Will Santa Ana Graffiti fighter Thomas Gordon get his way on Monday?
[poll id=”213″]
“A proposed law drawn up by community members to combat this city’s chronic graffiti problem will get an initial hearing before the City Council on Monday,” according to the O.C. Register.
The meeting is open to the public and begins at 6 p.m. in the Police Department’s community room, 60 Civic Center Plaza.
I can understand the anger towards graffiti – but we already have laws on the books and guess what? The taggers don’t care. And the cops don’t arrest them and the city doesn’t prosecute them. Why does anyone think that a batch of new laws will make a damn bit of difference?
Instead of addressing the underlying rot in our city, the Usual Suspects advancing the new anti-graffiti ordinance want to put a band aid on the problems and pretend that will help. It won’t.
How many new parks have we opened in the last five to ten years? How many new libraries have we opened? How many new affordable housing units have we built in Santa Ana?
Poverty leads to hopelessness. Hopelessness leads to despair. Despair leads to crime. Passing more laws to punish kids who don’t have career paths and who don’t see a future worth living for won’t help.
I have said this before and it bears repeating – how about setting up free art classes in the Artists Village and inviting taggers to take these classes? How many Andy Warhols will we miss out on as they spiral downwards in lives of crime for a lack of opportunity?
Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido has tried for over twenty years to gentrify his way out of this mess. Hey Pulido – new tennis courts and a publicly financed Artists Village won’t help – not when you exclude the very people who need the most help. Pretending these problems don’t exist is not a solution!
Dispair about what?? Their is Dispair in the slums of Mexico, because the fact is you are either poor or rich, it is impossible to improve your class without an education.
Art, What leads to poverty is a lack of education. Santa Ana has a large marjority of people that does not see education as a priority and an Education system that feeds of this lack of priority. The reward is bad schools more money for the district,
The solution make education a priority in the community and hold district’s accountable for educating with strict oversight.
Make Parents accountable for their kids welfare whether it is under age pregnancy or gang envolvement.
Single mother’s is the leading cause of poverty in the USA and Santa Ana as a satistic has one the highest underage preganancy rates in the US.
Latina Girls are the leading population for underage pregnancy, because of a culture with an acceptance for children having children.
Their are alot of players in this game, that wants to keep a culture down for their own gain.
1. Catholic Church, as in Ireland the catholic church was one of the leading cause’s of proverty in Ireland. Keep the flock poor and the church rich.
I went to a public catholic school, i was never liked by the priests or the nuns, because i had the cheek to question them!
2.Governement loves the poor. The more the need, the bigger and stronger the government can grow.
3.Business. simply cheap labor.
4.The rich,non-profits. they directly benifit from tax money. Ie. Choc hospital. Kim Cripe Salary is over $1,000,000 yearly. Caloptima has been great for Choc hospital.
Parks will not educate and books can not educate unless their is a will to be educated!
Michelle, I agree that the Catholic church is the number one cause for poverty and under education in the world.
All my extended family in Mexico is protestant and they are in many ways better of than I am here. They have no desire to come to USA.
There is not a single prosperous country, where the Catholic church dominates the government, in the world.
Yes as much as it make’s me sick. I believe the church that my father gave his life for, has become a business and they see the poor as their main source of income.
I have been to many churches in Orange County and have felt i was walking into a business and not Gods house!
It really is a hard thing for me to say, i love my faith and i have fought to keep it, but the Catholic Church is betraying its followers more than anyother faith!
The proposed law is total stupidity because it again utilizes punishment as a deterrent.
These idiots, including the usual Bolsheviks, do not understand a reason why youth would engage in such activity like spraying on the wall their monikers.
They think that it is a vandalism to piss them off and as long as they will believe so there will be graffiti on the walls and elsewhere.
They also believe that it has to do something with parents….. wrong!
In fact, more punishment more graffiti will be sprayed because it is about perceived heroism of the tagger which earns him respect among his peers.
The tagger’s main enemy is his rival tagger — not a society and police!
The tagger does not care about the law because tagger is a lawbreaker.
Once you understand what is graffiti all about it is simple to resolve.
My personal believe is that SAPD13 has no interest to solve graffiti and other gang related problems in Santa Ana because they wouldn’t be able to extort money from the city.
Another problems are people like Pedroza who cannot stand profanity and would not publish link to my virtual Santa Ana Graffiti Wall so you can learn state of mind of the Santa Ana gangs/taggers.
