Some Democratic senators are calling for an investigation after learning Congress wasn’t briefed about an covert CIA counterterrorism program allegedly ordered to be kept secret by former Vice President Dick Cheney.
The news of Cheney’s potential involvement in withholding information from Congress on a covert program, which an unnamed official hinted to The Washington Times may have involved assassinations overseas, came the same day that it was reported Attorney General Eric Holder is leaving open the possibility of prosecuting Bush-era officials who approved of enhanced interrogation techniques against terror detainees.
John Ensign, Mark Sanford, Sarah Palin and now Dick Cheney. What a year it has been for the red-faced Republicans!
We must be careful here Pedroza!!!…… It may be a spin to protect Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her lying about the torture she knew about.
Would love to see the following investigated: Bush, Cheney, Yoo, Addington, Rumsfeld and Gonzales.
But in late June Eric Holder asked an aide for a copy of the CIA inspector general’s thick classified report on interrogation abuses. He cleared his schedule and, over two days, holed up alone in his Justice Depart ment office, immersed himself in what Dick Cheney once referred to as “the dark side.” He read the report twice, the first time as a lawyer, looking for evidence and instances of transgressions that might call for prosecution. The second time, he started to absorb what he was reading at a more emotional level. He was “shocked and saddened,” he told a friend, by what government servants were alleged to have done in America’s name. When he was done he stood at his window for a long time, staring at Constitution Avenue.
Sanford and Ensigns, actions while clearly in bad taste and embarrassing, are not criminal (save the tax fraud and bribery in Senator Ensigns case).
This report if true is reprehensible and NO US CITIZEN should defend this. GOP, Demecrat or whatever.
This is treasonous, it flies in the face of the Constitution.
The Terry Crawleys of the world should be lining up and demanding this be investigated and if needed prosecuted.
Oh, by all means, stomp about and proclaim your patriotism – which has been missing until now – in a halfwitted attempt to cover babbling Pelosis lies.
Fact: a program – no one in the public even knows exactly what it is – was in the planning stages and terminated before being carried out. the National Security Act gives the CIA the authority to construct such programs, but must consult before using them.
The only treason is continuing to use old news and half assed platitudes to cover the damage being done to the economy.
The law requires the president to make sure the intelligence committees “are kept fully and currently informed of the intelligence activities of the United States, including any significant anticipated intelligence activity.” But the language of the statute, the amended National Security Act of 1947, leaves some leeway for judgment, saying such briefings should be done “to the extent consistent with due regard for the protection from unauthorized disclosure of classified information relating to sensitive intelligence sources and methods or other exceptionally sensitive matters.”
Those democrats sure are working fast.
It only took them two weeks to get this leak on the front page of the NY Times.
Maybe they even helped write it?
As usual, expect the full truth on this security leak to come out in a week or two.
That’s generally how these things work.
Let’s face it… With the economy in shambles and their poll numbers tanking the dems had to do something. Why not leak a story on a Bush official?
My patriotism runs deep and wide. My father served in WWII, as my mother worked in as an “airraid warden”. My uncle was permantly injured in Korea, and my oldest brother killed in Vietnam.
I served nearly eight years as a firefighter on the USS John F. Kenedy, where, I watched my best childhood friend burn to death in a firey crash.
My oldest daughter gave up a lucrative offer to study in the North East to serve her community.
I don’t “stomp” I just do.
To insinuate that todays economic problems are anymore the result President Obama is like connecting Betty Croker to the development of nuclear weapons.
The fact that a needless war and a robbing of the treasury for eight years, with little oversight AS REQUIRED BY THE CONSTITUTION, seems to be lost on you and your brethren.
I don’t begrudge your politics, I welcome an arguememnt, I do EXPECT (however foolishly) that you be honest and stand up for something. Blind defense of your party is a dangerous thing.
And By the way, after listening to Ensign, Sanford, Palin et all Speaker Pelosi is the LEAST blathering individual I’ve ever heard.
Great post!!!!!
I’ll take over here…
My four year old daughter waving a plastic flag has more patriotism than you exhibit.
I could recite timeless anecdotes about thule greenland, laying bridges in front of Pattons tanks, growing up in Tehran, Seoul, Incirlik… and so on…
But I am going to rein in the puffy chest because none of that means anything when you believe your country is some sort of Howard Zinn and the Gates of Mordor.
Standing up FOR something is easy. Its obvious standing up AGAINST something is what you find even easier.
Unless you want to stand up FOR
1. Democrats insisting that home loans be given to people who cannot pay them back and gloried in “rolling the dice” in a bet we are all paying for now, and your grandchildren will be paying too!
No, probably not.
2. maybe you STOOD UP for ignoring the attacks on this country during the Clinton years and the inability to use the military to actually WIN and STOP evil. Democrats and Leftists have a problem with that.
No, probably not.
3. You want to STAND UP like Obama for would be Dictators. ooooh, since the Honduran Supreme Court, the former Presidents “own party”, its military and its people didnt want a leftist dictatorship…
no, probably not.
4. you want to stand up for moral equivalence and the inability to DEFINE EVIL. oooh, we dont like “Evil Empire” or ooooh, we dont like “Axis of Evil”
No, probably not.
5. you want to STAND UP for the Separation of Church and State …. ooooh, but the Constitution provides freedom OF, not Freedom from.
No, probably not.
6. You want to STAND UP FOR THE LITTLE GUY. Ooooh, the only Senators worth over 200 million are all Liberals and business will sell its mother for the profit of being the company SELECTED by government.
No, probably not.
7. You want to stand up for equal rights! Democrats founded the Ku Klux Klan… Democrats instituted Jim Crow laws throughout the south…. Democrats were the original segregationists who opposed desegregation and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (including Sen. William Allen Fulbright, to whom Bill Clinton awarded the Medal of Honor, and Sen. Al Gore Sr., who vehemently opposed equal rights for blacks).
No, probably not.
8. You want to stand up for peace! oooooh, the anti-semitism of the Left masquerading as empathy for dictatorships and theocracies, or crusading for refugees while 3 million hindus remain displaced from pakistan…
No, probably not.
9. You want to stand up FOR encouraging a party that wants to treat AMerican citizens as herds of cattle that all think, act and respond the same way. ooooh, if the individual ever realizes what you’re about…
No, probably not.
10. You want to stand up for FAIRNESS. ooooh, all you’re really doing is making sure that misery is spread equally. You know nobody is ever elevated. You cant make sure everyone is treated as good as rich people in a hospital, so you end up making sure EVERYONE gets the lowest common denominator.
No, probably not.
Gee, I cant think of anything you can possibly STAND UP FOR as a leftist.
Good luck with that.
Who said I stand for any of those things?
Please argue with me but don’t put words in my mouth.