CRA, and our local OCGOP.

Let’s wait and see what other criteria they will concoct next.

Location: The SRA booth will be on Melinda Road at the intersection of Olympiad Road

Hours of operation: The booth will be open from noon until around 8:30 p.m.

About Larry Gilbert