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Quang X. Pham appears to be serious about running for Congress – his campaign website is up and running. Pham is challenging Democratic incumbent Loretta Sanchez, who has been in the news a lot of late, but not for good reasons. He is also taking on corrupt GOP Assemblyman Van Tran, who is termed out from the state legislature and running for Congress for the first time.
I am still not sure if Pham is running as a Republican or as an independent. But he is a good guy and at this point I rather support him than Sanchez. But if he runs as a Republican I cannot vote for him as that party won’t allow independents and third party members to vote in their primaries.
Sanchez’ latest gaffe is one for the ages. According to the O.C. Weekly, she told a young descendant of President Richard Nixon that she regretted voting for Tricky Dick. That was of course a horrible insult to the young man, who was visiting her office in D.C. But beyond that, the fact is Sanchez wasn’t old enough to vote back when Nixon was running for President. Sanchez appears to be either a liar or a ding dong – or both.
Below is Pham’s welcoming message from his website:
Welcome to PhamforCongress.com!
These are challenging times for our country. We face uncertainties overseas and at home in nearly every facet of life. Our leaders have failed us. The people of California’s 47th Congressional District deserve better representation.
As a healthcare entrepreneur, Marine Corps war veteran and active member of the community, I have been encouraged to run for Congress.
I joined the Republican Party for its principled stance on less government, lower taxes and strong national defense. I believe in individual choices, liberty and the right to pursue happiness. I believe in personal responsibility and respect for others.
We need more independent, fiscally conservative leaders in Washington with strong values and real world business experience. We need leaders who will help create jobs, advance entrepreneurship, reward innovation, improve education, support families and reduce our staggering national debt. We need leaders who have a deep understanding of national security issues plaguing our country and who have served our nation in harm’s way.
When I arrived in America as a boy from Vietnam, I had lost my country, my freedom and my father. Yet the American Dream was still attainable. It took dedication, encouragement, hard work and perseverance. And it can still be done. We need leaders who will emphasize self sufficiency and who will inspire others to seek opportunities and not just guarantees.
I hope that you will join our cause and contribute. Please join me and together we can begin to make changes that matter!
Thank you,
Quang X. Pham for Congress
9877 Chapman Avenue, Suite D #121
Garden Grove, CA 92841
(714) 653-1140
woo hoo! Pham has a website! Wow! Thanks for breaking that news, Art!
Almost as big as your scoop that Norby has a campaign website! What would we do without the Juice to keep us up to speed?
You must be the only OC blogger who doesn’t know Pham re-registered as a Republican a few weeks ago. That’s why Total Buzz and Red County wrote about a Van-Pham primary battle, because only Republicans can run in a Republican primary.
I’m sure Loretta is heart-broken to lose your support, but that’s not very Latino of you, is it?
Boy you Trannies are upset about this, aren’t you?
Listen, we are a political blog – and our main goal is to entertain. Once in awhile we break a news story, but that is not our forte.
I am sad to hear that Pham is now a Republican. I guess I will have to vote for Loretta after all as the GOP won’t let independents vote in their primaries.
Now, if you had said that about Sanchez and you are NOT Art Pedroza:
a. You are a Talibani
b. You hate Latinons
c. You are ugly and have dandruff
d. All of the above.
But if you’re Art, well, thats OK!!!
Said what about Sanchez? Gustavo reported a factual event. It made Sanchez look bad but that is her problem.
Besides, Nixon signed both the EPA and OSHA into law. He wasn’t that bad actually.
Nixon was not bad at all compared to Bush Jr.
I like Loretta, do not know Pham, Tran does not impress me.