Form the IP addresses I can see that many SAPD13 COPs are posting there.
Many times I have propose to city to resolve this problem and they are not interested. See Never ending saga of SAPD13 graffiti/crime/gangs.
So obviously they do not want to fix it… just to suck more money from the city into SAPD13 packets like this stupid EPIC.
Please notice that any single man, a vigilante, who hates hookers has some serious sexual/mental problem therefore, must wedge himself into the SAPD13 under the new Santa Ana graffiti act.
The District Attorney & Santa Ana Police Department has no extra resources or money to follow the ordinance.
If somebody else has a better idea for addressing the graffiti issue, please step forward. I commend the efforts of this group; at least they are trying to do something. The naysayers are whining and complaining, but that gets us no closer to a solution, does it?
I agree with your # 4 post !!!!!!!!
As I wrote, we already have anti graffiti laws on the books. The tagger, the cops and the city ignore them. More laws won’t make a damn difference.
Their are so many blood sucking civil rights groups in Santa Ana ie. ACLU. They are afraid to do anything. Remember the supervisor’s have a lot more power, they are the one’s to go after.
They themselves commissioned the ACLU into the Orange County jail.
City management is simply going through the motions to appease a small number of vocal activists. This is a dead issue. Does the public want police officers tied up for hours processing a tagger, or available to respond to violent felonies? There are fewer officers on the street now than there were 20 years ago because the incompetent police chief chooses to staff ‘special detail’s’ rather than front line policing.
Have you ever watched the movie 300, it takes only a few men and women to get the job done, not an army!
This is a gross violation of these artists rights. Indigenous art should be cherished! These misunderstood angels are only trying to brighten up their environment.
An updating of the current graffiti ordinance is probably needed.
Any part about holding third party (parents) responsible may not fly. I think that has been tried in the past. At the upcoming meeting that would be discussed and adjusted.
With the recent attacks by graffiti pucks on citizens who have caught them doing their thing. It would be reasonable to defend oneself with extreme force.
What did they try when they tried to hold parents accountable???
And why did it fail???
Please if you can take the time to let me know this!
The Brown Pride bit is racist, plain and simple. what if my football team theme on their shirts was “white pride”. would this be a beautiful way to express art and might we what to cherish it??
Really it is just to hold up the middle finger and say those nice little words, that makes us all come together!
your skin colour is nothing to be proud about, your character is!
Try and stick to the topic of the post. Where does “Brown Pride” come into play here.
The topic is graffiti and the graffiti ordinance being proposed.
Can your mind never get away from race as a topic?
Sean is quite white, I assure you. So what the heck are you talking about?
And there are skinheads in Costa Mesa who tag quite often. They too are as white as you. Some might be of Irish extraction too…
Michele – hello:),
“Latina Girls are the leading population for underage pregnancy, because of a culture with an acceptance for children having children.”
Where did you get this rubbish? I know, it is another of your made up talking bigotry points.
I included below data of a village in Ireland that has the highest teen pregnancy in Ireland. You see it is universal predicated by poverty and the social issues associated with it . The differences in pregnancy and birth rates mostly has to do with using contraceptives and abortion. Poverty governs availability of contraceptives and abortion.
Please read : source Wikipedia
United States
See also: Adolescent sexuality in the United States
The teenage birth rate in United States was 53 births per 1,000 women aged 15–19 in 2002[3], the highest in the developed world.[6] If all pregnancies, including those which end in abortion or miscarriage, are taken into account, then the total rate in 2000 was 75.4 pregnancies per 1,000 girls. Nevada and the District of Columbia have the highest teen pregnancy rates in the U.S., while North Dakota has the lowest. [10] Over 80% of teenage pregnancies in the U.S. are unintended;[11] approximately one third end in abortion, one third end in spontaneous miscarriage, and one third will continue their pregnancy and keep their baby.[12]
However, the trend is decreasing: in 1990, the birth rate was 61.8, and the pregnancy rate 116.9 per thousand. This decline has manifested across all racial groups, although teenagers of African-American and Hispanic descent retain a higher rate, in comparison to that of European-Americans and Asian-Americans. The Guttmacher Institute attributed about 25% of the decline to abstinence and 75% to the effective use of contraceptives.[10]
Within the United States teen pregnancy is often brought up in political discourse. The goal to limit teen pregnancy is shared by Republicans and Democrats, though avenues of reduction are usually different. Many Democrats cite teen pregnancy as proof of the continuing need for access to birth control and abortion, while Republicans often cite a need for returning to conservative values, meaning abstinence.
