Connecting the dots. Formation of a Mission Viejo school district?

Investigative reporting can be a real challenge when you are searching for a paper trail to snuff out a stealth government agency objective. What makes this more complex is when we are crossing over jurisdictions such as potential city council member involvement regarding school districts for which they have no jurisdiction or powers.
Thanks to Jonathan Volzke and the Capistrano Dispatch for their July 7th story regarding the city of Mission Viejo, which I just read.
Included in his story, which follows below, is a link to a June 23rd, 2009 letter from our city attorney to Dr. Roberta Mahler, Ed. D Interim Superintendent of Schools (CUSD).
While the transparent support for the letter might relate to a debate over Mission Viejo student busing concerns one could also use some of the requested demographic data for the formation of a new school district.

i.e. Page 2, item 4 of Bill Curley’s letter reads in part:
 “Any and all writings,….regarding the demographic data of students who attended and will attend Barcelona Hills Elementary School, Bathgate Elementary School, Castille Elementary School, Carl Hankey School, Philip Reilly Elementary School, Viejo Elementary School, Newhart Middle School, and Capistrano High School during school years 2007-2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009, and 2009-2010.”

Following is the Capistrano Dispatch story dated July 07, 2009

Well, This is Curious…

The city of Mission Viejo has filed a public-records request with the Capistrano Unified School District, asking for information regarding boundaries for schools in that city, as well as for information about the district’s decision-making process and scope of authorities, etc. It also asks for demographic information.

I need to put in a call and see what that’s about. Mission Viejo, of course, is one of two cities (along with Rancho Santa Margarita) suing the district about whether school officials acted properly when bus routes were dramatically scaled back.

Not to suggest it’s related, but there was also some move earlier that briefly investigated whether Mission Viejo schools could be removed from Capistrano and put into Saddleback. There’s an email about it, and the Orange County Department of Education confirmed a couple of trustees met with officials there to discuss the process.

It’s very complicated, I was told; so much so, OCDE would have to research it throughout the state to see exactly how it could be done. Remember, it’s more than just a paper move — taxpayers in CUSD have paid for those buildings, etc., and the district would have to be paid some amount. IF Saddleback was even interested. Best I knew at the time, the city of Mission Viejo was not involved.

OCDE said they never heard back after that initial meeting, which was a while back. (I will dig up those notes.)

But draw your own conclusions. Here’s the letter.

Posted by Jonathan Volzke”

Gilbert note: This follow up to my prior post is to open our eyes to potential backlash, related costs and challenges from those living outside Mission Viejo should someone trigger creation of a Mission Viejo school district.

About Larry Gilbert