What if Tom Daly pulls out of the 4th District Supervisorial race?

Will termed out Supervisor Chris Norby run for the Fullerton City Council if Tom Daly stays put?

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Orange County is abuzz today with rumors that O.C. Clerk-Recorder Tom Daly is freaking out about all the competition he is facing for the 4th Supervisorial District.  I am hearing that he is going to withdraw and stay put in the Clerk-Recorder’s office.

But can Daly beat former Deputy Clerk-Recorder Hugh Nguyen?  I am not so sure about that now.  I think Hugh could take him!  Daly is immensely unpopular in his own office, he has zero accomplishments to point to, and he faces a disadvantage as a Democrat in a Republican county.

What about Chris Norby, the termed out Supervisor in the 4th District?  A blogger over at the Friends for Fullerton’s Future blog postulated in a post today that Norby could end up running for the Fullerton City Council.  I think he would win going away – but he would still need a paying job.  Hopefully his friends will find him one.  He would be a great addition to a Libertarian think thank.  But he needs to jettison John Lewis and his other red-faced pals.

If Daly stays put and Norby runs for the Fullerton City Council, you have to figure that Fullerton City Councilman Shawn Nelson will sail into Norby’s Supervisorial seat.  John Lewis will finally lose his grip on that seat!

About Admin

"Admin" is just editors Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond, or Ryan Cantor sharing something that they mostly didn't write themselves, but think you should see. Before December 2010, "Admin" may have been former blog owner Art Pedroza.