An inverse correlation has been noted between teen pregnancy rates and the quality of education in a state. A positive correlation, albeit weak, appears between a city’s teen pregnancy rate and its average summer night temperature, especially in the Southern U.S. (Savageau, compiler, 1993-1995).
[edit] Canada
The Canadian teenage birth rate in 2002 was 16 per 1000 [3] and the teenage pregnancy rate was 33.9. According to data from Statistics Canada, the Canadian teenage pregnancy rate has trended towards a steady decline for both younger (15-17) and older (18-19) teens in the period between 1992-2002. [13] Canada’s highest teen pregnancy rates occur in small towns located in rural parts of peninsular Ontario.
the rates of teenage pregnancy may vary widely within a country. For instance, in the United Kingdom, the rate of adolescent pregnancy in 2002 was as high as 100.4 per 1000 among young women living in the London Borough of Lambeth, and as low as 20.2 per 1000 among residents in the Midlands local authority area of Rutland. In Italy, the teenage birth rate in central regions is only 3.3 per 1,000, but, in the Mezzogiorno it is 10.0 per 1000.
Teenage birth is often associated with alcohol and drugs. Across 13 nations in the European Union, women who gave birth as teenagers are twice as likely to be living in poverty, in comparison to those who wait until they are over 20. [6]
Glenties is situated at the meeting of two glens, and two rivers; the Owenea and Stranaglough.
In 2004, Glenties was named by The Irish Times as having the highest teen pregnancy rate for any town in the Republic of Ireland with a population of under 5000 residents.[citation needed]
Glenties (official name: Na Gleannta, meaning The Glens)[1] is a village in the northwest of Ireland in central County Donegal. Glenties is the largest centre of population in the parish of Iniskeel. Glenties has won the National Tidy Towns competition five times and has won a medal many other times. Population 811 [1].
[edit] References
1. ^ Treffers, P.E. (November 22, 2003). Teenage pregnancy, a worldwide problem. Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde, 147(47), 2320-5. Retrieved July 7, 2006.
2. ^ Locoh, Therese. (2000). “Early Marriage And Motherhood In Sub-Saharan Africa.” WIN News. Retrieved July 7, 2006.
3. ^ a b c d e f g h i Indicator: Births per 1000 women (15-19 ys) – 2002 UNFPA, State of World Population 2003, Retrieved Jan 22, 2007.
4. ^ Pregnancy and childbirth are leading causes of death in teenage girls in developing countries
5. ^ Mehta, Suman, Groenen, Riet, & Roque, Francisco. United Nations Social and Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific. (1998). Adolescents in Changing Times: Issues and Perspectives for Adolescent Reproductive Health in The ESCAP Region. Retrieved July 7, 2006.
6. ^ a b UNICEF. (2001). A League Table of Teenage Births in Rich NationsPDF (888 KiB). Retrieved July 7, 2006.
7. ^ a b UNICEF (July 2001) (PDF). A league table of teenage births in rich nations. Innocenti Report Card No.3. UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, Florence. http://www.unicef-irc.org/publications/pdf/repcard3e.pdf.
8. ^ Social Trends 38 Chapter 2 pp 23
9. ^ “Census 2001 People aged 16-29” Office For National Statistics
10. ^ a b Wind, Rebecca. The Guttmacher Institute. (February 19, 2004). “U.S. Teenage Pregnancy Rate Drops For 10th Straight Year.” Retrieved July 7, 2006.
11. ^ J. Joseph Speidel, Cynthia C. Harper, and Wayne C. Shields (September 2008). “The Potential of Long-acting Reversible Contraception to Decrease Unintended Pregnancy”. Contraception. http://www.arhp.org/publications-and-resources/contraception-journal/september-2008.
12. ^ Strasburger, Victor C. (2007) Teen Pregnancy Rates in the USA Cool Nurse, MD University of New Mexico School of Medicine.
13. ^ Dryburgh, H. (2002). Teenage pregnancy. Health Reports, 12 (1), 9-18; Statistics Canada . (2005). Health Indicators, 2005, 2. Retrieved from Facts and Statistics: Sexual Health and Canadian Youth – Teen Pregnancy Rates
Retrieved from “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_incidence_of_teenage_pregnancy”
Categories: Adolescence | Pregnancy | Sexuality and age
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Art and Sean! Sorry i don’t know why i posted the team comment on here, i ment to post it regarding the costa mesa team deal!
