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Not many voters are excited about voting for Jerry Brown or Gavin Newsom for Governor. What if Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez were to run for Governor?
Martin Wisckol, over at the Total Buzz blog, is postulating exactly that. Apparently Sanchez’ staff is not ruling out such a run.
Interesting. I think I would vote for the moderate Sanchez over Newsom or Brown. Newsom is too liberal and Brown is too old – and too liberal. Sanchez would be just right.
There is no way I can support any of the current crop of GOP candidates, which include Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner and former EBay CEO Meg Whitman. I cannot think of one leading California Republican who would get my support as a gubernatorial candidate.
Excuse me, I have to clear my throat…
*Sweet Loretta….my oh my….what is she up to
now? Probably just wants to hang out with Gav
and Jerry! The good news is: She voted against
the bail out. The bad news: She hasn’t caused
much of a stir lately. So, this is probably the
the reason she just wants to get out there.
*Art…one more thing: Think Mel Gibson!
Think Bruce Willis! Think about Tom Selleck
supporting either one! Republicans? We will
give you Republicans!
Instead of hacking up hateful mucus all over your keyboard, why don’t you tell us who you support for Governor, and why?
Um we tried the actor thing. Didn’t work out too well.
And when I think of Mel I think of the anti-Jewish nutcase who got pulled over and who recently dumped his faithful wife for a woman half his age.
Being an actor doesn’t make one a leader. All they do is memorize lines. We need a Governor who can be moderate enough to prevail in this crazy state. Sanchez could do it.
I could support her much easier than the other choices, my second choice would be Newsom. I do not trust or like Brown.
If it is Brown vs a right wing Republican I will likely either abstain or vote for a 3rd party.
If she’s serious about this (and I don’t believe she is) she should start by running for LT. Governor and build up her statewide name.
Alternately, she could keep her seat, run to lose but build up that same name recognition and then be well positioned to take DiFi’s seat or maybe try again 2016.
She does’nt seem A) Ready and B) willing to give up that lucrative and easy job she has now.
We’ll see. JERRY BROWN 2010.
none of the above . the worst is newsome .
Why would she trade a pretty lucrative no term limits job for one with term limits and an impossible financial situation? Guess she possibly would, but she needs to think twice – or more.
It would be a pathway to the U.S. Senate.
“Sanchez would be just right.”
Art seems to have forgotten that he is currently a registered Libertarian.
Sanchez supports Obama’s government take over of health care. How is that “moderate”? She’s backed Obama’s big government agenda down the line.
You’re a real role model for Libertarians, Art! Or a phony one.
Although Art did manage to write an entire post without mentioning anyone’s ethnicity. Amazing.
Don’t forget that John Campbell voted for the Bush bailout.
If you are relying on either red or blue politicians to save the day, good luck to you. Neither party seems to have any answers.
Sanchez would be the lesser of several evils. And yes, she is quite moderate compared to her peers.
Poizner has only three voted in our poll!!!! If he cannot prevail in the OC he has NO chance of winning against the Dems in the general. I don’t think he can even win in the primary.
Now there you go again. Don’t be picking on our
Actor buddies. Arnold is actually having a Conservative Flashback Moment right now….and looks more like the guy we voted for twice that he has for the last two years.
Mel has asked for forgiveness…got a dispensation from the Church….and promised to go to all his 12 Step meetings. “Hi…My name is
Mel…” “Hi Mel! We will vote for you! Mel will
definitely take action on those “Road Warriors”
out there! Bruce Willis will make sure all our
high rise office building are completed and rented to nice business people! We vote for either one. Whoever Tom Selleck endorses!
If they don’t run….we have to go with Downtown
Jerry Brown….he is another nice Jesuit Catholic trained boy. We aren’t Catholic…but only Catholics seem to get elected in this state! Except Reagan and the Duke of course!
Ron and Anna,
I think Sanchez is a Catholic.