The GOP web of deceit has snared three Red County bloggers from San Bernardino!
“The San Bernardino County district attorney’s office announced today it has filed a criminal complaint against former Assessor Bill Postmus and employee Gregory Scott Eyler. Both men and three other employees are the subjects of a criminal investigation of the San Bernardino County assessor’s office, according to the L.A. Times.”
Who are those other men? We have written previously about one of them, Adam Aleman. Others under investigation include James Erwin and Rex Gutierrez. Guess what? All three of these bozos are past Red County bloggers! How do you like that?
Erwin’s Red County biography was even written by Aleman – and it is still available online! And Gutierrez offered this welcome to Postmus, which is still up on Red County, “On behalf of the Mayor and City Council of Rancho Cucamonga, we offer a huge Cucamonga bear hug to Bill Postmus, who made his new home here earlier this month.”
LOL! I would imagine all this stuff will be deleted soon. Print and save!
Earlier this month Red County publisher went after the O.C. Register’s Steven Greenhut – and he also ripped U.S. Representative Ron Paul. Greenhut drew Chip’s wraith because he dared to question U.S. militarism. Hanlon went ballistic and eventually blurted out that Paul was immoral, or something to that effect. Jeez Chippy – never mind the Libertarians, you have alleged criminals writing for you!
What a joke Red County is. It is no wonder the California GOP is in tatters…
UPDATE: Red County publisher Chip Hanlon has assured me, in an email, that none of these guys currently blog for him. I found an article by Erwin dating back to last November. Gutierrez last posted in 2007. And Aleman was the former editor of the Red County San Bernardino blog until he was arrested. There is no debating the fact that all three of these guys WERE Red County bloggers. They may not have been blogging currently, but then they had their hands full with their legal problems and the collapse of the political career of their patron, Bill Postmus.
The pages on Red County that mentioned these guys were deleted. We are providing cache copies of them in the embedded links above. Don’t forget that Red County also was a huge backer of disgraced former O.C. Sheriff Mike Carona.
The corruption among elected officials and their appointees in San Bernardino County the past few years surpasses the like corruption in Orange County in the 1970s’, and that ain’t easy! Of course we still seem to hold the title of the epicenter of white collar crime – non-profit boiler rooms and scams, the now collapsed sub-prime mortgage industry (Say, whatever happend to the Ameriquest blimp?)
I think some of these guys were O.C. imports. But perhaps the San Berdon Red guys are not as slick at hiding their crime as their O.C. counterparts…
“Greenhut drew Chip’s wraith because he dared to question U.S. militarism”
This coming from the Chicken Hawks like Matt Cunningham and Chip Hanlon.
Other than a alter boy gown, I’d like to know what uniform they ever wore, I exclude Jon fLIEShman, because we know he was widely photographed as Mike’s Boy. In his uniform of course, woinder if he wears it now?
Last time we spied him in his green jolly jumper was at Sheriff Hutchens swearing in ceremony. It was really a twilight zone moment with Mario Manero butchering the star strangled banner in the back ground, all that money on overtime for those Dep’s, and the jolly elf in his green weenie outfit all hangin out in the belly.