But really if you knew the underlying problems that produce gangs/taggers then you might beable to solve your problem!
Hi Doc:)
This comes from a latina source:
Art anWASHINGTON, May 19 /PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE/ — Latino teens cite their parents more than any other source when asked who most influences their decisions about sex. These and other findings are in a new survey commissioned by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy and the National Council of La Raza (NCLR).
The overall teen birth rate in the United States is on the increase after 14 straight years of decline and, at present, Latino teens have the highest rate of teen pregnancy and births among all racial/ethnic groups. The National Campaign estimates that fully 53% of Latinas become pregnant as teens.
Other findings from the survey of Latino teens and adults include:
— 49% of Latino teens say parents most influence their decisions about sex compared to, for example, 14% who cited friends, 6% other family members, 3% religious leaders, 2% teachers, and 2% the media.
— Although three-quarters of Latino teens say their parents have talked to them about sex and relationships, only half (49%) say their parents have talked to them about contraception.
— 74% of Latino teens believe that parents send one message about sex to their sons and a different message altogether to their daughters.
— Latino teens in this survey report that the most common reason why teens do not use contraception is because they are afraid their parents might find out.
— 72% of sexually experienced teens say they wish they had waited longer.
— 34% of Latino teens believe that being a teen parent would prevent them from reaching their goals; 47% say being a teen parent would simply delay them from reaching their goals.
— 76% of Latino teens say it is important for a couple to be married before starting a family or having a child.
“While Latino teen pregnancy has gained national attention in recent years, little work has been done to understand subgroup differences and similarities within the Latino community,” said Ruthie Flores, Senior Manager, of The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy’s Latino Initiative. “We hope this survey shines much-needed light on the beliefs and attitudes of Latino teens and parents and helps inform teen pregnancy prevention efforts and messages nationwide.”
“Scant attention has been paid to what motivates the behavior of Latino teens with regard to relationships,” said Maria Rosa, DrPH, Ph.D., National Council of La Raza, Vice President, Institute for Hispanic Health. “The poll’s findings are a catalyst for an important and much needed conversation about how to reverse the rising rates of teen pregnancy in the Latino community.”
Findings from the survey were released at a Latino Leaders Network Issue Hour on teen pregnancy in the Latino community that took place on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, May 19, 2009.
The survey examines the beliefs and attitudes within the Latino community about teen pregnancy and related issues. The event was hosted by the Latino Leaders Network in partnership with The National Campaign. At the event, a prominent panel of Latino experts discussed the survey’s findings and efforts to prevent teen pregnancy in the Latino community.
The discussion was moderated by Mickey Ibarra, founder of the Latino Leaders Network and included the following speakers:
— The Honorable Ben Lujan, U.S. Congressman, New Mexico’s 3rd District
— The Honorable Lucille Roybal-Allard, U.S. Congresswoman, California’s 34th District
— The Honorable Nydia M. Velazquez, U.S. Congresswoman, New York’s 12th District
— The Honorable Ana Sol Gutierrez, State Delegate, Maryland’s 18th District
— Ruthie Flores, Senior Manager, Latino Initiative, The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy
— Maria Rosa, DrPH, Ph.D., National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Institute for Hispanic Health
— Alma Morales Riojas, President/CEO, MANA, A National Latina Organization
About the Survey: The survey was conducted by International Communications Research (ICR), an independent research company with extensive polling experience. Telephone surveys of 759 Latino teens and 915 Latino adults with children in the household under age 18 took place in July and August of 2008.
For more information about The National Campaign, the National Council of La Raza, and the Latino Leaders Network, please visit the following websites: TheNationalCampaign.org, NCLR.org, and LatinoLeadersNetwork.org.
SOURCE The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy
© 2005 Hispanic PR Wire. Web design by the Hispanic Digital Network, Inc. All rights reserved. Read our privacy guidelines
Again underage pregnany and single mothers is the leading cause for kids getting into gangs and crime. its not only a satistic, it is common sense!
2006 Orange County jury report. states
Santa Ana 900 underage preganany rate
Costa mesa (comparsion as in most cites except Anaheim) 100
O as to clear up the comment i made for it being an excepted cultural issue.
18, 16 with parental or legal consent, 14 for pregnant females with legal consent.
2004, Glenties was named by The Irish Times as having the highest teen pregnancy rate for any town in the Republic of Ireland with a population of under 5000 residents.[citation needed]
Glenties (official name: Na Gleannta, meaning The Glens)[1] is a village in the northwest of Ireland in central County Donegal. Glenties is the largest centre of population in the parish of Iniskeel. Glenties has won the National Tidy Towns competition five times and has won a medal many other times. Population 811 [1].
I don’t think tidy town’s and poverty ridden towns go hand in hand.
I was once told by my priest that i was too confident and that i needed to know my place, he stated that,” i should be proud to become a mother and carry on the catholic faith”. I was 15.
All my friends were pregnant by the time they were 18, some at the age of 16. Most are now single mothers, alcholics/drug users and on dole!
Alot of their kids are in street gangs, in jail.
Gangs are different in Ireland they are not as violent as they are here.
Moral of the story: A community and parents directly influence their children and their behaviour.
Sorry for the numerous post.
Goodnight all:)
The age of consent for marriage is the same for Mexico, USA and all developed countries.
You want to try some other rubbish to justify your bigotry?
In regards to the survey you posted:
“The survey examines the beliefs and attitudes within the Latino community about teen pregnancy and related issues.”
Nothing in this survey states a culture of ACCEPTING children having children.
It is a universal problem enhanced by poverty.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Bigot)
A bigot is a person who is obstinately and irrationally, often intolerantly, devoted to his or her own religion, political party, organization, belief, or opinion, especially one who regards or treats those of differing devotion with hatred and intolerance.[1] Bigotry is the corresponding mindset or action.
“But really if you knew the underlying problems that produce gangs/taggers then you might beable to solve your problem”
Are you saying you know the underlying problems? Or that no one knows the underlying problems and that is why this problem has not been solved in Santa Ana?
You need to stop assuming that all white’s have sinster motives behind bringing in to focus problems within your race and culture and that latina’S that brings up problems within their culture are tratiors.
Until you actually experience bigorty Doc. its only words in a book to you. With me it was real,
and my family and i have the scars to prove it!
just as the La Raza research noted, nothing is really being done to focus in on this problem.
“Why is that”, NO ONE REALLY CARE’S, unless their is a political agenda to it.
Just as Know one care’s to focus on the 88% unwed mother rate in the black community, or the high rate of caucation elderly neglected in long term care facilities.
Cheers Doc, i Look forward to posting more with ya soon:)
“Gangs are different in Ireland they are not as violent as they are here.”
Ms. Quinn,
How about in Northern Ireland?
Are you trying to tell me that FxTroop is more violent than the UDA or the IRA? Look at the recent violence that broke out in Belfast during the Orange Order parades.
In May, Protestant supporters of the Glasgow Rangers football club beat to death Kevin McDaid, a Catholic fan of the Celtic Football Club, in a Catholic district of the town of Coleraine after Rangers clinched the Scottish Premier League championship.
Please spare our readers your baloney about gangs here being so much more violent than the white gangs of Ireland. The racist undertones are heard loud and clear in your comments.
If you are going to continue to preach this ridiculousness let me put this in a language you might understand, “Aich te bheal!!!”.
Nowhere have or do I blame or refer to whites in any shape or form regarding this subject.
It is all about you, Michele bigot, and no one else. I do not believe you speak for whites.
What a simplistic convenient to your agenda belief. You ignore all professional research as it does not fit your prejudice – consistent with the definition of a bigot.
So, taggers and gangs are a product of single mothers in Santa Ana or taggers /gangs welfare and breakdown of family values produce single mothers in Santa Ana. Which is it. You make no sense. Your brain seems to be cluttered with so much prejudice that you can’t even make a clear bigoted comment.
You live in some fantasy world as this never happened.You make up events and lies, it is your MO.
Adios Michele, talk to you soon.
In N.Ireland we have terrorists ie. UVF,IRA
gangs if thats what you would call them, would not get away with much, because they would be excuted, or knee capped. Its different!
If it did not happen, then why did Need to Know post that it did. I will find the post and share it with you again. Remember the girl named Michelle made a comment regarding Sav on, crying babies and flys.
I think it did happen and i am sure it happens alot in your poltically correct college with professors that indoctronate their political views to their students.
I did graduate from the college you teach at.
And remember Doc. it is professionals that run SAUSD. Maybe if you would not be so snobby about us pee ons, maybe you could learn something!
You seam very nice Doc. but i do think from experiencing bigorty, that bigorty is beginng to effect your judgement!
It is ridiculous for you to be on any board, at this point! you lack what makes leadership an open mind, and humility.
Santa Ana will get no where if its leaders are not perpared to make policy based on common sense instead of poltical correctness.
Have a lovely week,especially to you Doc, and it is a pleasure to meet you Sean:)
I love how you simply try and gloss over the uber-violent groups on the Emerald Aisle.
No Santa Ana street gang has ever used explosives to kill a member of the royal family or try to kill a prime minister.
The IRA and UDA make Santa Ana gangs look like they are meek and mild.
The violent racist white gangs of Europe terrorize the people there.
You attempt to paint this as a phenomonom exclusive to the Latino community here in Santa Ana shows your true colors.
I am quite open minded about the issues and projects that come before me. My record speaks for itself.
If you consider being appalled by the racist undertones of your comments to be political correctness than so be it.
As far as you standing in judgement of me, I could care less what someone who espouses the philosophy you do thinks.
And fyi, humility is overrated.
Look up the school thing. You misunderstood his post. I do not teach at any school.
You have a serious problem with accepting facts. You interpret everything to fit your prejudices including “need to know’s comment”.
“And remember Doc. it is professionals that run SAUSD. Maybe if you would not be so snobby about us pee ons, maybe you could learn something!”
What is your point here?????
You seam very nice Doc. but i do think from experiencing bigorty, that bigorty is beginng to effect your judgement!
Please read the definition of “BIGOT”. I do not beleive you know the definition.
What I do is correct your prejudiced opinions with research – generally accepted opinions that contradict your ignorant self opinions. My point exactly to you is that your prejudices affect your judgement – that is the definition of a bigot.
Talk to you soon.
Graffiti in Santa Ana is right up there with shopping carts. Who cares where it ends up?
Mr.Mills my father was shot in the head by a terrorist,leaving my mother alone at 32 with five kids. i do not under rate any one capable of killing. And in your town it has the highest death rate by gang members in Orange County. We are not talking about gangs in either paris or Ireland but here in Orange County.
If you think humility is over rated, then i guess you think honesty and integrity is over rated too.
And maybe you should care what i think because i am sure some of my tax dollars goes to pay your overrated paycheck!
Come up with something eles other than bigot, you are educated!
I can see why the city of Santa Ana is in such trouble, I think the gang member and taggers would do a better job running it:)
Come up with something eles other than bigot, you are educated!”
That is what you are. Why would I call you something else that you are not. You are not going to change anytime soon. So I will use it again I believe many more times.
“Mr.Mills my father was shot in the head by a terrorist,leaving my mother alone at 32 with five kids. i do not under rate any one capable of killing. And in your town it has the highest death rate by gang members in Orange County. We are not talking about gangs in either paris or Ireland but here in Orange County.”
Exactly Sean’s point. Gangs in Ireland are as/or more serious and deadly as gangs in Santa Ana and other terrorist groups in the USA, like the far right conservative guy that recently murdered the abortion doctor.
Gangs are all over the world and come in many shapes and forms – they are all dangerous and deadly.
Does anyone stay “on topic” here?
Doc, I think me and you will be friends for a very long time.
Big difference between a terrorist and a street gang doc, i dont know how to explain it, because it would take more time than i have.
That is what you are. Why would I call you something else that you are not. You are not going to change anytime soon. So I will use it again I believe many more times.
You use it because you hope that it will disarm the truth. I can’t make you understand Doc. that people who point out the bad in other humans, may want to improve their condition.
Good night Doc enjoy your merlot. (try blackstone by the way):)
Marcus, topic,s are not aways black and white.
I love the name Marcus, its so tough:)
by the way doc. people who kill always die by the hand of killer’s. Tiller was no Doctor, he was a insult to the profession.
The Oath of a doctor: Do no harm!
No Doctor i knew, would ever think of doing what he did, i dont even like most terrorist would!
Sorry Marcus, i know im off subject!
You use it because you hope that it will disarm the truth. I can’t make you understand Doc. that people who point out the bad in other humans, may want to improve their condition.
Wrong again. I use it becuase it is true based on your comments.
There is nothing true about your comments. The reseach references I post contradict you.
Again this is the definition of a bigot, which you are.
I drink Blackstone occasionally. I like it.
Take care.
“by the way doc. people who kill always die by the hand of killer’s. Tiller was no Doctor, he was a insult to the profession.
The Oath of a doctor: Do no harm!”
The Doctor performed a legal service for women. You have your opinion, many women and men have a different one from yours.
You justify his death because he contradicts a belief of yours.
That is how a terrorist thinks!!!!